Part 4

A/N I feel in two minds with this story, it was only ever meant to be a short story but I feel as if somehow had the outcome been different this may have become full story.

   The first day we had Lucas drive us around taking in the sights allowing us time to fully enjoy the island in which we was staying on. We decided on a trip to Ladder Bay taking in the breathtaking views as we descend the more than 800 steps to the rocky shoreline that once was the only access to the island. We took the opportunity of the fine day to take a short walk along the shoreline due to the low tide allowing the breeze to wash over us. As the tide slowly starts to rise a couple of hours later we return to the steps climbing back up them to a waiting Lucas as he sits in the driver's seat with his paper and a drink. As we approach the van he carefully folds and puts his paper stepping out to open the door for us to get in. As he gets back into his seat starting the engine he turns to us with a beaming smile "How was the hike?"

In unison with smiles beaming back one word rolls off all of our tongues "Breathtaking."

"Same answer everyone who comes here says, even some who have been a few times are still taken away by the views." We all chuckle at the sparkle of delight in his eyes as he looks between us all. "Where to next?"

With a loud rumble filling the van "I need food." Lucy blushes out hiding her face in mock horror of the sound that escaped her.

With a hearty laugh Lucas pulls away taking us to a beautiful bistro restaurant where we invite him to join us, spending half of the journey convincing him to eat with us when we get there. As we approach the light begins to fade and the bistro is lit up with it's many string lights accentuating the beauty of the place. The food and wine was some of the best we had experienced in most of our travels. Lucy and Bexy enjoying the views with a glass in their hands as they lean at the edge of the balcony looking out.

The next few days was very similar, Lucas driving us to a sight or two during the day then experiencing the restaurants in the evening. The first time ever having our girls accompany us we wanted them to enjoy some of the luxury that accompanies our travel. As the 5th arrives we decide it's finally time to reveal the nature of our stunt, slowly opening the envelope and allowing the contents to slide over the kitchen island. A mass of photos with dates written over them scatter as they slide out creating a small collage of stunts that we have carried out over the past few years. Underneath all of the photos are a few pages stapled together along with a small selection of photos containing 08/07/2017 written on them. Bexy and Lucy gather up all of the photos of our previous stunts organizing them into chronological order looking through them together with amazement and wonder, glancing at us every now and then as they flip through them.

Slowly I take the pages lifting them up pulling the photos from the staple spreading them between me and Adrien. I read through the pages of paper with detailing of the stunt furrowing my brows at how in depth the explaination is, some of the stunt seems pretty simple but as I go through the pages things slowly become more and more deadly. A dreaded feeling settles in my stomach as my worst fears become a little more real, if this goes wrong one or both of us are not going home alive.

The whole stunt exhibition seems to consist of five parts, the first three are basic tasks obviously meant to warm up and get into the groove with the final two being the most procarious. I reread over the final two tasks tryign to fully ppicture in my mind the task at hand not liking the images of the many ways this can fail. After reading it for the final time with my hands tangled in my hair pulling it roughly i storm out of the kitchen down towards the edge of the beach with the waves laping up around my ankles. Slowly i sit down on the warm sand staring out watching the boats as they slowly sail the coastline.

Softly I feel familiar arms as they wrap themselves around my chest and the familiar scent of Bexy surrounds me as she lays her head on my shoulder kissing me softly on the cheek. "What's up babe?" she whispers softly into my ear.

"This was a stupid idea, this is a suicide mission." replaying the words in my head tears slowly begin to roll down my cheeks. Bexy tightens her hold around me sitting down pulling me tight into her chest holding me like it was the last time she ever would. We sit there for what seems like hours before Bexy slowly stands pulling me up with her softly pulling me back to villa, a soft smile plastered on her lips but her eyes tell me everything she's keeping hidden.

As we slowly walk back into the kitchen the look on both Adrien and Lucy's face mirrors my own feelings. What once seemed like an amazing opportunity has become our worst nightmare. After taking our seats all four of us sit and stare blankly at each other waiting for someone to talk. After a small yawn escapes Bexy I slowly stand taking her hand nodding silently to Adrien and Lucy before heading off to try and sleep.

The next day me and Adrien sent the girls off with Lucas under orders he was to make sure they had a day to remember. We descended down to the gym room taking a proper look at the equipment before sitting down with the details of the final two stunts slowly reading through them again, the basics were pretty simple to complete it was the situation in which we would carry them out that scared us the most. I've always been afraid of fire and there was a lot of this involved. Adrien's fear with sharp things especially when it comes to sharp rocks after the stunt that put him in a coma. We knew there was nothing we needed to be specifically training on but we needed to be set in the zone ready, building ourselves up for the day which was looming over us now like the thickest thundercloud ready to release it's earth shattering rumble.

The last few days leading up the stunt was a mix of blood sweat and tears slowly filling the gym room as we unleashed our anxiety on the gym room and listening to the calming but ever excited voices of Bexy and Lucy recounting everything they had done that day. Lucas had become a very good friend over the last couple of days taking them everywhere and anywhere he could think of that would keep their minds off the reason we was here.

Finally the day was upon us as we quietly sat around the kitchen island eating toast and drinking coffee. A small tap comes from the door, slowly rising we all head through and as I open the door a short middle aged bald man with sunglasses stand there uneasily in a full black suit and tie. The already warm temperature outside obviously taking its effect as he withdraws his handkerchief from his pocket and wipes the sweat clean from his head. "Adrien and Julian, the Adrenaline Duo I presume?" With a small nod of acknowledgement he continues, "I'm here to escort you for a full briefing before your stunts begin," We nod again and begin to step out. "The ladies are to remain, Lucas has been instructed to bring them nearer the time." The fears creeping even more under my skin as we turn to hug each other before Adrien and myself follow the short man out to the waiting car sliding into the back. With short waves to our girls stood looking worried at the door we're driven out of the drive and off to an unknown location on the island.

A few short minutes later we pull over next to a small field as we see a helicopter slowly approaching and landing in the field. "Keep your heads low and move quickly, Mr A doesn't like tardiness." With short nods from us he steps out opening the door nearest to it, we climb out ducking low against the beating winds from the propeller blades as we quickly wake our way over taking the offered hands to help us up into the cabin. Before we even have a chance to buckle ourselves in we're lifting away watching the small man become nothing more than ant next to the toy car as we're lifted to the very top of the island where a small secluded building peeks out from amongst the trees. We set down onto the helipad and are ushered in through the only door, down two flights of stairs and along a narrow corridor which opens out into a grand boardroom with one of the biggest screens I've ever seen against the far wall. We're lead to two seats at the large table that have papers placed in front of them. As we take our seats the room goes dark, all except for a small light just above us with enough light to see the papers as the screen comes to life with our name in large bold letters: ADRENALINE DUO.
