Down by The River

"Hey! Have you seen Violet?"
"No, sorry."

"Bellamy! Have you seen Violet?"
"No, not since last night with you, why?"
"She's gone."
"Murphy, she's gotta be in camp somewhere."
"She's not. I've gone around four times looking for her, she's not here."
"You're serious? I'll get the others, get weapons and meet us at the gate!"

"Well, that was dumb."

"You're dead, you're not here!" Violet yelled, scrubbing the blood of her hands, her jeans covered in mud as she knelt by the river that her and Finn had gone swimming in just a few weeks before.
"You're dead, I saw you die." She held back a sob, pretending like she wasn't seeing Finn stand behind her, or that he hadn't seen her punch the crap out of a tree while screaming and crying out frustration.

"YOU'RE NOT HERE! YOU LEFT ME, FINN! YOU LEFT ME!" She screamed, bursting into tears again as she hit her fist into the ground, making it bleed more.

"Violet, it's okay."

"YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, FINN! YOU'RE DEAD, WHY ARE YOU HERE!" She yelled, standing up as she took off into the woods again, moving farther and farther away from the camp, crying as loud as she wanted to as she ran, almost as fast as she had ran when the guards had shot at her.


"Crap!" She whispered to herself, looking behind her for a split second until she realized the voice she heard was Finn's again.
She cussed under her breath before running again, pissed off at everyone and the world.
She had never noticed how beautiful the trees made the air smell, unlike the smell of space. It smelt of nothing on the Ark, just burnt metal & plaster was how Violet could describe it. But down here it was almost overwhelming, the smell of daisies, and lavender, the fresh morning air after a rain storm, and even the smell of the dirt was pleasant.

Violets foot hit a patch of mud, as she slid down an embankment, slamming her back into the ground as she yelled.
Her hair was once again, covered in mud.
"Crap!" She grumbled, pushing her bangs out of her face, and thinking about when Finn had told her it was time for her to get them trimmed.
Maybe she could do that on her own now.

She sat up, wiping her hands off onto her jeans, and fixing her shirt that was pulled up onto her back.
She stood up, nearly falling backwards again as she screamed, being met face to face with a grounder.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

She sighed, taking a deep breath as she nodded.
"How much of that did you see?"
"All of it. Why are you screaming in the woods, kid?"
"I'm mad at the world right now. Hey, aren't you supposed to want to kill my people?"
"We all saw you breaking down when Clarke killed Finn. We aren't going to hurt you."

"What are you running from?"

"Camp. They keep smothering me with love and crap."

"Come on, then. We'll getcha cleaned up, and something to eat and you can go home.

"My friends would kill me if they ever found out. They'd kill you."

"Hurry along then, don't want them to find out right now do you?"

"I guess not."

"Names Ezra. You're Violet, right?"


"Come on, I'll show you the way."

"She couldn't have gone far, Murphy. She's a seven year old who wouldn't survive on her own." Clarke sighed, keeping an eye out in the woods for Violet.

"She's been gone for at least twelve hours. I'm not worried about her being alone, I'm worried about her being caught."

"What? Lexa's people?"

"She wasn't there for their ritual, she didn't see how angry those villagers were. If they find her, they'll know she's one of us, and they'll kill her."
