accidental hybrid: chapter 14

i screamed. "what the hell !" i cried. i never had these before. i started pulling at them my self , to get them to come off. but the more i pulled he more pain i was in.

"get off me ! your not mine" i screamed again. Ashton still lay on my bad , staring gormless at me. "stop staring and come and help !" i shouted at him. but he wouldn't budge. " ahh is that how its gonna be. you come in here all worried and wanting to help me , now i need the help you wont help ! " i screamed, irritated.

i carried on dancing around the room like some crazy old women, trying to pull the wings off. but i soon grew tired and lost all hope knowing that the were never going to come off.

i walked over to my bed to sit next to Ashton but as soon as i got any where near him he made a yelping noise and leaped off the bed. "what's the matter with you?" i cried"you've seen a guy fly with wings before, you've taken pictures of him" i said. but Ashton ran in any direction he could to just get away from me.

" keep still Ashton, for crying out loud !" i shouted at him."no stay away from freak !" he shouted and then legged it straight out of my room. i heard him clamber down the stairs. i knew he wanted to get away faster but as he tried , i heard him almost break his neck trying to get down.

i stood mortified at his outburst.

"argh ! , that two faced bastard"i yelled , hoping he would here. he had just used me to get to know more about the angel guy. he must have twigged on that i had something to do with him because of the house.

deep down i wanted to cry but a new emotion had surfaced. anger maybe? but i was as sure hell pissed of now. without realising my fist suddenly went into re flex mode and swung itself into my wall.

my whole fist went straight through it. i gasped in surprise . new strength as well? suddenly a guest of wind entered my room, reminding me that my window was open. well had been smashed open.

the wind rapped its way around my new wings causing them to lift slightly. also it tickled. i giggled. wow that's the happiest I've been so far. then another gust of wind barged in , pushing me full force against the wall. the force of it winded me making my stomach hurt.

i got back up again and walked over to the window. wow i could see right to the ground in the most amazing detail. it looked as if my feet were actually on the ground outside and i was staring down at the floor.

a sudden thought popped into my head. i wanted to fly? my wings flapped in approval, like they had a mind of there own. i laughed. it does make you feel better when you laugh.

but the problem was i didn't know how to fly. at that same moment the wind grabbed me and swung me out into the open sky. it had begun to get dark. i tried to get my wings to flap but they wouldn't. what was worse was i was falling to the ground at the same time.

my dream !

where the angel guy was carrying me into the sky then i fell and died. but this was the same but without the angel guy. and i had wings.

"oh come on you silly things!" i yelled.

i had now the knowledge of how to fly. like when you walk. your legs just know how to and you have easy control over them. i started flapping them again but they where heavier than they looked. i gave one big last flap then woosh! i was flying! well i was hovering in that one place anyway.

now i had them working i could flap them more easy. i flapped them over and over and i soared into the sky ahead. what a rush ! i had chosen to go in the opposite direction the wind was blowing. so now it felt like i was blow drying my hear constantly. i flew over the woods so hopefully no one down below would see me.

it was dark ish now and my wings were black so you couldn't see them that well. i hope. i had only been flying for a few minuets and i had flew a great distance from my home. and i didn't know where i was going.

it was quiet and quite warm. then something huge and hard hit me from behind. i was sent crashing to the floor and into the woods below. i tried to flap my wings again but the wind had become still. "come on!" i cried as i fell.

but then i was engulfed by the tree's below.
