Jason and Damian

Summary: Damian found out about the bounty on his head that was created by his mother which lead to an argument with his father for keeping that information from him. Which lead him to run off while Nightwing is off with a mission with the Titans and Alfred on vacation to England to visit family. Which leads Damian to have no left to turn to until he meets a certain someone.

Damian entered an empty safe house that was located in Crime Alley. He was satisfied to find the safe house empty and secured after he looked around to make sure there were no intruders.

After feeling satisfied, Damian heads straight to the kitchen to see if there was any food. He was disappointed by not finding anything to eat but was happy to find some coffee grounds and a coffee maker. Once he finished making his coffee he headed for the couch in the living room.

Damian looks up to the ceiling as he comfortably laid on the couch. He particularly didn't want to fall asleep, the reason being is that Richard was off-world and usually was one the one he goes to see to sleep at night peacefully when Bruce is off to a mission with the Justice League.

Since that argument with his father, he has no one he is comfortable to stay with.

So Damian decided to go have an all nighter tonight. He is not in the mood to see the appreciation of the Bloody Boy if he goes to bed. He curses his mother for some reason being the one that triggers it.

Lost in his thoughts, he sat up instantly when he heard the window opened. Standing out of the window was no other than Jason Todd in his Red Hood gear minus the helmet .

" So this is where you are hiding," Jason said to Damian.

" How did you find me? Also, why are you the one looking for me Todd!" Damian replied to the former Robin.

" Well once you went missing Bruce informed Dick that you left the manor and asked him to call me since we aren't in good terms right now, to help him look for you. The only reason I said yes was that Dickie bird explained about the situation you are going through and

" I don't need help from you Todd!" yelled Damian, " I can handle it by myself."

Jason looked toward the kitchen and noticed two empty coffee cups on the counter, Then look back at Damian.

" Kid, do you really think staying up all night and drinking coffee is going to help you?"

Damian stayed silent. Taking advantage of the silence Jason continued speaking

" Anyways I managed to find you because I asked Oracle to locate you and she managed to find you by hacking into the cameras around Gotham."

Damian scowled by knowing how they located him and was angry at himself for not remembering the surveillance cameras that Barbara can easily hack too. He blamed his anger caused by his father to cloud his mind when sneaking away.

Jason stilled continued speaking to Damian, " Even Though Damian we don't get along or spend time as much. No kid deserves to feel unsafe when going to bed or seeing things at night. So yes I'm going to help you."

Damian looked into his brother's eyes. For the first time felt relaxed and not threatened to know that Jason is not as bad as he thought he was.

" Do you really mean that ?" Damian questioned Jason and was worried if Jason was only doing it to just shut up Grayson.

" Yes, I do Damian. Even though you are a pain in the ass I still care for you. Now for that being, I got something for you. If our family members aren't around to help you sleep at night this present will hopefully help you. Just going to head back to my place real quick and get that gift for you."

After Jason was gone for 15 minutes he back with a black puppy in his arms. Damian's eyes became wide to see to the puppy. He always liked dogs and many other animals.

" Is that really for me ?" Damian asked Jason who handed the puppy carefully to Damian.

" Found this little guy earlier today in an alleyway near my apartment. Poor puppers was abandoned and sadly my place is a no pets allowed zone so I was going to send him to a rescue shelter tomorrow morning but since Dick called me I thought he would be perfect for you."

As Damian held the puppy carefully he looked into its eyes with pure love, in return, the puppy licked his face. Damian smiled to himself already loving his new companion.

Damian looked back at his older brother, " Thank you, Todd... I really appreciate it"

Jason looked stunned when Damian thanked him but took that as a start of their new relationship, " No problem kid. had you thought of a name for it ?" As Jason sat next to Damian on the couch.

Damian looked back into the puppy's eyes, " I shall call him Titus."

That night Damian and Jason fell asleep from watching movies peacefully. In the morning Damian headed back home and Bruce was not pleased that his son brought a dog with him but couldn't say no to his youngest son. But the two talked about the bounty which leads Damian to forgive his father but threaten him to never lie to him again. The end.
