Part 5

A/N One more part to come to conclude this story. This by far has been the most difficult chapter to overcome with writing, trying to not fall into the old habits of when i was younger and lose the pace of the story.

   The screen slowly flicks through photos, the same ones we received in the brown envelope. As we watch the screen we also take a moment to flick down to the papers in front of us which include a copy of what we have already read along with a note pad and pen. Slowly the photos fade from the screen before one by one coming back along with a more in depth instruction and animated short video to show what is expected of us. The first three are very simple, things we have done many times in the past as warmups to the big stunt. These were gone through very simply along with the same comment at the end of the section stating Mr A has full confidence we understand the routine.

As we watch the sections for the final two stunts it dawns on us just how dangerous these stunts will be. The animated clips showing how these are to be completed make it seem like they are simple but the window of error is so marginal that these must be carried out almost perfectly without us ever having carrying this out. We've done many stunts in the past that would be suited for wingsuits but have only used them a handful of times, the last of which was a couple of years back and we both walked away with knocks here and there.

As the screen goes black the words CHALLENGE OF A LIFETIME slowly fade in. We sit for a minute with our heads together going through the notes we have taken thinking the presentation is over before it quickly turns to a new animation showing what looks like the course of the stunts. A couple of the pieces look very slightly different along with the number of the stunt as the animation slowly carries out the course. As it reaches the final two again that ten ton weight drops in our stomach as we realize he is expecting for these to be carried out in tandem dropping the margin of error to almost nothing. Adrien raises his voice from the gentle whispers we've been sharing to a full shout "Is he fucking crazy, he wants us to go through that as one stunt. This is fucking suicide!"

Placing a hand pulling him back to his chair as he begins to rise, "Adrien chill out dude, I'm nervous as hell I don't like this one bit either but we need to focus or this is gonna go even more tits up."

"This is gonna go so fucking wrong dude, neither of us our coming out of this alive."

"Hey Adrien, look at me." After a few minutes of him just staring off into the distance I shake him gently to get his attention, his head slowly turning to face mine, "Adrien look at me dude, we've dreamed of doing something crazy for years, it's all been planned and organized for us all we need to do is cary it out and all the fame is ours. Let's find out if there's a gym or something here we need to get into the zone."

"Are you insane?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Adrien pulls out of my grip on his arms storming from the room. Little did i know that these were the last words we would ever share with each other.

Slowly I stand and head from the room escorted by a tall bulky man through corridor after corridor of this maze of a building taking me down a few more flights of stairs to a large gym room where I see Adrien already unleashing every pent up emotion he's been carrying around. I head over to my small duffel bag pulling my phone out, plugging my earphones in I begin my playlist heading to the equipment to begin my usual training routine to get myself into the zone.

A couple of hours later a petite brunette announces that lunch is ready. Adrien stalks past me without even a glance towards me. I follow shortly behind feeling tension radiating from Adrien like a green monster waiting to be unleashed. A light chopped greek chicken salad is served to us as we arrive into the dining area. We sit in an uncomfortable silence as we eat. I open my mouth to begin to speak closing it again quickly as Adrien shoots me with a murderous glare.

As we finish lunch we are both lead to a different exit leading to a small changing finding a lycra suit and a wingsuit hung on the wall with both adrenaline duo and our respective names printed on them in large bold letters. A small letter of instruction giving us a warning we have until 3pm to spend time in a wind tunnel doing some wingsuit familiarization before we are expected to get ready to perform an hour later. I hurriedly strip from my jeans and tshirt climbing into the wingsuit before being lead to the tunnel a few doors down. The next hour and a half I spend getting used to all the techniques I've got used to with previous training.

As 3pm arrives a small alarm goes off in the room signalling time to get ready. Slowly I glide back to the entrance escorted back to the room stripping out of the suit heading through to the shower. Allowing the warm water to blast against my muscles allowing the tension to unravel before turrning the water off quickly wrapping a towel around myself and stepping out to a waiting Bexy sat on a bench. We spend a short while talking as she helps me to get prepared constantly watching the small clock on the wall slowly count down the time to show time.

A small beeping sounds along with a knock of the door as the guy stationed outside my down announces it's time to go. After a small embrace with Bexy I'm lead to another helicopter with an already waiting Adrien staring out of the window on the other side. Gently i nudge his shoulder with him sparing me a small glance before turning away to stare back out the window still ignoring me. We're lifted up over to a small helipad near the peak of the island. As we climb out the helicopter quickly retreats and we're greeted by a gentleman dressed in a suit attached to a railing with a harness who checks over our suits giving us a small rundown of what to expect at this altitude. A bag the size of our backs clipped around us contains our wingsuit which we will be expected to change into immediately as we finish stage three.

A small safety wire is attached to the loop at the bottom of the bag, the only thing that is the difference between life and death as we begin a slight enclined tightrope walk made more difficult with the winds at this elevation and the fact that there are two of us travelling the wire at the same time. With a few sways as small gusts of wind greet us we make the journey easily leading us onto a man made rockface with very few grips that slowly rotates on a belt constantly pushing us down to the start again. With a quick nod between me and Adrien we quickly leap onto the nearest grip spending the next few minutes scaling up to an upper platform. Looking down from this vantage point puts us at a higher elevation than the whole island. Slowly i turn around taking in the wonderous sight on the built in helm cam attached.

As I look to Adrien as he stares down I see all colour drain from his face and his hands slowly begin to shake. Gripping his shoulder tightly he offers me a small smile and a nod of his head looking out at the next tightrope, a 200metre long wire at almost a kilometre above sea level. This we travel along clung to it with just our hands without a safety wire. The winds as this altitude are less than generous constantly threatening to blow us free from the wire. Adrien always being slightly weaker than me in arm muscle comes to a halt as he nears the finish, time coming to a stand still as i watch him slowly switch his weight between hands clenching and shaking his hands. With a small sigh of relief he resumes his journey reaching the platform at the end. Feeling the tightness in my arms as they begin to tire I take a small breath in with each swing of my left hand and back out again with my right, focusing solely on my breathing until I finally drop on the platform at the end. With a small pat on the shoulder from Adrien we quickly unclip our bags changing into our wingsuit.

As we stand at the edge of the platform clipped into a wire we see a helicopter taking off in the distance headed up to its specific spot along with a set of hoops raising out of the trees below us marking our trajectory. Feeling a tug on the platform we realize the hoops are all connected by a cable to the platform and they have raised to the required heights. Myself being in a green suit and Adrien in a red we follow the line of hoops seeing the blades and flames coming from them across to the helicopter awaiting the flare to fire to signal who is to go first. As we remove the safety cable holding us to the platform, we signal the attendant to fire the ready flare shortly followed by a red flare from the helicopter.

As i stand to the side Adrien takes a few steps backwards giving me a look of absolute fear as he rushes the edge of the platform leaping from the edge quickly diving down to the hoops. I watch on as he drops by around 200 metres before spreading his limbs out into a starfish as he approaches the first of a series of 10 hoops that progressively get smaller. The first two are executed with absolute precision. As he passes through hoop four time seems to almost go into slow motion as a gust of wind starts to pull him off course, his reaction time for adjustments a second too slow as he comes into contact with a couple of the blades inside the hoop. It looks like he's ok as he corrects himself getting ready for hoop five but something seems slightly off as his perfect line slowly starts to sway. It's a moment before I realize he's torn one of his wings and he starts corkscrew through the hoop being blown staring into the side of the hoop slowly descending to the ground.

Without a moment's thought i dive off the platform trying to judge my angle to be able to approach him as quickly as possible. Slowly opening and closing my limbs to adjust my height as well as control the allowing myself to catch a little more speed with the pull of gravity I fly towards him. Coming within a few feet of being able to use an added function to our suits that was designed for the final step I reach out to grab the clips on my suit, the left wing around Adrien's arm completely tears pulling him away from me as I watch hmi spin out of control before plummeting to the ground. Pulling my limbs tightly in I do the only thing I can think of and go into a deep dive after my friend of over twenty year but my speed is no match for the speed of adrien's. I watch in horror as his suit disappears through the canopy of the trees, At the last moment before I plummet through as well i pull my wings tight feeling the tree tops brush against my stomach.

The seconds went by agonizingly as I feared for my best while finding a safe spot to come into land the constant sound of helicopter blades beating through the rush of wind as I drop down into a field. Tearing the suit from myself i rush towards the treeline only to be greeted by a pair of heavily muscled arms holding me back telling me a search is already under way for Adrien. Dropping to my knees I let out an almost inhuman scream knowing there's no way on earth anyone could survive a fall at that speed. A helicopter drops down behind us and a familiar scent and pair of arms replace the muscled arms as Bexy cradles me to her chest, slowly crying myself out into sleep.
