Okay before you say anything about me copying, I am not copying. I recently just found out that someone has already did a story with the title "Bloody Riot" and is also an MHA fanfic. No, I am definitelyย not copying. I joined Wattpadย November 2, 2020. You can even see it on my profile. No, I do not have any older accounts.ย ThomasClifford5.ย For he is the one who had the first story of his version of the Bloody Riot. We are not collaborating at all as his story is a KiriMina fanfic and mine is a KiriBaku fanfic. Please do not say that I'm copying Mr. Clifford as I have never knew that he had a story with the title "Bloody Riot". His story is first as it was created in 2019 while my story is created 2020. The reason why I'm making this is because a friend of mine was searching for my story and told me that there was another person who had their story with the title "Bloody Riot". I'm just an average student who just makes stories for fun. So please do not mistake me for copying. All my stories can be inspired or are original. Thank you.
