accidental hybrid: chapter 17

"what are you doing here? " i asked harshly. "well nice to see you to" said Dylan, a smile creeping on to his face. a low grow, from deep within my chest escaped my pale lips. now at least everyone would know when i was pissed.

he had begun walking towards the three of us and the dead body that was on the floor. i knew he was dead because even in the last short minuets , his face had drained of colour and he grew harder every time we kicked him to see if he was still alive.

the other two boys still hadn't said anything recently but had been watching the conversation between me and Dylan. i never knew someone could look so frightened.

"so you have become like me then" Dylan bragged. i then remembered my wings had folded up against my back. so tightly they had taken on the shape of my back and looked like they were apart of my black, long sleeved top.

Dylan stood right beside me now, his pale hand resting on my shoulder. " wipe your face dear, its embarrassing when your food gets around your mouth, maybe we could learn some table manners some time" Dylan joked.

he looked at the two boys and said"so who do we have here, humans i guess". i didn't nod, i knew , he knew they were humans. now my nose had recognized the smell of blood, i could smell them a mile off.

yet Dylan stood even closer to them. he stood by the oldest boy and examined his face. the boy didn't turn to face Dylan but froze. afraid one sudden movement will bring him to his death. Dylan turned back to me, no slight of interest in the boy.

"well, i think you should come home with me amiee as now your like me" he said and then began walking back to the forest he had come out of. "im not exactly like you" i said to him. he stopped right in the middle of the road and turned back on his heels to face me. his face was hard and looked lie it had been carved out of stone. "of course you are amiee" he said in the sweetest tone he could muster yet i could hint a little annoyance at the end of it.

"no I'm not, lets just say I'm half like you" i said. his face grew harder and red began to seep into his eyes. i looked away from him and back to other boys. i had to think to see if it was a good idea.

these boys would see and would surely blab to people about it but yet they are drunk so no body may believe them. and there's nothing like a hair cut and a bit of make up which would change my identity.

i looked back at him and said" well i do have proof I'm not exactly like you". "go on then, prove it" he said.

i made sure my whole body faced him and gradually let my wings unfold. within seconds they had fully opened. a small gasp escaped his slightly parted lips and his face grew harder than i had ever seen it.

"what are you?" he said, his voice hoarse. "just a bit of both" i joked.

a large, terrifying growl came up and out of his throat into the silence around us. i took a step back . i then heard to screams from behind me. i whipped my head around and saw the two boys running for there lives.

i turned back to Dylan but he wasn't there.

i was all alone
