Part 1?

A/N This is just a teaser of what I wrote coming off of a story prompt, if you like it and would like to see it continued and see what happens drop a vote or comment. If i get enough i'll finish the story off. Anyways on to the story, I hope you like it.

"Are you insane?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

I wake from a harrowing nightmare, my pjamas and sheet soaked with sweat. I drag my hands down my face wiping both sweat and tear from it. I look over to the clock to see it's 3am, I've only been asleep for two hours. This has been a regular occurance ever since that tragic day and worse this last week leading up to the anniversary of his death.

We were a duo, high flying adreniline junkies. We conquered some of the most dangerous stunts and was front cover of stunt magazines on and off for the last three years ever since the jump off the Emprie State Building that landed us in jail for six months. We'd known each other since pre school, and best friends since the middle of primary school. If you saw one of us the other was sure to be close.

Adrien was always the shy one, he hated the parties, the attention, the fame. I would often find him hiding away in a room or the toilets at the parties or chilling on the porch with a beer on his own. Myself I loved the attention we got, we were the typical kids that teachers loved to tell would never make anything of themselves with their antics.

Let me back track and explain the rise and the... fall of what has come to invade my dreams every day for nearly the last year. It was early June and we had just finished our latest spate of crazy stunts, from walking between buildings along ropes to freeclimbing up some of the most impossible surfaces, you name it we'd attempt it if we thought it was possible. We'd just landed back at Gatwick, got our luggage and jumped into the waiting van to take us back home. Being a four hour ride I settled in to catch up on some e-mails, something we don't have much time for while we're out stunting. As I log in to check them a high priority mail blinks catching my eye with the subject: CHALLENGE OF A LIFETIME. The sender is anonymous and I should have known better but curiosity got the better of me.

Sender Unknown <>

Thus 01/06/2017, 22:16

To: [email protected]


Adreniline Duo,

Let me first congratulate you on your success of many stunts that even some die hard junkies wouldn't even dare. I've been watching you for many years, following every one of your stunts from the very beginning. To say i'm impressed would be an understatement, you show such fearlessness and a severe death wish.

For many years I have had one of the most dangerous stunts in mind one that would make an andreniline junkie a legend with their named carved into history. I have been watching the stunt scene looking for the perfect person to carry out this stunt and you have been my favourites. With your recent stunts you have proven you have what i believe it takes to pull this stunt off and mark your names as historical stunt artists.

I am in a position to offer you this once in a lifetime opportunity, you will be fully catered for and anything you need to assist in becoming ready for the stunt will be at your disposal without limits. I will remain anonymous until you complete the stunt should you successfully complete it, if you fail my name will not be important to you anyway.

You will recieve another e-mail in exactly one week's time detailing flight and catering arrangements for your stay and further details will be recieved upon arrival should you accept my offer of this challenge.

Mr. A

Very strange was my first thoughts upon reading this, I read it over a couple more times before nudging adrien in the ribs to wake him up.

"What the hell dude?" he snaps out rubbing his ribs. I place the laptop onto his lap pointing at the screen not finding the words to explain my thoughts. Watching his face scrunch up and his brows furrow as he reads it a couple of times before turning to me with a smirk slowly crawling onto the lips. "Are you thinkng what I'm thinking?"

"You want to know what this stunt is don't you, we've done some of the craziest shit there is to do and someone is saying there's something even crazier."

"You bet your ass I do. Every stunt has always felt like it was leading up to something great, this could be our ticket to hero status."

I ponder on these thoughts for a few "It sounds like it's dangerous, 'if you fail my name will not be important to you anyway' sounds kind of suspicious. They make it sound like failure means we're not coming back.."

"What stunt doesn't carry that risk to some extent, and since when did you ever consider the risk of death when it comes to a stunt. How many times have you talked me into a stunt I was unsure of, and now you're the one wanting to back out."

"I'm not backing out of anything! I'm just saying it sounds ominous"

"We've got a week til we know more lets just enjoy the break get some rest and see what happens when we get the next e-mail." Shoving the laptop back towards me before leaning against the window falling asleep again.

Browsing through the rest of my e-mails from the last two weeks finding nothing else of interest I shove it back into my bag slouching into the seat closing my eyes falling into a light peaceful sleep, helped along with the soft hum of the van's engine.

Opening my eyes I quickly close them again lifting a hand to shield them from the early morning rays as I look out the window realizing we're almost home. Watching the all to familiar backroads of town twist and turn I have this heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach that this is the last time we're gonna be back here together. A few minutes later and we're pulling up towards to the gate seeing two great danes loping over barking at us. Jumping from the van as it stops I race across the short distance dropping to my knees greeted by their drooling tongues licking my cheeks with excitement.

Slipping in through the side gate grabbing the 2 leashes hanging on the side clipping it their collars I hit the keys to open the gates allowing the van entry to the property. As adrien steps down from the still open side I'm pulled up the drive with a jar on my shoulder as Rylee and Tyler try to race over to their second favourite person in the world. With Adrien firmly on the ground i release their leashes letting them bound the remainder of the distance tumbling him over to the ground smothering him in wet slobbering kisses. Side stepping around the commotion on the floor I grab my bag hurrying into the house dropping the bag at the foot of my bed craving the hot water my shower always welcomes me with. Stripping away the layers I've been wearing for the last two days I step into the shower flicking it on, shuddering at the initial blast of freezing cold water water replaced moments later by the scalding temperatures I'm accustomed to rinsing my body of the dirt and grime of the stunts over the last three days.

A relaxing half hour later and many tense muscles later I step out of the shower wrapping my favourite towel around me heading back into the bedroom to find my girlfriend of two year Bexy lounging on my bed, honestly I dont know why she's still with me. It's a never ending cycle of me and Adrien disappearing to some corner of the world every month or so sometimes for weeks on end but she never complains and she's always here to greet me when I get back. She refuses to travel with us in fear she'll distract me and it's hard to be away from her but it's moments like this I love. Same as every time i get back, dump my bag and shower and when i get out she's waiting on the bed with a towel in hand to dry and take care of me. It annoyed me at first her want to do this like she was little more than a maid to tend to me but over time it has become an intimate moment of reconnecting. She dries me off before tenderly massaging my rugged muscles followed by the rest of the day sleeping entangled in each other's limbs.

Later that evening we head out to the local restaurant to celebrate yet another tour of stunts. As we enter town pulling up outside a small crowd is on the street with the latest Adreniline Junky Monthly in their hands. Some of these people will have been here since we got back into town waiting for us to show up. This is part of our routine, the evening we get back is a celebration at Ricardo's. Stepping out of the the car with a wave for our loyal fans some familiar, some new we head over quickly signing the covers and posing for a few selfies before heading in to our table.

Ricardo was the school bully through secondary school but after he got accepted in culinary school he sorted out many of his anger issues opting to tenderise a steak instead of someone's face. He's been a true and loyal friend ever since he opened the restaurant and the day we return he reserves the slightly secluded table in the corner for us to allow for some privacy while we celebrate. As we head into the small lobby earlier a loud squeal comes from the kitchen as a small pixie like teen comes racing over "Adrien! You're back, Hi Julian."

"Hi Lucy." We reply in unison. Lucy, Ricado's kid sister has had a thing for Adrien ever since the first time they were introduced. Since the tender age of sixteen she was smitten with Adrien and three years later they finally admitted their feelings for each other when Adrien had his first ever serious accident during a stunt and he spent a week in a coma, one no one knew if he would even recover from. Taking a step back I narrowly avoid being kicked in the groin as she leaps into his arms being swung around by him. Dropping from his arms and with me and Bexy in tow she drags Adrien over to our table sitting down beside him as we sit opposite.

Returning home after catching up Ricardo and Lucy filling them in on our latest antics we return back to the welcoming comfort of a night's sleep in our own beds, thankful that Adrien sleeps the other end of the house and won't keep us awake with his welcome home routine.

A week later as we return from our latest interview with Adreniline Junky Monthly ready for next month's front cover story both of our phones ping, a shared glance between us as we both slowly reach and swipe our screens opening another message from the anonymous sender.
