Ramen time!

The Festival is now in full swing. Around the Vytal Stadium several guardian ships are patrolling the skies. At the Festival grounds Jaune and his group are having a look around.

Cayde: Hey, this looks kinda similar to the Guardian Games.

Jaune: It is, I guess.

Rose: What do you mean you guess?

Jaune: For them they don't die to every other opponent using the same damn gun, and they don't fight for a class rather their kingdom.

Chan'cla: Makes sense. You alright Gerald, you look tired.

Gerald: Yes, just been teaching the new light.

Amber: I'm right here you know! Why do I have to wear this helmet!

Jaune: Seriously?

Amber: Right, forgot about that. It's just my mind is all over the place at the moment. I forgot about my ghost, the other day!

Amber's Ghost, Alfred materializes

Alfred: Madame is just adjusting to this new life of hers.

Amber: Ah! See I keep forgetting about him! Sorry Alfred.

Alfred: It is quite alright Madame.

Jaune: You get used to it.

Ingot: Yeah, this guy here took a few weeks to get used to my colorful language.

Jaune: Shut the fuck up.

Ingot: Am I wrong though mate?

Jaune: Touché


Chan'cla: AHH! My fucking ears!

Skulker: Sorry, I choked on a piece of Glimmer.


Skulker: I was curious.

Chan'cla: Well how did it taste?

Skulker: Like shit.

Chan'cla: Well, at least you learned.

Gerald: Tavish.

Tavish: Aye, lad!

A bottle of Whiskey appears in his hand.

Gerald: Thanks. You're a good Ghost you know that?

Tavish: If I were a bad Ghost we wouldn't be here discussing this would we!?

Gerald: Correct.

Cayde: So, you guys wanna watch the tournament?

Jaune: There's a Ramen stall here, I'm sure they'll have a TV.

Cayde: Yes! Ramen!

Jaune chuckles

The group are now sitting at A Simple Wok. They're watching team RWBY VS ABRN.

Jaune: I actually never realized how flashy huntsmen are in fighting. It's stupid.

Chan'cla: Oh boy here comes the analyzing and tactics talk.

Gerald: I enjoy it. He has a good tactical mind.

Rose: I don't get it.

Cayde: Just listen to him.

Jaune: Look at Weiss! Is she a ballerina or a fighter!? I do like the one with the hoverboard though, she keeps moving, is fast, hard to predict. Yang however is easy to predict. First off she is a close quarters fighter, primarily uses her upper body and only really uses her legs to dodge, run or move. Ruby spins her scythe a lot giving a moment of vulnerability. Weiss puts too much energy into doing poses with her weapon, she doesn't go straight for the kill.

Cayde: We get it Jaune.

Jaune: Right, well I say team RWBY will win this. Not because I want them to.

And that's the match! Team RWBY wins!

Jaune: Told you.

The group continue eating their Ramen. The sound of chairs being pulled out and back in is heard. They all look up with their mouths full of Ramen to see Team RWBY looking at them with wide eyes.

Weiss: Could you please eat more civilized?

The guardians blink at her before they go back to shoveling their faces with Ramen.

Blake: I think that's their answer.

Yang: Anyway, let's order. I'll have a bowl of the regular, please. You Rubes?

Ruby: Oooh, I'll have the same!


The girls look to see the Guardians having finished eating.

Weiss: Ugh! Umm do you have anything with low salt?

Cayde: Hahaha, Ramen with low salt! Hahaha! Help my chest hurts! Oh!

Blake just nods at the Shopkeep. Weiss tries to pay with her card but it gets declined.

Weiss: Declined!?

Pyrrha: I could help.

Ruby: Pyrrha!

Yang: Don't have to.

Blake: She could.

Pyrrha: I think you earned it after that battle, plus we're friends.

Jeane: Can we join you?

Ruby: Sure!

The three groups now sit in awkward silence. That's until Nora keeps dramatically looking back and forth between Rose and Ruby.

Nora: Ruby, she looks just like you!

Ruby: She does but we aren't related atleast that's what we think.

Rose: Yeah. Considering that I am from Earth and not here.

Chan'cla: But what if you are?

Rose: Then what? You do realize that I know nothing from before becoming a Guardian? All I know is being a Guardian.

Chan'cla: Sorry.

Gerald: You in the bow, please stop staring at me.

Blake: Sorry, it's just I'm wondering if you ever experienced different treatment being what you are.

Jaune just facepalms

Gerald: When I first arrived at the Tower Jaune was the first to greet me.

Blake: What is that supposed to mean?

Cayde: I got this. See back in the Tower Jaune was a mysterious guy.

Pyrrha: In what way?

Cayde: Oh in many ways actually. He hated working in teams, never showed his face to anyone else until the Breach, he was constantly on either a mission, patrol or training. Anyway when Tavish sent us an image of Gerald we weren't sure what to think. So we informed Jaune and all he said was "the light lives in all things" right before heading to the hangars.

Gerald: I'll be honest it was quite intimidating seeing him standing there at parade rest.

Ruby: And the lady with three eyes how did you meet her?

Chan'cla: It's actually quite funny. See, I had been a guardian for about a month. I was wandering the Cosmodrone when heard fighting so I scale a small hill and looked through my scope and saw the funniest beat down ever!

Yang: Probably not as funny as my jokes.

Jaune: Your jokes stink. I've heard better material from Eris Morn.

Yang: They do not stink!

Everyone: Yes they do!

Chan'cla: Hey, back to my story. I look to Jaune here beating a hive knight to death with a thrall. He literally had this little thrall by its ankle. It was golden! When he was done he saw me and held up a peace sign which I replied with the same and the rest is history.

Jaune: Yep, also Blake you gotta stop bringing race into everything.

Blake: I don't understand.

Jaune: The problem with bringing race into everything is that people will avoid talking to you. Look at us guardians and tell me what you see.

Blake: Umm... I see three humans a-

Jaune: I'mma stop you right there. You saw race, I see people. Look at who someone is rather than what they are, makes life easier.

Blake: I'll try thanks.

An announcement plays over the speakers

Shaxx: Titan Jaune, I want you and your group in the stadium for some CRUCIBLE!!! Be there in 5 minutes!

Jaune: Show time.

Jeane: Wait you're going to fight in the stadium?

Jaune: Yeah. Guys let's go!

The guardians run off to the stadium.

Chapter End
