VDZ (Valean Dead Zone)

It's a normal patrol in mountain Glenn for Jaune, Chan'cla and Gerald. The three were discussing their favorite type of weapon and why.

Chan'cla: All I'm saying is a scout rifle, glaive and Rocket launcher are all I need.

Gerald: Give me a pulse or trace rifle and any sword and I'm good. How about you Jaune?

Jaune: Hmm, auto rifle, pulse, glaive, crown-splitter and a machine gun. Hit 'em hard.

Gerald: Still like swords huh?

Jaune: *sigh* Should've guessed you would dig up my records.

Chan'cla: Oh! Gerald spill the info!

Jaune: Go ahead.

Gerald: Well for starters he wore light armor almost like those Knights from those old stories. He used a sword and shield, family heirlooms.

Chan'cla: Sounds like you were destined to being a Titan from the start.

Jaune: Why is that?

Chan'cla: Sword and shield. Not to mention your whole Knightly appearance going on.

Jaune: Guess you're- shh you hear that?

They remain silent as the sound of an engine is heard.

Chan'cla: Yeah.

Gerald: Sounds like an aircraft.

Jaune: Let me check.

Jaune peaks over a pile of rubble and sees team RWBY and Oobleck depart a Bullhead. He slides back down before anyone spots him.

Jaune: Shit, we got team RWBY and Oobleck here.

Chan'cla: What? Why are they here?

Gerald: Tavish?

Tavish: I'm on it laddy.

Tavish emits a few beeps.

Tavish: Ah shite

Gerald: What?

Tavish: I did a whole Signal check in the area and picked up a few other signals, one signal turned out to be that Clockwork Orange lookin' bastard's phone.

Jaune: Back at the docks he was with the White Fang. They might also be here.

Chan'cla: What do we do now?

Jaune: We trail behind the lot from Beacon. If the past has shown anything it's that they'll always find trouble.

Gerald: If contact occurs between them and us?

Jaune: You two play it off as being Faunus.

Chan'cla: Yeah, let's hope we don't have to.

Jaune: Gerald, how many other guardians do we have on Remnant?

Gerald: Excluding Cayde and Rose, about 7 of each class. Why?

Jaune: Send out a notice. "All guardians be advised something big might be happening in Vale be there and be ready"

Chan'cla: Wait I thought we would only reveal ourselves at the festival?

Jaune: If a lot of civilians are at risk, we protect them first, anything else we can figure out later.

Gerald: Notice sent.

Jaune good. Now we track the troublemakers.

The guardians track the Huntsmen in training for several hour, nearly being spotted by Blake several times. They're now monitoring them from afar while the team is around a fire.


The girls are sitting around the the fire, Blake with her hand on Gambol Shroud.

Yang: What's got you so tense Blake?

Weiss: Yes, along with your constant turning around, you've been on edge.

Blake: I don't know but I feel like we're being watched.

Ruby: It might be the Grimm.

Blake: No, this almost feel like a person watching us.

Oobleck: What makes you say that miss Belladonna?

Blake: I've heard shuffling and sometimes when I looked back I saw something move.

Ruby: Uhh, guys look at the building down the road.

Everyone looks to see a single fire in the building a man in indistinguishable armor sitting on the ground with a coiled sword in the fire. They all blink but when they open their eyes the fire and man are gone.

Oobleck: Odd. Mostly likely a shared hallucination brought on by lack of sleep. I suggest you girls get some rest.


The guardians have now been tracking Ruby who went after Zwei and are now staring at the hole that opened beneath her. Jumping down the trio are met with the sight of two White Fang grunts holding an unconscious Ruby.

Jaune: Drop the girl.

Chan'cla: Or you get hurt.

Gerald: Big time.

WF1: What are you two doing he's a human?

WF2: Yeah, you should be helping us.

Chan'cla: Yeah, sorry but murdering innocents isn't my cup of coffee.

Gerald: You talk about mistreatment but your action give people reason not to trust us Faunus. Also don't you mean tea?

WF1: If you're not with us then you are all-

Bang Bang

The two Grunts drop. Gerald and Chan'cla look at Jaune who was holding his auto rifle. He looks back at them.

Jaune: What? They clearly posed a threat to people also they were talking too much.

Gerald: What do we do with her?

While the three were discussing what to do Ruby regains consciousness. She opens her eyes and screams seeing the bony armor and three eyes of Chan'cla and the purple four armed "Faunus" Gerald. They turn to look at her.

Ruby POV

I scream at the sight of the two non-human figures before the three eyed one speaks.

Chan'cla: Hello kid, welcome to hell.

The black and orange armored man slaps the back of her? head.

Jaune: Really, Hunter?

Chan'cla: Sorry Titan.

Then the purple four armed Faunus spoke up.

Gerald: I say we leave her here. Her team and professor are likely nearby.

Jaune: Alright let's go. You heard Warlock.

All of a sudden three hoverbikes appears and they raced down the tunnel.

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: I'm down here Yang!

The Beacon lot are now reunited but Ruby speaks with urgency.

Ruby: Guys the White Fang are down here but I also saw those weird looking Faunus from the highway and that knight guy.

Oobleck: Odd looking Faunus?

Blake: Odd by even Faunus standards.

Weiss: Probably aiding the Fang.

Several bangs and booms are heard indicating our guardians have started battle.

Ruby: Quickly, we must go!

Back with the Guardians

The trio are busy wiping the floor with the White Fang.

Roman: Come on you animals! This train is moving!

As it slowly picked up speed the Huntsmen rounded the corner to see multiple dead White Fang and the Huntsmen saw the train start to move.

Oobleck: We must stop that train!

Ruby: We need backup. Let me call Jeane.

Ruby's Scroll flashes "Low Signal".

Ruby: I can't get through!

Weiss: So, what do we do?

Oobleck: I believe we only have one option...

Ruby: (turning around) We're stopping that train!

The scene cuts to the train rushing through a tunnel, loaded with mechs. A White Fang member standing on the train hears a noise and looks outside the train only to be hit by a flaming hammer.

With Roman in the front of the train a White Fang member rushes in.

White Fang Member: Boss! They made it on the train!

Roman: (sighing) Then grab some cargo and get them off the train!

Team RWBY and Oobleck standing on top of the train.

Oobleck: Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!

Weiss: Err... Professor?

Oobleck: Doctor...

Weiss: (pointing down a hatch into the train) What's that?

Oobleck: (kneels down to take a look) That my dear... appears to be a bomb.

Team RWBY all cringe away from the hatch, but Jaune just runs past, jumps down and rips the bomb out and YEETS the explosive device before moving forward.

Dozens of White Fang members can be seen climbing onto the top of the train.

White Fang Member: Get the humans!

Team RWBY jump forward to attack the incoming White Fang members. Oobleck turns around and watches the thrown bomb explode. It creates a hole allowing multiple types of Grimm to emerge.

Oobleck: Oh, dear...

The horde of Grimm begin advancing quickly toward the runaway train.

Oobleck: He's leading Grimm to the city!

Weiss: What?

Blake: That's insane!

Oobleck: We have to hurry! (to Weiss, Blake, and Yang) You three, go below and try to stop those bombs!

Ruby: What about us?

Oobleck: We're going to stop this train.

Ruby: Yeah, I know. I said that earlier.

The group moves forward. As the train continues towards it destination, White Fang members start to pilot multiple Atlesian Paladin-290s, and jump to the top of the train. Ruby, Zwei, and Oobleck are shown running.

Oobleck: Up ahead!

A Paladin is seen charging towards them.

Oobleck: We got a problem!

Chan'cla appears rocket launcher in hand.

Chan'cla: Back Blast Clear!

The Gjallarhorn destroys all the Paladins. Oobleck looks at Chan'cla in shock but she just gives him a thumbs-up before equipping her Glaive and skewering several White Fang.

Down below, Yang, Weiss, and Blake enter the train car.

Yang: I guess this is what we trained for.

Weiss reaches into her pouch and gives Blake a magazine filled with Dust vials.

Weiss: Here, this should help you.

Blake slides the mag into Gambol Shroud, and then the three of them charge forward. Suddenly, Neopolitan drops from the ceiling and blocks their path.

Yang: You two go on ahead. This one's mine.

Blake and Weiss proceed forward. As Neo prepares for their attack, Yang fires a round to distract her, allowing Blake and Weiss to continue. Yang steps forward toward her opponent, staring down as Neo gives a sinister smile. The two begin their fight.

In the next train car, Blake and Weiss are seen running, and then look at each other when they hear the sound of revving up ahead. A figure is seen dragging a chainsaw along the floor.

Weiss: You go on ahead!

Blake: Got it!

The Lieutenant chuckles menacingly as he holds up his chainsaw. The two Huntresses-in-training charge forward, with Blake deflecting an attack as Weiss flips backward. Weiss delivers multiple strikes at the Lieutenant, knocking him down. She then smiles at Blake as she proceeds to the next car. The Lieutenant gets back up, again chuckling menacingly.

White Fang Lieutenant: Finally, I get to kill a Schnee... C'mere, princess!

The Lieutenant grabs Weiss' face and slams her into the floor, knocking her unconscious. He then throws her in the air, readying to hit her with his chainsaw...

Yang's fight is still going badly and soon ends when Neo manages to throw her into the ceiling, knocking her unconscious. Neo turns around to approach Yang...

Cut back to Roman being held down by Blake, he grunts as she points her blade at his throat.

Roman: Oh, still feisty. Soooo, what are we gonna do now? You think a little bow on top is gonna make people forget who you were? What you've done...?

As she grits her teeth at his words, Blake hears the door from the previous train car open behind her. An unconscious Weiss is thrown to the floor, with the Lieutenant emerging from the doorway, holding his chainsaw unaware of the blue eyes and blue sword above him.

Roman: So what's it gonna be, Blake?

Just then the Lieutenant is stabbed from from behind and it's revealed as Gerald being the one who did the deed.

She sheaths Gambol Shroud and kicks Roman in the face, knocking him unconscious. Blake goes over to Weiss' aid, and flees immediately before the Four armed Eliksni can potentially any harm to Weiss.

Meanwhile, Neo is seen pulling a hidden blade from within her umbrella and approaching the unconscious Yang. She prepares to deal the finishing blow, grinning sadistically while doing so. Suddenly, a masked warrior - raven-haired and clad in red and black - comes out of nowhere and knocks Neo back. As the two were about to fight the rapid stomping of feet is heard. They look at the car behind them and see Jaune running at full speed, his Dunemarchers ready to do their thing. Once in range, in a flash he shoulder charges the masked figure and he sends her flying off the train. Neo all of a sudden feels a large amount of electricity run throughout her body before passing out. Jaune then continues running the front. Yang rubs her head, still reeling after just regaining consciousness, before standing up and leaving the scene.

Back in the front Team RWBY meet up followed by the guardians who seem way too calm seeing as they're about to collide with the wall.

Blake: What do we do?

Jaune just walks into the center and pushes his hands to the side.

Weiss: What's he doing?!

Suddenly a purple bubble shield forms as the train hits the wall. The girls close their eyes.

The train collides

A few moments later they opens their eyes to see a bizarre sight. More than 20 armored people holding weapons not know to Remnant and panicking citizens. Jaune releases the shield before walking to a high spot.

Jaune: All civilians please evacuate, A Grimm attack is imminent! This is not a drill!

Suddenly everyone is running away from the Breach.

Weiss walks up to Jaune and presses her finger into his chest.

Weiss: Who do you think you are?

Jaune: A qualified individual. Have a nice flight.

He just picks her up and tosses her away from the breach.

Yang: Woah, hey what was that for?

As she walks to Jaune ready punch him a hand stops her she looks to see Cayde shaking his head.

Cayde: Look kid, judging by your anger issues you ain't ready.

Blake: What even are you?

Cayde: The name's Cayde-6. Now it would be best to leave this to the professionals.

As Huntsmen were starting to arrive they were trying to get through the safe zones the guardians have established. The Beacon Staff and students were being held back by barricades erected by several Titans

Jaune: Cayde! I need you on the eastern edge of the safe zone !

Cayde: Coming Jaune! Oh, I just said that out loud didn't I?

Jaune: Yeah, you did. Alright guardians let none of those Taken rip-offs get past you! AND KEEP COLLATERAL DAMAGE TO A MINIMUM!

As he readies his ThunderLord, Every guardian responded in kind with a cacophony of weapons being readied.

Remnant is about to see the Vanguard in action.

A/N: Here you guys go. I'm going to start updating this story more frequently. Also Let's be honest Cayde would definitely accidentally say Jaune's name in front of everyone.
