Long into an Abyss (Part Seven)

Violets boots made noise as she climbed up the ladder, trying not to fall as her hands were slick with sweat.

Clarke opened the hatch above them, standing up as Violet pulled herself up, standing up as she heard what she had most feared.

Octavia, sobbing.
Her gaze moved from Octavia, to Lincoln.
He was on the floor, motionless and silent.
He was dead.

"Kill them all."

Within seconds, the grounders had their swords pointed at each of of them, while Bellamy and Abby held their own weapons at them, a rifle, and a stun stick.

The grounder closest to Violet knocked her to the ground, on her back as he pushed his boot into her chest and she wheezed.

"Get off of her!" Bellamy raised his voice as Clarke spoke up.
"Please, you don't have to do this."

"You lied. And you're out of time."
Violet yelled, wincing in pain as he pushed his foot down with more weight and Violets eyes clouded with tears as she tried to use her arms to push him off of her.

"She's just a kid!" Finn shouted, backing down quickly as one of the grounders raised his sword at him.

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't!" Bellamy yelled, his rifle pointed at a grounder as he began to move his sword towards Abby, just as she had turned towards Lincoln, pressing the stun stick against his chest as his body jolted.

"Hit him again."

She did it again, as Lincoln inhaled, coughing for a moment.

Violet coughed, the heavy boot coming off of her as the commander pulled the grounder away, giving him an angry look.

"Stand down."
"She wasn't lying."


"Lincoln's recovery, was impressive. No one's ever survived such a fate before."

"It's not complicated, really. We just have to keep the alive long enough for the drug to leave their system. I know we can do the same for the others."

"What else can you do?" She asked.

Violet walked around the tent, that was more of a base than a tent, as it was large and decorated. She looked at the odds and ends the grounders kept in here, from bones, to dried plants and even models of the terrain around.

"Violet, come here." Clarke spoke up, kneeling down as she folded Violets t-shirt up past her sixth rib, pointing to the scar.

"She was stabbed, by Lincoln actually. Poisoned. We kept her alive and I sewed the wound."
"These bruises, they're all from-"
"Mount Weather. She took the biggest beating of any of us. She's been through a lot."

"How old?"
"Seven." Violet answered, pushing her bangs out of her face.
Lexa pulled a knife out of her pocket, kneeling down in front of Violet as she placed her hand on her shoulder, and ran her other hand through Violets bangs. "A warrior must be able to see to fight."

She picked up Violets bangs, pulling the sharp knife through, as hair fell to the ground.
"Holy, crap." Violet whispered, feeling her bangs.
They were shorter, a more appropriate length, and no longer covering her eyes.

"You may have your truce." Lexa breathed, motioning for Violet to turn around as she ran her fingers through Violets hair, thick mats covered most of her hair. She pulled her fingers through small sections, separating it as she used a small comb to brush through the sections, talking to Clarke at the same time.

"Thank you."

She leaned in towards Clarke, whispering to make sure Violet couldn't hear her, "I want one thing. Deliver me the one you call Finn. Our truce begins with his death."
