Part 3

A/N This has become a bit longer than i had originally planned it to be. I had originally planned this to only be 3 parts at most but as of now I am thinking this may have another 2 chapters to it.

I would like to say a thank you to those that have voted and commented. As a new writer publishing on here each view, vote and comment inspires me to continue.

  A couple of days before we were due to fly out to Saba Island we receive an e-mail containing a link to retrieve our tickets and arrangements for the villa. The usual nervous excitement this time replaced with uneasy confidence. Adrien and myself have been hitting our training harder than we ever have spending relentless hours in the gym room not giving time for our bodies or minds to relax. We stayed completely focused on the task at hand, preparing for the toughest stunt yet.

These last two days before the flight we allowed ourselves the privilege of a lighter training session allowing us time to rest our aching muscles and enjoy some time with friends and family before we depart. As of yet we have had no further communication from Mr A and with no way of contacting him all we could do is hope that everything was going to plan on his end.

Friday morning arrived and we was finalizing our packing for our two week trip, Lucy had just left to finish packing having spent the last two weeks stuck by Adrien's side when we haven't been training. As we start to move our bags towards the front door our manager's name flashes on my phone. Slightly hesitantly I slide the screen accepting the call putting it on speaker. "Hey Jimmy, what do we owe the pleasure?"

"Good morning to you too Julian, I want to prepare you for what to expect when you get to the airport later. Somehow it seems word has got around that you are off to a stunt, one of your biggest yet. There's already a large crowd waiting and the numbers are growing, airport security are working to contain the crowd but it seem having your girls along with you is drawing a lot of attention."

I take a few moments to let the information sink in, we've always had a small crowd of fans but for Jimmy to call us to prepare us this sounds like the biggest crowd yet. "Thanks for the warning Jimmy. We'll probably leave a few minutes late try to cut down on the time we're walking through. Hopefully we'll avoid too much commotion if we're quick passing through this time, we can have a larger greeting on the way back to celebrate."

"Okay, I'll arrange a greeting for your return. I'm sure you're busy getting yourselves ready, have a safe flight and I'll call you again in a few days to check up on you guys."

"Thanks Jimmy talk to you later." I disconnect the call as Adrien brings his final bag down to the door.

Having agreed with Ricardo we wouldn't fly out on empty stomachs with his distaste for in flight food, as soon as the van pulls in we quickly load everything up and we head over to the restaurant. Stepping inside the door all three of us roll our eyes at the pile of bags Lucy has waiting, I swear she has her entire wardrobe packed in there. Wanting to have a quiet meal Ricardo shut the restaurant cooking us a special send off meal. Looking Adrien straight in the eyes much to the amusement of the rest of us Ricardo reminds him one final time of what happens if he doesn't take care of Lucy.

A couple of waiting staff come out after a short while followed by Ricardo carrying our plates of food. As we settle to eat the conversation flows easily helped along with the couple of glasses of wine we each happily sip. All thoughts of the impending stunt pushed to the back of my mind for the next couple of hours. Lucy with her never waning excitement for the trip constantly checks the time on her phone before startling us all with a sudden squeal as she jumps from her seat. "It's time, it's time to get going. I'm really gonna get to see you do a stunt!" Standing Adrien pulls her to his chest.

"Calm down sweet cheeks don't waste all of your excitement now." We help Lucy get her stuff to the van and set off heading for the airport.

With the roads clear we make good time, not wanting to arrive and get mobbed too early we take a small detour to look at a couple of the sights on way. Little did we know back then this was the last time Adrien would have the opportinuty to see some of the treasures of the UK. Fifteen minutes later than originally scheduled we pulled into the airport alongside two members of staff eagerly waiting with baggage trolleys. As we clamber out of the van we load the trolleys up and with a small team of airport security we quickly get ushered through to the terminal, stopping quickly to sign a few magazines and take a few photoss before we're going through check in. Mr A generously has us travelling in first class with us all situated together. As our flight begins to take off the exctiement of the last few days takes its hold on Lucy and she succumbs to sleep.

After a fifteen hour flight with a stop over in Amsterdam we land on Saba Island, The view all around us is breathtaking and Lucy and Bexy can't stop staring out the window as we taxi down to the terminal. Going through arrivals we are greeted by a private driver called Lucas. We quickly collect our luggage and once loaded into the van we are driven to the villa. Once we pull into the drive of villa Lucas helps to bring all of the bags inside handing us our keys and a card with his number to call if we need to go anywhere. We spend the next hour taking a tour of the villa getting acquainted with our home for the next two weeks finishing as we enter kitchen. Two envelopes sits on the island in the middle. One a Large brown envelope the other a small pale blue both addressed to The Adrenaline Duo, in the most beautiful handwritten cursive lettering.

Taking the smaller envelope and carefully peeling the flap open Adrien removes the letter before reading it aloud.

Adrenaline Duo,

I trust the journey has been pleasant and has been as comfortable as your usual travel arrangements are. I hope you will find the villa suited to the needs of your stay. The basement is fully equipped with a full gym for any training you require to do. Any additional requirements you have please relay them to Lucas and he will take care of them for you.

Please take the time to look through the brown envelope, this details everything you need to know about the stunt and hopefully will help you in preparing yourselves for the challenge. Please enjoy your stay and the scenery and I look forward to meeting the both of you after the stunt.

Mr. A

We decide that for the night we'll leave the envelope closed and just enjoy the evening out on the deck. As we settle down around the pool Bexy come out with some glasses and a bottle of some vintage wine that was delivered for us. For a couple of hours we just sit enjoying the warm weather, the smooth fruity wine and the company of each other. Adrien never being one to refuse the pull of a swimming pool takes his shirt and shorts off before jumping in, shortly followed by the rest of us all in just our underwear. For a while we just splash around and enjoy each others company as if we we're on nothing more than a family vacation.

As midnight approaches with us having retreated from the chill of pool to finish off the second bottle of wine. Adrien gently scoops a sleeping Lucy up into his arms as I do the same with Bexy wishing each other a peaceful sleep before softly caring our girls off to bed ready for the long day ahead in the morning.
