Fireteam Remnant

Leader: Jaune

(See First chapter for other deets)

Warlock: Gerald, well of radiance, Nova bomber

(Art not mine)
Weapons: Vigilance Wing, Retraced Path and half-truths
Ghost: Tavish, a ghost with a drunk Scottish accent
Wears what's in the image
Likes a good whiskey

Hunter: Chan'cla a hive gunslinger.

(Art not mine)
She spends her free time watching pre-golden age meme and is as Ikora once Called her a " caffeine Gremlin" and Shaxx once caught her running up the wall scaring him, she has a coffee addiction and tried to remove Jaune's helmet once she did but there was another underneath.
Weapons: Night Watch, Judgement of Kelgorath, Gjallarhorn
She wears the brave hunter chest and legs
Ghost: Skulker, hive shell, a master of sound effects

Jaune speaks to these two a lot more than any other guardians. Ikora thinks that them being the first of their species to join the vanguard as guardians and with jaune's statement of apparent betrayal he sees himself in them as outcasts. They have also sometimes been seen leaving a music studio downtown in the city.

A/N: So I have figured a way to explain why Jaune still has his memory. Most guardians are ressed after being dead for along time, and people who have been resuscitated after being dead for 4-6 minutes start having brain damage. So being dead for centuries means no neural pathways because of decomposition, but some are ressed and some of their pathways sometimes have similarities from their first life. That's my headcanon atleast. Next chap will explain more on Jaune's side.
