accidental hybrid: chapter 25

Tyson had taken me to his rather fancy mansion. it was white , like i had guessed but when i went inside it was empty. no furniture filled the never ending rooms or no pictures of family or friends hung in fancy frames on the wallls.

yh, there was a chair dotted here and there but i wouldnt really call that a proper living style. tyson obvs didnt spend a lot of time here. he just probally used it as a place to just hang out every now and then.

i sat on one of the few chairs which happend to be wood and made my bum cheecks fall numb after a very short period of time. but who ever had sat on this chair before , must have either been fat or weighed more than they looked as they had left an odd bum shape in the wood.

my bum was smaller than theres so i was constantly sliding off the smooth surface.

tyson stood at the otherside of the room not facing me once, since we have been here. it was like one stare or look in the eye would make him crumble to tiny pieaces before me. like i had magical powers.

i he also seemed agitated like he wanted to run out of the house and never look back.

lie he was scared of me. ifelt upset by the thought but also confused. and angry. i was the one being left in the dark and the one that people are afraid of. but why?

the back of my throat tickled causing me to let out a gut renching cough. i splutterd but i saw tyson go stiff. again like i was about to hurt him. the curiosity inside me became to much. i had to ask him.

" why are you so scared of me?" i said. he suddenly met my eyes and reassurance flashed deep within his. " so you have seen it then" he said. i think he wasnt wanting for an answer.

i nodded but looked down at my feet. the back of the chair passed my shoulders and my wings were starting to get irritated with the hard surface they were pressed against.

i moved slightly but the it didnt help, not even a bit. i let out a sigh in frustration. " so why are you so scared of me?" i asked tyson again. he stood up straight., his well built body pressed against the cream painted wall behind him.

" amiee, if you dont know already , your half vampire and half angel" he said. i was right , i was no longer human. i couldnt decide between wether to cry or be sick.

tyson continued " well angels and vampires are enemies and both sides have a great deal of strength, so both of these things adds to the fact that your both" he stopped for a few seconds , taking a breath before he carried on.

" because your both, we dont know how strong you are and also your the first ever hybrid in both species so we dont know nothing about you. we dont know anything about the vampires strength."

i stayed silent for a minute , holding my breath as i thought. my lungs eventully screamed for air and i opened my mouth and sucked in as much air as i could. so it wasnt me , it was what i am that he was afraid of.

i also thought Dylan might be to, he had ran off when he had seen my wings or had he been as shocked as i had been the first time i had seen them?

i looked out of the window and gazed up at the moon that had crept up out of hiding within the short period of time i had been here. the moons light coverd my face making me feel so much better like it had healed my emotional and physicla scars.

i let out a sigh of relief but it was soon cut short as tyson spoke.

" it looks like your spending the night here , the moon heals the vampires strength and they fight better at night ' he said. " dont worry i do have a bed upstairs" he said as he took in my horrified look.

he walked out of the room and i heard him walk up the main stairs to one of the rooms upstairs. i then rememberd he had said that he has a bed. one bed? and he had also helped me discover a part of my vampire side .

but the whole bed thing took over my thoughts again. i shot out of the chair quickly. " tyson ! did you say you have only one bed ! tyson !" i shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

all i heard was Tysons soft chuckle from one of the rooms above.
