
"Violet, wake up!" "Wake up!"
Violet groaned, jumping as Clarke woke her up, standing over her.
"We need to leave, I found a way out."
Violet mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she tried to roll back over to go to sleep.

"Hey! Do you want to see Finn again?"

She sat up quickly, facing Clarke. "He's alive?"
"He's alive, if we get out of here we can find him."

"He's alive!" She swung her legs over the side of the bed, smiling as she pushed her bangs out of her eyes.
Clarke took Violets arm, pulling the medical tape off of her arm as she pulled the IV out.
"Sorry, come on. We can get out this way." 
She held onto Clarke's hand, following her over to the other side of the room as she pointed to a large metal grate in the wall.

"We can both fit in there, it's worth seeing what's up there."
"So how do we get up there?"
"Watch out."
Violet stepped back, Clarke pulling over a chair as she picked Violet up, balancing her on her hip as she stepped onto the chair, wobbling as the legs moved.
"I'm not gonna let you fall. Pull the grate out, and crawl into it okay?"
She hoisted Violet up, her hands on her hips as Viokets fingers picked at the grate, until it came lose as fell onto the floor with a clang.
She did as Clarke told her, crawling into it as she pushed another grate open.
"Oh, my god!"
"What? What's up there?" Clarke called, hoisting herself up into the air duct.
"Oh Jesus!" Clarke jumped, standing up behind her as she saw what was behind the vent.
There were two people, hung upside down with leads and wires attached to them all over their bodies, only wearing either boxers or a bra and shorts.

"What the hell?" She whispered, turning around and holding onto Violets hand as she walked down the aisle, finding half a dozen metal cages with people in them on either side.
Actual real people sat in them, cramped next to each other with multiple cages stacked on top of each other.
They begged and pleaded for help, reaching their hands out towards Clarke or Violet. All of them were ill, their ribs showing through their stomachs and the faces pale and dirtied, a few of them had their eyes closed with almost no signs of life.

"Anya?" Clarke whispered.
