Mission Gone Wrong and Debut


A group of goblins are patrolling the area when suddenly one of them are taken out by a flaming hammer. They look up and see a lone titan running at them with a sword. Soon they were all dead. The last thing they did was call for reinforcements. As the titan continues to walk his ghost speaks to him.

Ingot: Why do you think the fucking Vex are here mate?
(Ingot is a ghost with a male Australian accent and foul mouth.)
Jaune: Don't know, don't care. They just need to die one way or another.
Ingot: Ahh come on mate, you're more tight-lipped than the prime minista when he's in hot water.
Jaune: You know my past, the answers are there.
Ingot: Yeah, Yeah, wait, I'm gettin a transmission from old bird-man.
Jaune: Patch it through, you do the talking.
Osiris: Guardian, a large group of Vex are heading your way.
Ingot: G'day to ya too gramps.
Osiris: Just be alert!
Ingot: Okay, okay go play with Saint or something, Christ.

They continue patrolling until a group of twenty Hydra suddenly appear and attack at the same time. Slowly overwhelming Jaune, but he has an idea. Use fists of havoc as they are all grouped together. He does this, but something goes wrong as all of a sudden there is flash. When opens his eyes he sees he is floating in space.

Jaune: Ingot, you there?
Ingot: Yeah, transmatting ship.
Jaune: Thanks

The ship materializes and Jaune goes in.
Jaune: Ingot, I want to know where we are, any problems and send out a signal.
Ingot: *his shell spins a bit and beeps can be heard soon it stops* Ahh piss, Good news the ship, your sparrow and Glimmer are all good.
Jaune: Bad news?
Ingot: Ya might wanna look out the window.

Jaune looks out the window and sees a broken moon.

You lied to us!, I knew you were pathetic Arc, Stay away from me and my sister!, Just stay away from me, you are disowned.

*Now angry he punches a punching bag he keeps for cases like this.*
Jaune: Fuck, fuck, fuck! Why am I here? Back at this pisshole, backwater ball of dirt!
Ingot: This that place you hate? Not surprised.
Jaune: Yeah, they have a heavy reliance on a resource called Dust which doesn't work outside the atmosphere so they haven't even landed on their moon. Communication is done through four towers. Four kingdoms run by a council. And creatures that even a sweeper frame would find easy to kill.
Ingot: Fuck mate, these wankers sound like a bunch of softies. What do suggest?
Jaune: I suggest land on that broken more and gather more intel, and send out a mini-sat to aid in communication.

Jaune pilots the ship to the moon and sends out a mini satellite to orbit the planet. Once landed on of the shards he opens up a screen already linked to the satellite and begins to gather information.

Jaune: looks like a few months have passed since I left, heh time is a fickle mistress. Council has just pronounced me dead that's good and dust robberies have increased, likely white fang. I do not like to kill people but if they threaten innocent civvies, then I will do the necessary deed. Ingot, how do feel about showing this world how guardians work?
Ingot: I'm right by your side. Also this place is chokkas full of light.
Jaune: Good, I'm gonna bring us down at night over the central landmass. Make the locals think it's just a shooting star. When close to ground jump off and send the foundry back to orbit, don't want Atlas getting their hands on it. Work our way from the forests to Vale. We will then go from there.

As they wait for night to fall over conversations are happening all over.

Team Rwby dorm after the council's message

Ruby: So he is dead. *sniff*
Weiss: Ruby, the dolt was bad news
Yang: He lied to us Rubes, who knows what else he lied to us about?
Blake: *silent*

Team JNPR dorm

Jeane: My brother has been declared dead. The fool deserved it.
Pyrrha: At least you are a competent fighter.
Nora: He could of gotten us hurt!
Ren: Agreed

Ozpin's office

Ozpin: *sigh* Another soul lost to bruised egos.
Glynda: He may have come here under forged papers, but he had better intentions than most of the students here. I wish I wasn't so harsh on him.

Arc residence

Arthur: Honey, calm down.
Cynthia: Calm down?! My only son is dead and we don't even have a body to bury! And you want me to be calm?! I tried to tell you to let him explain but you wouldn't listen and disowned him on the spot! What would your father do if you did the same?!  My boy! My baby boy *breaks down sobbing*


It's now night over Vale people are going home, soon many look up to see a "shooting star" and think nothing of it. Mean while in Forever Falls an object is seen hurtling towards the ground when it suddenly slows down and lands on the ground. It's Jaune.

Jaune: Any news on our entry?
Ingot: Nah mate.
Jaune: Nearest place?
Ingot: A village just ova da ridge.

Jaune walks over the ridge and sees smoke. Flashes of the red war appear and Jaune summons Eon Drive.


People running around scared as bandits from the Branwen tribe are attacking.

Bandit: Hah, this village is easy pickings.
Bandit2: Yeah, why do they get to live cushy lives while we have to live in the wilds, but hey atleast we got some toys outta this. *he says this while looking at some of the captured woman.
Raven: Focus, you fools!

A single sound turns everyone's attention to a figure that looked like one of those old knights spoken about in fairytales standing at the gates with a rifle on their shoulder pointed in the air smoking still coming out the barrel. Shay and a few bandits walk to the "knight".

Shay: Nice armor and weapon ya got, tell you what you give us that rofle and armor and maybe we let you live.
The "knight" just stares at him
Bandit: Hey asshole hand over the stuff!
Knight: No.
Bandit: Wha- *before he finishes he is picked up by his head and thrown face first into the ground killing him.*
Bandit2: Holy shit he killed Kenny, you bastard!
*everyone starts shooting at the knight but the bullets just bounce off his armor* (as if dust could even dent guardian armor)
Bandit2: He isn't slowing down what do w- *A round from Herod-c goes through his head like butter and into a bandit behind killing both.
Shay: Run!
They all run back to Raven and Vernal who look at them funny.
Vernal: What can't handle one person
Raven: What do we have here?

As she says this she looks to see the knight Shay ran from staring at her.
Raven: Vernal!
Vernal then "conjures" a lightning strike that hits the knight, she is shocked to see them still still, looking around as if something was supposed to happen.
Knight: Nice party trick. *as he pulls out Thunderlord and lets loose on a group of bandits who all died and electric wells appeared where they fell.* Now what is you say Raven?
Raven: The strong live and the weak die.

Raven now a bit shaken at the outburst leaves through a portal with remaining bandits. Once gone, Jaune goes over to the villagers and unties them. The mayor gets up and starts thanking him as people gather

Mayor: Thank you Thank you, how can we repay you?
Knight: I did not do for payment I did it because it's my duty. *He starts walking to the gates as he is about to leave the mayor asks him a question*
Mayor: Are you a huntsmen?
Knight: No, I am a guardian. A Titan.
*He then leaves to Vale well aware of the reputation he will already have*

Timeskip morning
Beacon Cafeteria

Everyone is having breakfast when suddenly news comes on

This is Vale News Network with breaking news!

Lisa: Good morning this Lisa Lavender reporting from a village that has recently been attacked by bandits. *she walks up to the mayor*
Lisa: Mr Mayor, would you like describe to us what happened?
Mayor: Well the the bandits had us all tied up. Then this bang went off and we all saw what looked to be a knight like those ones from tales. Some of the bandits tried to intimidate him but he just grabbed one of their heads and smashed against the floor, then he shot a round that went through two bandits heads like butter. They then threatened their leader and killed more bandits with a machine gun that made lightning on the ground.
Lisa: And who was this "knight"?
Mayor: I did ask if he was a huntsmen. He said no he was a guardian. A titan.
Lisa: Thank you very much, who is this guardian what are their motives and are they dangerous? This is Lisa Lavender signing out.

Murmurs now filled the cafeteria about this person

Random student: The guy sounds serious

Weiss then scoffs
Weiss: Not a huntsmen? Probably some dropout living in a fantasy.
Yang: I wanna fight him, he looks tough.
Ruby: Whatweaponsdoeshehavehowdotheywork?!
Blake: What is a titan?
Jeane: What's with people and knights first my idiot brother now this guy?!
Pyrrha: He seemed brutal.
Nora: ooh, do you think he likes pancakes?
Ren: Nora, I don't think he cares about pancakes.

As more chatter about this person continue every scroll, screen and piece of tech begins to glitch confusing everyone until a message appears


Meanwhile with Jaune
Jaune: Message go through?
Ingot: Easily, their cyber-security is so piss poor a rock could figure the fuckin' thing out. I got access to the CCT and left an anti-virus and firewall.
Jaune: Of fucking-course. Good job.
Ingot: Why a message?
Jaune: It's a warning and also I left no signs relating it to "Titan" as I've been called.

The scene ends with Jaune riding his Sparrow throught the forests.

Chapter End

A/N: So Jeane Is Jaune's Twin growing up she was the favourite of the two. The staff liked Jaune because he took their advice and actually sought to improve himself. He has some items in his vault on the Foundry that I will bring in next chapter. NOTE: I AM NOT THAT GREAT AT FIGHTING SCENES. Jaune does talk to strangers and enemies more than people he often sees, as he believes a stranger can't betray you as you aren't friends yet and the enemy want you dead anyways.
