A few stories and drinks.

It's nighttime in Vale and at Junior's club business is booming. It has become an instant hit with the Guardians, not only does this place sell drinks they also pay Junior for information. People are dancing, talking and generally having a good time. In one of the corner booths Jaune, Chan'cla, Gerald, Cayde, Rose and Amber who had a hood on to hide her face were all sitting chatting.

Cayde: And that's when I shot that ugly legionary.

Rose: *sips beer* Cool story, but do you guys remember that time when I had to look after some Smallen?

Jaune: I think it was more of them making sure you were occupied and not creating chaos.

Rose: Hey! You're one to talk Mr I-fear-my-parents.

Gerald: It is wise to avoid a parent's wrath. Especially his parent's from what we saw.

Chan'cla: Yeah, Jaune your mom looked like she could scare Crota with how angry she was.

Amber: Sounds like being a Guardian is fun.

Jaune takes a sip of his whiskey

Jaune: Whilst we do have fun it's still a job. A job that I wouldn't trade for the world. By the way Rose what happened to your one eye? You've never explained what happened to it.

Rose: Oh this *she point to her one milky eye* It's a momento from the Red War. It was after we lost our light, I was making making my way out of the city by foot when a war beast lunged at me. It got a good swipe at my face and this is the result. I killed it of course.

Cayde covers Rose's good eye with one of his hands and hold up three fingers.

Cayde: How many fingers am I holding up?

Rose: Three, and it will be two if you don't take your hand off my face.

Cayde quickly retracts his hand.

Cayde: Wait, you can still out of it?

Rose: Yeah, by the time we regained our light it had healed and gone milky. When I first rezzed after that I could see out of my eye again but it stayed this way.

Cayde: Hey Warlock you got any stories?

Gerald: Not really. Oh wait I do have one. I found out the other day why I was buried in a soup can. I was a fallen that the Drifter ate.

Amber: The fuck?

Gerald: I know it's sounds bizarre.

Jaune: Nope, not really.

Rose: That sounds normal for Drifter to do. From I've heard it was during the dark ages, he ate what he could.

Chan'cla: My turn for a story!

Cayde: This'll be good.

Chan'cla: So you know how no one knew what Jaune here looked until a few days ago.

Everyone except Jaune: Yeah.

Chan'cla: Well I once was able to sneak up on him and pulled his helmet off, but this bastard was wearing a smaller helmet underneath!

Cayde: Ahahaha! That's golden!

Jaune: I took inspiration from a pre-traveler era video game.

The group happen to see team RWBY and JNPR heading their way.

Ruby: H-hey guys.

Rose: Wassup.

Jaune: Take a seat you eight, there's space.

The teams all sit down.

Jaune: So what brings you here?

Yang: What can't we just explore Vale?

Weiss: Xiao Long, remember what we discussed.

Yang: Right, sorry Weiss-cream.

Blake: You guys seem to be having fun.

Jaune: Stop, I can see you want to say something so say it.

Jeane: We and by that i mean my team and team RWBY had a discussion the other day and I- no we want to reconnect.

Pyrrha: We know things won't be the same.

Jaune sips his Whiskey

Jaune: That's a fucking understatement

Nora: Ooh bony lady.

Ren: Nora.

Chan'cla: Ooh a redhead. Wanna blow stuff up?

Cayde: Those two together will spell trouble.

Ren and Gerald look at each other and a mutual understanding forms between them.

Jaune: Cool, just so you know we'll probably be at best acquaintances. I have my team and my job you have yours. As much as I hate you all, that doesn't mean I have to be a what's the word?

Cayde: Douche?

Rose: An asshole?

Amber: Dick?

Chan'cla: Prick?

Gerald: Cunt?

Jaune: Any of those will do. But yeah I hate you guys but I'm not gonna go out of my way to be mean to you.

The Beacon teams slump at his blunt statement.

Jeane: So bro- Jaune what do you do as a guardian?

Jaune: Oh you know patrols, recon, mission, fighting gods, training and the mandatory Ramen. The usual.

Cayde: Can't forget the Ramen.

Weiss: You fight gods?!

Rose: We do and it's more often than you think.

Blake: And what do you after you defeat them?

every guardian in the club heard her ask that and in a cacophony of voices relpies


Pyrrha; How?!

Jaune: It's a whole complex thing involving hive magic for some, taken energy for others, or we just stuff their souls into the weapon.

Jeane: Do you have-

Jaune: Nope, nada, hell no. I like weapons as much as any other guardian but weapons that are essentially alive doesn't sit right with me.

Ruby: Whatweaponsdoyouhavewhatdustdotheyuse?

Cayde: Anyone catch what the short one said?

Ruby: I'm not short. I drink milk!

Cayde: Right...

Yang: She wants to know what weapons you have and what dust they use.

Jaune: Right. Well it varies. Me, I use an auto rifle, pulse rifle, glaive, sword and a machine gun.

Gerald: Pulse rifle, trace rifle and sword.

Chan'cla: Scout rifle, glaive and a rocket launcher baby.

Cayde/Rose: Hand cannon.

Jeane: Wait. Why does he use more weapons than you guys?

Cayde: Ace of Spades is perfect for me.

Rose: Same here with Rose.

Jaune: I like to have some variety in how I fight. By the way our guns don't use Dust.

Weiss: No Dust?! I find that hard to believe.

Amber: Out of all the recent events this you struggle to believe?

Jaune: Yeah, what we use is a combination of chemicals that react similarly to Dust but the difference between them is our propellant does kinetic damage. We do use energy weapons but some of those use specialized Ammo.

Ren: So your powers what are they?

Jaune: It varies between classes.

Nora: Classes?

Gerald: The different types of Guardians.

Nora: Ooh.

Jaune: Anyway there is 3 light classes of energy and at the moment 2 darkness classes as of now. There's Arc- electricity,  Void- Void, and Solar- fire.

Rose: In the darkness there's Stasis basically ice or rather the absence of heat and Strand the threads of multiple consciousness basically ropes in a sense.

Blake: So what energy do use use?

Gerald: All guardians have basic access to the light subclasses, we can all use them through meditation.

Jaune: Use the them depending on the situation. If I need to do an AOE attack I use Arc, take out a large enemy or enemies I use Solar, and for defense I use Void. So I'm a Striker, Sunbreaker and Sentinel.

Ruby: AOE?

Weiss: It means area of effect.

Ruby: Oh.

Yang: Robot, what do you use?

Cayde: Oh my cotton socks! I am not a robot!

Chan'cla: Well, him. Rose and Cayde are hunter gunslinger.

Rose: Yeah, but I also use Strand and Stasis.

Jaune: Just because you can grapple onto things doesn't mean you should!

Rose: In my defense Free Bird was playing. Plus the rocket didn't kill me!

Gerald:*sigh* Those two. Well I'm a Well of radiance and Nova bomber. And new light over there Well, we aren't sure yet what she'll be best with.

The group talk a bit more until the Huntsmen in training leave to head back to Beacon. Our guardians spend the rest of the night drinking and sharing stories.

Chapter End.
