Bruce and Damian

Summary:  Damian doesn't care that Dick and Bruce lied to them and faked Dick's death. All that matters, is that Dick is alive and that he's returned....

He hasn't seen the Bloody boy for awhile. Dick used to help Damian to feel safer when he goes to bed in the beginning but since he is taking certain medication and talking to a therapist he can peacefully sleep alone.

But Damian had a gut feeling that he will see the Bloody Boy tonight since coming back from seeing his mother.


He has a feeling that his mother is most likely the trigger to see the Bloody Boy .

Before he left his mother, she revealed a artificial womb that held his clone inside. He felt so heartbroken to know it was true. That the moment if he ever fails or betrays his mother that he will be replaced.

So instead of going to bed, Damian was sketching on his desk and using that as a way to stay up at night.

Dick wasn't living back at the manor with Damian anymore since Bruce returned. But Damian didn't feel so comfortable to ask his father to go to sleep with him.

He has two choices. Stay up all night or go see his father. Damian was so emotionally drained and all he really wants to do is rest and curl up in his bed. So he guess has no choice but go for option two by going to see his father.

Damian opened the door of the master bedroom. Where his father laid on the bed. Once he stepped into the room, his father sat up instantly.

" Damian ? Is everything all right," Bruce asked his son.

The moment Damian made eye contact with his father he looked away. He felt so embarrassed showing how weak he is but he feels so exhausted and just wants someone to sleep with. So when he is unable to move and see the Bloody Boy he will have someone to help him.

"I.. I um...." Damian stuttered, trying to find the right words to ask his father. " Can I sleep with you tonight? After seeing mother before we came back home um...." Damian closed his eyes and paused for a moment. Afraid that his father might look down on him for appearing so weak.

Then after pausing for awhile he had the courage to speak to his father again." I don't want to sleep alone tonight father, because I don't want to see the Bloody Boy tonight. I assume you know about my sleep paralysis situation. Since Grayson most likely was the one who told you when you returned back to us after being stuck in time."


Bruce looked to his son and answered, " Yes he told me, but it's nothing to be ashamed about Damian."

Bruce moved his blankets to the side for Damian and replied once more, " With that being said of course Damian. You can sleep on my bed with me."

Satisfied with his answer, Damian climbed onto the bed on the left side of his father. With a whispered and hoping his father didn't hear them, " Thank you."

Then he closed his eyes and feel into a deep slumber.





As Bruce watched his son sleep. He stroked his hair gentle from his face. He cursed Talia for taking his childhood away from him. The Sleep paralysis that Damian suffers was most likely caused by the trauma the al Ghul's unleashed upon him.

As well as the thought of what type of mother disowns their own child just for not being the way they want them to be. Damian was completely cut off from the Al Ghul's. And Talia threatened Damian if he every shows his face again in any of the League of Assassins bases they will kill him.

Remembering hearing Talia say that to their son before they left back to Gotham... He really wanted to not care about his no kill rule. Just kill Talia and Ra's for causing Damian so much pain.

But now Damian is officially under his care, Bruce realized. Now his son is with a family that will love him and give him a real childhood. Away from the abuse .

Bruce continue to watch his son sleep and stroke his hair. Then once the clock struck at 3 am, Damian's eyes flew open instantly. His eyes looked at his left side as if someone was there, standing next to the bed. Breathing very heavily.

Bruce assumed that he was seeing the Bloody boy again . Didn't want his son to stay paralyzed any longer he turned on the light on his bedside table and looked back to his son and shook him very gently. Then held onto him so he can lay him over onto his chest exactly over his heart.

"shhh . Damian no need to be afraid I am right here." Bruce told his son who was finally able to move again and wrapped his arms around his father.

" Father, I'm sorry. Sorry that you are dealing with this and showing you such emotions." Damian told his father in tears.

" Damian there is no need for an apology. It's not always a bad thing to show your emotions in front on people. It's a good thing just to let it out and not hold it to yourself", Bruce answered as he gently rocked his son back and forth.

" Just go back to sleep your body needs rest."

" I don't want go back sleep. I don't want to wake up again and not to be able to move or speak. I hate it so much when it happens... I'm so tired of feeling so hopeless", Damian whimpered to his father.

Bruce looked down to his youngest, feeling so heartbroken and hopeless to not to be able to stop his sleep paralysis permanently. He needed to find a way to help his son sleep better tonight.

Then an idea popped into his head. He will sing him a lullaby song . Damian may be a little old for it, but when he had nightmares as a young child his mother would sing him lullabies to help him go back to sleep and it worked.

" Damian how about I sing you a lullaby?" asked Bruce. Damian looked up to his father as if he said it in a different language he didn't understand.

" isn't that for babies and young children? Tt, Im too old for that I'm no child." said Damian as he sniffed.

" For one you are still a child, and please Damian.It might help. My mother used to sing to me when I was scared to go back to sleep" Bruce answered his son as he tried to adjust both of them to get more comfortably on the bed.

Damian looked up to his father once more and scoffed, " Fine... But tell nobody?"

Bruce smiled to his son and answered, " Got it" . Bruce tried to think of a good song what could help his son feel safe and comfortable. He thought of one song he remembered from a Disney movie he watched with Jason when he used to be robin . It was when Jason had a bad cold and he decide to skip patrol that day to spend time with him. Once he remembered the words to the song he sang to his son ,

" Come stop your crying,"

It will be alright

Just take my hand

And hold it tight

I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here

Don't you cry

For one so small,

You seem so strong

My arms will hold you,

Keep you safe and warm

This bond between us

Can't be broken

I will be here

Don't you cry

Cause you'll be in my heart"

As Bruce finally finished singing he looked down to his son. Was satisfied to see Damian fast asleep.
