Tim and Damian

Warning! Major Character death in the beginning! You have been Warned!

Damian now the age eleven was happily playing with Titus at Gotham Central Park. When he throws the balls, Titus chases it immediately.

Grayson had errands to run in the city and was happy enough to drop off Damian at the park. So he waits for his older brother to be done while he was enjoying himself playing with the great Dane.

It's been almost a year since Jason had given Titus to Damian. And felt he was a perfect companion to have. He couldn't thank Jason enough.

Damian takes him wherever he goes, he takes him when he wanders around the manor when he takes naps and takes him to bed with him.

He even sometimes sneaks him when he patrols Gotham. The two would be known as Robin and the Bat-Hound.

Titus means the world to Damian.

Once Titus came back to Damian with the ball, he once again took it from the Great Dane and threw the ball as far as he can. But Damian realized what a mistake he has done by throwing it too far.

In slow motion, Damian watched the ball landed in the middle of the street and Titus heading straight for it.

"TITUS! COME BACK HERE NOW! FORGET THE BALL " Yelled Damian, as he ran for his dog.

Titus usually listens to Damian when he summons him, even if Titus gets distracted chasing a squirrel, he still will listen to his master. But for some reason, he wasn't listing.

So Damian tried to yell for Titus to come back again, but he noticed something that was across the street that the ball was near to.

It was the Bloody boy standing across the street. Watching them.

Oh no Damian thought to himself. This can't be happening.

Once Titus grabbed the ball, the poor creature didn't notice the car heading straight for him.


Damian was shocked by what just happened in front of him. His dog was hit. His best friend...

He immediately ran to the crash site.

Once he reached his dog, Titus was not in good shape at all. He was bleeding everywhere and whimpering in pain.

" Oh my god Kid, are you alright? I'm so sorry for hitting your dog. He just came out of nowhere."

He ignored the young adult driver. The one who was responsible for hitting his dog. He did not want to waste his energy on this horrible human being who was responsible for severely injuring his dog.

What was more important for Damian is to be by his dog's side.

"Nooooo. Titus, please don't leave.... A year isn't enough, you are supposed to be by my side forever," Damian whimpered to the great Dane's face.

" SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME !" Cried Damian as he looked around and noticed people are watching him horrified by the scene in front of them.

And he still noticed that the Bloody Boy was still watching them.

"Oh god Damian," a familiar called to him. Once he looks to see who the voice belonged too, it was his older brother. Grayson who looked terrified what he had witnessed.

" Please Grayson.... Help me.."


Titus didn't survive the hit. After four weeks Damian stayed in his room most of the time and barely ate.

Nothing will ever be the same after that dreadful day at the park for Damian Wayne.


In the rain, Damian waits outside while holding an umbrella for his father or Alfred to pick him up after seeing a therapist.

Recently Damian feels with his new therapist isn't helping him that much. He told his therapist he blamed the bloody boy for causing his dog's death but he doesn't believe him. His therapist believes it was just an accident caused by his dog excitement for chasing a ball.

But the therapist doesn't know Titus as he does, Damian thought to himself. He trained his dog to listen and behave pretty well.

He also told Grayson and Father that the Bloody Boy was the one that killed Titus. But they didn't believe him either. He was so heartbroken when they didn't believe him because they helped him a lot whenever he had a sleep paralysis episode.

Their reasoning for not believing him was they thought that Damian blamed himself for his dog's death. And blaming the Bloody Boy that caused him so many trauma and sleepless nights is a way of coping and something to blame. So he didn't tell anybody else what he saw because he is too afraid to be judged and not to be believed in.

He also hasn't been taking the higher dosage of his medication for a week that his therapist subscribed to him. It made him feel sick and restless, skittish. So he lied to his therapist that he has been taking it and feeling better. But he has a feeling his therapist doesn't believe him.


By hearing his name, he looked up to see Tim waiting in the car for him. He was not pleased to know that Drake of all people was picking him up. But it is better than his father who always wants to know details for what he discussed about to his therapist.

After driving for awhile Damian noticed that his brother wasn't taking them to their route back home.

" Um, Drake this is not that way back home."

" I know that brat, but Bruce asked me to get some ice cream with you since you been stuck in the manor for a while and barely come out of your room. The only time you leave the manor is seeing your therapist," replied Tim.

"Ugh! Fine let's just get this over with", Damian replied annoyedly as he looked out the window not wanting to have a furthermore conversation.

While the two were eating ice cream, Darke was acting pretty awkward, Damian had noticed. Timothy looked like he wanted to say something to but remained quiet.

After the two finished their ice cream they headed back to the car. Once inside Tim finally spoke up.

" So. Damian um. I know you aren't feeling the best after Titus died."

" Drake..." signed Damian. " I Don...

"Before you interrupt me... Listen to me, Damian. I know that you haven't been taking the medication that your therapist subscribed to you ." Timothy said very seriously.

Once he heard those words come out of his older brother's mouth he was shocked. Shocked that Timothy found out.

In reply not wanting to confirm that Tim was right he replied," What are you talking about? Of course, I have been taking them. Why would I stop taking them if it helps me feel better." Damian said quickly.

" Cut the bullshit, Damian. You have been acting very off so I had to see for myself... So I looked through your room and in your bathroom I found two empty medication bottles hidden in your trash can."

Damian glared at Tim and was very upset that he looked through his room. Why did it have to be Drake to be the one to find out that he wasn't taking his medication.

Enraged he replied, " How dare you, Drake! How fucken dare you look through my room! Why can't you leave me alone! Why can't anyone leave me alone! You, Jason, Alfred, Grayson, and Father! I can't stand it anymore!"

" Damian...," Drake said seriously. " The reason for our family bothering you it is because we care about you and don't want you to get hurt. That being said it is not okay that you haven't been taking your medication. You can't stop taking it cold turkey, that's very unhealthy"!

Damian Wayne looked at his side window once again, as Timothy continued speaking. He can't stand it when Drake lectured him. He couldn't look at him in the face if he does he would probably punch him in the face that will most likely cause him to be grounded by his father.

As Damian was about to interrupt his brother again, he stopped instantly once he noticed something watching him outside his window...

Outside the car window watching the current Robin was the bloody boy ...

Damian was so frightened that it was back. The bloody boy is just not only haunting to him when he sleeps but it is also haunting him when he is awake. The last time it appeared when he was awake was Titus's death.

Does that mean is it going to kill him too? And finish him off once in for all? Damian thought to himself.

He no longer heard His brother's voice speaking to him. The only thing he hears now was the rapid noise from his heart....

Thump, Thump Thump

Tims Pov

As Damien looked out his side window, Drake noticed his little brother wasn't Listening to him anymore. Frustrated, Tim was about to ask for his attention again he noticed Damian looked pale as a ghost and staring at something outside. So he looks at the direction that Damian was looking at and saw nothing.

Timothy wondered what was making Damian feel so scared?

" Damian are you all right ?" Drake asked his younger brother as he gently shakes his little shoulder.

Damien looked at Tim very quickly and stuttered, "Yes everything's fine. Let's just head home already, please? I'm not in the mood to talk anymore."

Drake knew something was very wrong with that reply. Using his detective skills Timothy realized what is most likely bothering the Demon Brat, " Damian, is it the bloody boy here right now? Do you see him outside right now ?"

The reason why Tim asked as he thought to himself was the conversation he had with Dick earlier that week, about Damian. How Dick told him that Damian was secretly blaming himself for his dog's death and using the bloody boy as a way to blame someone.

But seeing Damian acting so frightened and staring at nothing he is not so sure that Dick is right about this one.

But Damian said nothing to Tim. He figured that he doesn't want to be let down again like how it happened with Dick and Bruce

"Just drop it, Drake, please"

" Of course I'm not going to drop it, Damian. if it's bothering you that much then I believe you Okay? I believe that you see him."

The look Damian gave him broke his heart. He looked so relieved that someone finally believed him.

Tim regrets hating him in the beginning, that he used to wish that Damian should of went back to Talia and his grandfather.

So he put his arm around the demon brat's shoulder and said, "Damian I'm not going to let it hurt you okay. So listen to my voice as we drive back home."

As Tim felt a node, he started the car and instantly drove back home.

Once they got back home, Tim noticed that Damian finally had the courage to look outside.

" Do you see it outside? Did it follow us back home?" Tim asked curiously.

"No, I don't... But, thank you, Timothy, for helping me," replied Damian.

Tim Smiles Softly knowing that his little brother was alright for now. But they were still not done talking.

" You know back to the medicine situation that we discussed earlier. Please take them, Damian, it's just the side effects that are most bothering you but it's going to go away in time so please do it for me and our family."

Damian looked defeated and was knowing that Tim wasn't going for a no for an answer.

"All right I'll continue taking it. But just please don't tell anybody else about this. Then I promise I'll start taking them again."

Tim was very satisfied to hear Damian say those words.

"Alright then. let's go back inside now, I'm starving! I wonder what Alfred has cooked up for us today?"

Before they got inside Tim realized something. " Wait! Didn't you just say my first name out loud, after you thanked me ?"

Damian gave Tim a scowl, and knew with that facial expression, he was right on what he heard.

" Don't be ridiculous Drake. I think it's just all in your head."
