Part 2

A/N  I'm not quite sure what the stunt will be as of yet, I have no outline for the story to follow. I'm hoping you will enjoy this new part and we'll see where it progresses to.

A small mention to @JaxXwolf who's interest and awesome comment on part 1 inspired me to write part 2.

Sender Unknown <>

Thurs 08/06/2017 22:16

To: [email protected]


Adrenaline Duo,

I trust that you have had a pleasant and relaxing week, I hope you have had time to consider my offer. This week has been very busy with making arrangements in preparation for the stunt. I believe my assumptions may be correct that you have decided to accept my offer although I wish to confirm before anything is set up.

I have taken the liberty to arrange your travel and stay in anticipation of your acceptance. I hope that the arrangements will be suitable to your usual tastes and requirements when you travel. As I have previously stated I have researched and followed your journey and have chosen as similar an arrangement as is custom to you.

Should you have decided to accept my offer, your journey will begin on the 29th of this month in three weeks time and will take you to Saba Island. It may seem a very simple island with very little interest from a stunt perspective but the planned events for you will ensure this is very interesting.

A villa has been reserved for your stay and I would like to extend the travel arrangements to your partners should they wish to join you in this adventure. I have chosen for you one that has some breathtaking views and you will enjoy a two week fully catered stay. You will have just over a week of preparation and time to enjoy your stay, the stunt is planned to be performed on the 8th of July with your return flight arranged for the 13th.

I will send you one further e-mail tomorrow with a link to confirm your acceptance or declination of my offer.

Mr. A

After reading the e-mail through a couple of time both myself and Adrien share a similar look on our faces, one of both apprehension and excitement. Pulling into our home Bexy appears at the door with her signature wave of the hand from her hip, one of the cutest gestures in the world. As we step from the car walking into the house i wrap my arms around her waist lifting and carrying her with me earning me an ear blasting squeal of happiness.

As we settle in the kitchen for lunch the next day Bexy looks between us sensing something has shifted with the silence "What's going on? You two are never this silent not unless you're planning on doing something you know will worry me."

Adrien leaves us to talk as he takes his sandwich heading from the room to call Ricardo inviting him and Lucy to come over to discuss something. We've been holding this off as long as possible waiting for the e-mail hoping for a hint as to what the stunt involved, but with the day of our decision looming and how odd the situation is we want our girls involved on the decision.

An hour later a buzz rings out through the house and Adrien races through to the front door to answer the intercom. "Hello?"

"Adrien? It's us, let us in." With a small click of the button the gates roll back and Lucy pulls her car up to the front of the house stepping out, with Ricardo close on her heels as they head to a waiting Adrien. Lucy steps into his arm wrapping her arms around his waist burying her head into his chest as I walk up to the door greeting Ricardo with firm slap on the back as we all walk through to the kitchen sitting ourselves around the island.

Ricardo, never one to miss a beat is the first to talk after a few moments of silence staring at each other. "I'm guessing from the silence this wasn't just a friendly invite. So what's going on?" Sighing almost inaudibly Adrien pulls his phone from his pocket scrolling through to find the first e-mail we received handing it to Ricardo as I do the same handing mine to Bexy, allowing everyone the chance to read through looking back up to us confused.

"We received this last week, we wasn't sure if this was a hoax or not until we received the follow up e-mail last night." Retrieving our phones we pull up the new email handing it back over for them to read through, studying their faces closely. Bexy surprisingly looks the most shocked. "We need to decide if we're going to accept the offer, but it's one we decided we would not make on our own. Not knowing who it is and such an out of this world offer, we want your opinions as both our best friends and our girlfriends."

Bexy is the first to reply with her usual answer whenever i talk to her about a stunt "You know i'll support you in any decision you make." As i roll my eyes at her she continues on. "It sounds too good to be true, a stunt that will make you legends. This has got to be something really dangerous to hold this type of offer. I feel uneasy about how secretive this Mr A is about the stunt but it's what you've both been looking for, and a holiday sounds like fun."

I struggle to contain the shock at the end of her response. "You actually want to come, you always refuse to come with us when we go for a stunt."

"With a stunt that will make you a legend, I can't refuse the offer of a fully paid for holiday and the chance to watch your name go down in history."

Lucy turning with expectant eyes and a little apprehension towards Adrien. "Will I be coming with you too?"

Adrien runs his hands down his face before replying to Ricardo. "If you're ok with me taking your sister with me, I would like to give her the opportunity to see us in action properly."

"Need i remind you what will happen if anything happens to her while you're away?" We all burst out laughing at the horrified look on Adrien's face as he pales remembering the warning Ricardo gave him when he found out he was dating Lucy.

With a squeal Lucy wraps her arms around Ricardo squeezing the life out of him "You're serious, I can go? You're the bestest big brother, you know that right?" she rushes out before squealing again running round hugging adrien tightly.

Later that evening as we're all relaxing in the front room with drinks Adrien nudges my side "That went a little too well, I was expecting them to say hell no."

"Tell me about it, and Bexy wanting to come with us. I'm thinking this isn't the real Bexy like someone's replaced her."

I quickly duck with a chuckle as bexy slaps me around the back of the head. "I heard that!"

Snuggling my head onto her shoulder looking up into her baby blue eyes "You know I love you, right?" She just scoffs planting a quick kiss on my lips and turns her head from me in mock annoyance.

The room suddenly goes silent of chatter as both of our phones ring out their 'you've got mail' tones. With shaking hands both myself and Adrien open the e-mail containing nothing more than a simple link signed off by Mr. A. With a confirmation around the room that no one wants to back out we load up link and click on the simple 'I accept' button next to our names, leading us through a few personalized pages to finalize arrangements for all four of us.

I have to admit around this time I was really starting to consider if we should be doing this. There was so many things screaming out at me telling me this was a really bad idea, but everyone seemed so excited in us becoming legends. The looks on both Bexy and Lucy's faces whenever they spoke about it, both light up with such pride and excitement. How could I ever have taken that away from the girls who have been stuck at home missing us, worrying about us every time we've gone to pull off some crazy stunt. If I knew then what i know now I might have had the sense to realize this really was a bad idea.

The next few weeks fly by in rollercoaster of excitement, apprehension, fears, Lucy squealing just about every time we see her reminding us how happy she is she's coming along and a lack of sleep for Adrien and myself as we start a fully loaded training regime trying to prepare us for whatever Mr A has planned for us to do.
