accidental hybrid: chapter 98

" ok, ok i'll help" ashton stutterd. " thought you would but i'm glad you did" i said. " hey ashton, do you want us to put her right for you ? " one of ashtons mate's asked. put me right? what did that mean?. " no your alright ben thanks anyway" ashton replied.

" yh he's ok" i said to ben. he looked like he wanted to hit me but turned around and walked to the group of boys who had moved out of mine and ashtons way. " so, what do you want help with?" ashton asked. i realised him and let him fall slowly back to his feet. " just that a vampire named jamie has locked me up in a cell some miles from here but i need your help to tell my boyfriend where i am being kept" i said. he looked at me confused. " but how can you be locked up, your here"  he said. " look its to comlicated to explain and i dont have the time to tell you" i said. " so let me just tell you what you need to do then i can get out of your life, ok" i said. ashton nodded


when i saw her, i thought i had seen a ghost. all but her pale skin and told me otherwise. her eyes were sea water blue and rather hypnotizing. they stood out from her skin. a dead beauty. i laughed in my head. she wasnt dead. but why did i keep thinking she was some how?

i didnt see her until she was near the gate where me and my mates stood but i couldnt get away from her no more either. she came through the gate and at me faster than the eye could see. it scared me so much i thought i was going to die of shock. but gratefully i didnt.

" ok" i said. the truth was that i didnt want to help her because of what she was. not that there was anything wrong with her being like that but it didnt feel right. and imagine what people would say about me if they knew i was haning around with someone thats not human. i just couldnt afford to ruin my life here like i had at my other schools and i so badly wanted to fit in. so i was going to help amiee then get on with the rest of my life.


" come on then" i said to ashton. " why? where are we going?" he asked. " well i carnt speak to you here can i so lets take a walk over the field" i said. he nodded then began to walk with me to the almost empty field on the other side of the fence. we walked as far onto the field as i could before i decided to say anything. " so what do you want to me to do?" ashton asked as we walked. " i want you to go to my home, the people there will come and find me as soon as you tell them where i am" i said. " but why dont you go and tell them yourselves?" he asked. " because the guy who locked me up could be there but with being sure i carnt go any where mnear the mansion" i replied. " and you said this guy was a vampire? what that drinks blood?" ashton asked.

i sighed. " yes ashton, thats what vampires do" i said. ashton gulped. " its ok, if jamies there then the others will stop him from eating you because olympus wont allow us vampires feeding in his house" i said. " wait a minute, us vampires?" ashton said. i stopped and looked at him. " yh us vampires" i replied.

" what your one of them to!" ashton shoted. " hey keep your voice down and no, i'm only half of a vampire" i said. his face relaxed a little. " half? so your what half angel thingy what with the wings and half vampire? and few i thought you were going to eat me if i didnt help you" he joked. " yh you got that right, i am half angel and half vampire only....i do drink blood like a vampire does" i said,

ashton's face hardened. " oh" he said." yh its just the way it is, i carnt decide what part of me is vampire or angel" i said. " no its ok, so all you want me to do is tell your family where your being kept so they can help you and then you'll all be happy oh and kill the bad guy" ashton said. " ashton there not my family, there all angels and jamie is a full vampire while claire is human....i think" i said. " i'm my own kind of freak" i tried to joke but even as i tried to laugh i felt my heart sink to the floor.


so...she did know what it was like. being different but yet you trying everything you can to fit in even though her different is bigger than my different. " amiee, i didnt realize, i thought that you were from some race of angels so i dindnt think that it would hurt you much if i left you....i was scared because it was all knew to me but i didnt come back to apoligize because i thought you didnt need me after you had gone such along time but if i had know you were different alltogether then i would have come back to you...maybe" i said, trying to help.

" oh really? well yh i have felt different alot...what with not fiting in anywhere and i would have been scared to if it had of been the other way round" amiee said. " the reason why i didnt want to help you was because if anyone saw your wings and knew i hung around with you then they would think i like that to and with all the problems at my previous schools...i didnt want anything making me not fit in to this school" i said. amiee looked down at the floor. " why, what happend at your old school?" amiee asked.

i sighed lightly. " well my dad got in to some drug bussiness and he got caught and it got round school so people began to think i was like him to, that i helped him.....later on they began putting bags of sugar in my bag on purpose and in places where if i moved my bag it would fall out and the teacher would see....well one day they did it and it fell out right in front of a girl i liked and my head teacher, they all knew about my dad and as soon as they saw it, they thought it was drugs......i was kicked out automatically and when my dad tried to prove it was sugar they wouldnt believe him so we tried to find somewhere were no one knew here i am" i told her.

amiee gasped. " oh , i'm sorry for having to drag you into all of this and i hope not matter what that your life dosnt get ruined anymore" amiee said. her voice seemed more heart felt than before. if only i had told her before. " come one then, i'll tell you the place where i am locked up and where i live so then you can get on" amiee said. i grabbed amiee's arm before she walked of. " erm now that i understand, if its ok with you, then is it ok if i can stay with you like help you out more?" i said. her face lit up instantly. " yh of course but just say when you want to pull out because my world is harder and alot more gut renching and darker than it looks" she said.

what was i getting myself into? but i wanted to help. and like she said. i can come out anytime. but i doubted that i would be able to turn back as soon as i was in.
