Damian and Dick

This is set during the first month after Bruce supposed death. Dick Grayson was the first to find out about Damian's sleep paralysis situation.....

Grayson and Damian started to get along after a month went by. But Damian still didn't have the courage to tell him about his sleeping situation when he sees the Bloody Boy which he nicknamed the shadow figure. The reason for not telling him or anyone else in the batfamily is he didn't want to appear weak. Afraid that he isn't good enough to be Robin. But sadly nothing ever goes his way.

After helping to stop a breakout in Arkham as Batman and Robin , Damian heads straight to his room. And regretting when he gets ready for bed, knowing very well what he is going to see middle of the night.

He should get used to it by now. Seeing The Bloody Boy when he wakes up middle of the night. But sadly he doesn't. So he sucked it up and climbed onto his bed and laid there as he slowly awaits for sleep... 


Later that night....

As usual he wakes up in the middle of the night. In the corner of the room, he sees the Bloody Boy.

He whimpers when he sees it, slowly flowing towards him. But before it came closer to him, the door of his bedroom door opened and revealed Grayson.

From the corner of his eye, it looks like he was checking up on him to see if he was all right after the breakout in Arkham. But the older brother noticed Damian's eyes were wide open and looked very still. "Damian? Are you alright?" Grayson asked which in return Damian didn't answer. But was able to reply in a whimper. With Dick hearing that, he knew something is wrong with Damian.

When he turned on the light the Bloody Boy went back to its dark corner.

Then Dick asked his little brother, " Damian can you move or speak at all?" But was answered by silence once again. Then an idea popped into his head and asked his little brother," Blink yes if you can hear me," This time Damian was able to reply to him with a blink.

"Okay.. umm you aren't able to move at all", and Damian blinked once again.

"Okay baby bat, I'm going to try sitting you up and hopefully that helps you to be able to move again, okay ?" Grayson told Damian unsure this will work or not.

Then he slowly lifted Damian's head and once he was in a sitting position, Grayson put him onto his lap. Looks of it Damian was finally becoming more aware of his surroundings and was able to move again. Once able to move he noticed the Bloody Boy was long gone.

Damian snuggled closer to his older brother's chest, not wanting to move from his older brother's lap. "Grayson," Damian said tiredly to his older brother.

" I'm here Damian. I got you. "

After that incident, Damian's older brother sent him to Leslie Thompkins to find out what was causing him not to be able to move at night. She believed what he is experiencing is sleep paralysis. But referred them to a psychologist to confirm the diagnosis.

After seeing the psychologist and officially confirming his diagnosis, Damian felt so relieved finding out what he was dealing with. He was not going crazy or believing a ghost was haunting him.

Dick believes what most likely caused Damian to have sleep paralysis was from the stress that was most likely caused by the Emotional and psychological abuse by his mother and Grandfather.

After seeing the psychologist, they both rode back home. During the car ride, both remain silent until Grayson finally spoke up to Damian. " How come... You decide to keep it to yourself and didn't tell anyone? You know I care about you right?" Grayson said.

Damian knew that his older brother cared about him but he was too afraid to tell him because he doesn't want to appear weak. All his life he was taught that emotions are a weakness. If he told his mother or grandfather about the Bloody Boy he would most likely get killed and replaced for showing such a weakness. He was afraid of the thought of replacement by a clone and that's why he never bothered for telling anyone about his sleep paralysis.

Based on his body language he was showing to his older brother, Dick knew that Damian was afraid to show weakness.

" Damian it's okay to show emotion and feel scared. It's not always a bad thing"

" I know that Grayson but... I can't.." Damian said as he struggled to find the right words to tell his older brother. " All my life I have been raised to never show weakness and not feel any emotion by my mother and grandfather. That's why I never told anyone about my sleep paralysis."

Damian turned to look outside the passenger window too afraid to meet Dick's eyes. Then he continued speaking.

" I'm happy that you found out and now I finally know what I have. And I couldn't thank you enough."

Dick looked very stunned that his little brother opened up to him and told him how he felt.

" Aw Dami ! I'm always here for you when you need me. And never be afraid to tell me how you feel or talk about the Bloody Boy you see at night. As your older brother, it's my job to protect and guide you. Got it? "

Damian blushed to himself by hearing his older brother telling him this. " Also if you want Damian, if it makes you feel better you can sleep in my room or I can sleep in yours to help you not feel alone when dealing with your sleep paralysis."

" I'll Think about," Damian replied to his older brother.

That very night Damian slept in his older brother's bedroom and for once felt safe.
