Reapercussuions (Part Three)

Violet covered her ears, trying to drown out the sound of the reapers killing one of those who fell unlucky and were dumped on top of them in the mine cart.
She stayed down low, watching as Clarke sat up, looking around for any sign of the reapers, before she motioned for Violet and Anya to get up.
Clarke pulled the only other body crushing Violet off of her, allowing her to get up as she turned back towards Anya.

"What are you doing? Let's go." She whispered.
"Cover her ears." Anya motioned towards Violet, as Clarke put her hands over Violets ears, making sure she couldn't see whatever Anya was doing.

After a few seconds Clarke put her hands down, wrapping them around Violets waist as she lifted her up, and over the mine cart, putting her down on the ground.
Anya tossed her clothes out of the cart, grabbing them again as they began running, eventually finding a spot for Clarke and Anya to change clothes, slowing down to a jog.

"What are they doing to us?" Anya questioned, coughing into her elbow.

"They use your blood. I saw a solider come in with radiation burns, hours later he was fine. It's like your blood is healing them somehow. I've never seen anything like it."

Anya stood deep in thought, before walking in the other direction.
"Hey, hey! What are you doing? That's the way back to the reapers!" Clarke whispered.

"Bring her home. She needs her family." Anya spoke, looking at Violet, standing behind Clarke. "You go your ways, I'll go mine."
"Anya, we need to stick together, all of us!"
"I told you, there is no 'we.'"
"I saved your life!"
"You saved my life because you need me! I know the way back to your people. I know where the traps are hidden. You'd never make it alone."
"We don't have time for this. Our best chance of making it out of here alive is together." Clarke breathed, pulling Violet down the path, frustrated, her back towards Anya.
"All we can do is keep moving and hope-"
"She's gone." Violet mumbled.
Clarke let go of Violets hand, rushing towards the opening where they had came from.
"Anya!" She groaned, running back towards Violet as she grabbed her hand, pulling her hard enough for her to loose her balance fall on the ground.
"Clarke, what the hell!"
"Get up, quickly!" Clarke's eyes showed her emotions and the thoughts bounding around in her brain. She had seen something, something that wasn't there before.

Violet stood up, grabbing Clarke's hand once again, sprinting down the tunnels with her.

"Clarke, what was it?"
"Nothing, come on keep running!" Clarke breathed heavily through her mouth, carrying on for a few more feet before she stopped quickly, a light flickering from the tunnel to the right of them.
A loud shouting echoed through the tunnels, Clarke pulling Violet down the only other path, only making it a few short feet before reapers appeared on the other side, angry and shouting at them.

"No, no, no." Clarke whispered.
"Clarke! What do we do?" Violet stood close to her, her voice shaking.
Clarke pulled Violet close to her, shielding her with her body as they got cornered into a wall by reapers.

"Please." Clarke spoke in a hushed tone, the reapers disturbed faces growing close to her, guttural growling coming from their throats.
Violet whimpered, holding her breath as the reaper stared the two of them down.

A shrill high pitched sound echoed, as yelling began coming down the hallway.

Almost instantaneously, the reapers began running or crawling away, depending on whether or not the sound caused them to loose their balance and fall back.
Clarke stood with her back against the wall, her hand in front of Violets chest to keep her from moving even the slightest.

"Clarke Griffin, you're coming with us."
A group of soldiers had found them, dressed in black airtight hazmat suits.
"Hey, are you okay?" One of them shone a light in Violets face, blinding her momentarily as she blinked and looked at him, recognizing him.


She ignored his question, hiding behind Clarke as she bent down and picked her up.

"Don't touch her, don't look at her, don't even speak to her."

"Jeez, sorry." Laurence spoke.
If looks could kill, the fierce glare that Clarke was giving him would have been a bullet to the head.
She walked down the tunnel, back towards Mount Weather once again, holding onto Violet as the guards stood on either side of her, guns drawn.
Their guns gave them no choice. They'd be shot if they tried to run.

"I saw everything. I know what you're doing to them."
"That's why you're both going in the harvest chamber with them." His voice crackled through the mask, as they reached the door, some type of short cut was taken, making it quicker than when they left.

"Alpha-Delta Two. We reached the intake, two prisoners in custody." He spoke into a little microphone.

"Your mission was to bring back three, not two. The outsiders cannot be allowed to leave this mountain, Alpha-Delta-One is coming out now."

Clarke sighed, putting Violet down next to her as the two guards argued with each other.

Violet gasped, flinching as something shoved past her, taking down one of the guards, as Clarke joined in, helping who they both knew to be Anya, as Laurence stood, almost in shock his eyes darting around as he grabbed the gun by his waist and aimed it at them.

"STOP!" He yelled.
"I'll shoot the both of you."

"Oh, fuck off!" Violet shouted.

"AUGH!" He groaned, falling on his knees as he sunk down, groaning in pain.
Violet found herself kicking him in between the legs while he wasn't paying attention to her.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He groaned, starting to stand up as Violet jumped on top of him, her fingers on his rifle as it went off, four gunshots echoing.
The last one, with the end of the barrel pointing into Laurence's leg.
He screamed in agony, as he held both his hands around his leg, blood pooling around him.

"Holy shit, Violet you shot him!" Clarke breathed.

"Come on, let's go!" Anya pulled Violets hand, picking her up and holding onto her.
Within seconds, another set of voices were behind them, running after them as they approached a dead end to their left.
A large dam was the only thing in front of them.
The water so loud they had to yell to be able to even hear each other.

"Wait, there has to be another way." Clarke's voice filled with panic.
"There isn't!" Anya put Violet down, kneeling next to her, and beginning to tell her what she had to do.

"Clarke! Give up, there's no where else to go."

Three soldiers held them all at gun point.

"We'll make a deal with you."

Clarke stared at them in silence, waiting to hear their so called deal.

"Give us the kid, and you two can go."
"Absolutely not-"

"We'll do it." Anya interrupted.

"What?" Violets voice was drowned out by the water fall.

"It's the only way out Clarke." Anya spoke in a strange tone of voice, almost like she was about to break down in tears.

"We're sorry, Violet." Clarke whispered, Anya's hand on her shoulder as she walked her closer to the guards.
Violet turned in just enough time to see Clarke jumping off the edge, into the dam as she burst into tears.
Anya stood still, looking at the guards.

"Now, we're not playing."

"I'm sorry Violet-"
Violet screamed, a gunshot echoing as it ricocheted against the wall.

Anya grumbled something under her breath, walking Violet closer to them as they lowered their weapons.

"I'm so sorry, Violet. I'm so sorry, now hold on!"
Violet gasped, feeling Anya's arms wrapped around her torso as she ran backwards, throwing herself and Violet off the edge of the dam, gunshots ringing out as they missed both of them. 
Anya's arms were tight, holding on to Violet for dear life, literally.
"AAAHHH!" Violet screamed, the water fall almost deafening as Anya shouted something to her.
