The first time I saw It....


After watching the new hit Netflix series called the haunting of hill house, I was inspired by the character Nell how she saw the bent neck lady. So if you haven't watched the show this story might have minor spoilers. But you don't have to watched the show to understand what is going on this story. So I hope you all enjoy!!!!

I remembered the first day when I started to see the shadow figure that was a shape of a boy with a sword through its chest when I was the age of five.....


Damian entered his chambers after a long day of brutal training with his grandfather, to show his progress. It didn't end well, as he winced by touching his bandaged back

"He whipped me pretty rough today. Next time I won't fail him again. I must push myself harder. Need to become the best assassin to be able to become the next Demon Head", Damian said to himself.

He slowly climbed onto his bed and laid onto his back. Regretted immediately for trying to sleep in that position and forgetting about today wounds he received. But didn't have the courage to move and felt like he deserved this pain for humiliating his Grandfather in front of many respected people in the League and his mother. He can't help but whimpered to himself by remembering those harsh words his mother said to him before he was sent to the healers.

"I'm very disappointed in you Damian. You humiliated me and your Grandfather today and I can't not have that. Mark my words if you don't meet up with what is expected from you.I can easily replace you if you fail me once again. Remember that."

Trying to forget those hurtful words his mother told him earlier today, he focused by listing to the rain outside his window to help fall asleep faster. His eyes fluttered shut and then was meant with a dreamless dream....


When he woke again, Damian could still tell it was still nighttime by the looks of it by the moonlight illuminating through his window. Though something felt very off. Was the league under attack again? No, there is no sound of fighting outside his chambers. Attempting to get up he realized he couldn't move. And attempted again and no avail. And kept trying.

His heart was pounding and was so confused why this was happening to him. Then felt something dripped onto his face.

He was too scared to look up but he needed to know what was dripping onto his face. So he slowly looked up to his ceiling and then he saw it. Floating above him was a shadow figure shape of a boy. Then realized what was dripping on his face was blood that was coming out from its sword pierced chest.

He never felt so scared and knew he couldn't try to run away based on the state he was in. He had no choice but look into its white glowing eyes. Then the shadow creature opened its mouth so wide and let out a banshee sound like scream and couldn't help himself but silently screaming with it.


After that incident he decided he will keep this information to myself. Not wanting to appear weak in front of his Grandfather and mother. So he dealt with it and suffered every night seeing it. 
