Survival of the Fittest (Part Three)

"Hey, what the hell is this?"

Jaha was surrounded by a dozen others, as he turned towards Murphy, standing in the doorway of the old drop ship. "We're going to the City of Light. You and Violet are welcome to join us."
"Right now? There's a million ways to die out there." Murphy scoffed.
"Well, if it's not your time, nothing can kill you. But if it is your time, it only takes one."
"You even have a map?"
"Then how do you know where you're going?"
"We don't, but I will not be ruled by fear. You wanna stop being treated like a criminal then you have to stop thinking that's all you are. Take this leap of faith with me, John Murphy. We can take Violet too. Let me show you there is so much more for you than this."

Murphy stood, dumbfounded for a moment as Jaha and the group walked into the woods. "Ah, what the hell." He sighed. "Violet!" He went back into the dropship, kneeling next to where she was sleeping on the floor and shook her gently, "Violet, we're leaving."
She groaned, rubbing her eyes, "Where are we going?"
"The City of Light." Murphy sighed, "Come on, I'll carry you."
Murphy picked her up, holding her by his hip as she put her head down on his shoulder. "Murphy?"
"What?" "I thought you said the City of Light was bullshit." Murphy smirked, catching up with Jaha and the others, "I'm willing to test out the bullshit."
