accidental hybrid:chapter 21

i knew i was going to have to tell him the truth. and after what happend last night. i put the milk back in the fridge and stood against the dining table. he just contiued to stare at me even as i moved.

my mum looked bleak and out of life that wouldnt even last her through the day. maybe the truth had left her with some deep scars, that even telling her everything new about me would just make the scars go deeper.

" i dont know how to put it, i dont even know everything myself yet" i said outloud.

" ok but you will promise to tell us everything when you do know everything?" my dad said. whats whith the sudden change of attitude? " so ok , off ya pop to school" my dad spoke again.

my dad was letting me go to school? wll ok he didnt know about m wings but he just let me go so easy. my mum stood by the door so i had to walk past her. as i walked past she flinched and backed up against the wall. my mum was that scared of me?

i fell empty as i walked through the living room and out of the front door. i had picked my school bag on the way out. the weather was quite cool today so i might not need to take my cardigan off today.

that was good. i jogged up to the front gate and pretty much ran out on to the path. i felt alot better now i was out of the house. the atmosphere had begun to depress me.


i walked to school alone like i normally do, but today it felt like something was missing. or someone. i was in form again and i was sitting on the front row table and i was on my own again.

the only thing that has seemed to change is me in my self but nothing around me has changed. the room fell silent as miss brake began taking the register, each individual child answering their name as it was called out.

"Ashton cucher" miss called out.

no reply.

as if he had heard his name being called from down the corrider, Ashton came tumbling through the door almost triping over his own feet.

" sorry i'm late miss , just had a few things to sort out" he said , out of breathe.

he had his hands on his knee's and his head down, panting like a dog. after a few minuets he raised his head and his eyes settled on me.

his eyes widend in alarm and then squeeled like a little girl and ran off out of the room again. he continued to squeel as he ran. everyone heard him squeel until he got outside.

a few people laughed silently at the back at Ashton's little seen but was soon hushed down by miss brake.

i horrid feeling arose in my stomache. had he been screaming at me??
