"Daddy, ice cream!" My one year old demands.

Stare down at her with an amused grin on my face. Definitely Harmony's daughter. Same demanding tone. Even managed to perfect her mother's Bambi eyes and disappointed frown that has been weaponised against me many a time.

"Baby, it's nine in the morning. Too early for ice cream." Bend down so I'm level with my little princess.

She throws that disappointed frown my way, just how her mother has taught her. Then runs away with her little legs, to my wife. Grabs onto her free hand, tugging it.

"Mummy! Daddy mean!"

Harmony picks our daughter up, holding her in her arms as she turns to face me.

"What did you do to my angel?" She raises an eyebrow.

"She wants ice cream at the crack of dawn." I huff.

"And as she should." She's got her nose in the air now and so does our daughter. I swear these girls of mine, run me ragged. Gang up on me always. And get everything they want at all times. Love it so much though.

"Harms." Give her a be for real face.

"Jude." Other eyebrows raised now. Both of them. And our cute little daughter has her small arms crossed looking at me as expectantly and defiantly as her mother is. She's a mini Harmony through and through.

"It's too early Harms. We can get her an ice cream at the gameβ€”"

"Baby how about we stop making daddy's silly breakfast, get some ice cream and watch Barbie?" Harmony asks our daughter, cutting me off mid sentence.

"Hey!" Now it's my turn to frown with disappointment. She was making me a nice breakfast for my game later today.

My cute little one year old claps her small hands together in excitement.

"Let's go!" Harms grins at me as she passes by me to get to the fridge. Opens the freezer part and takes out the special ice creams we buy for our daughter. She has an acquired and specific taste just like her mum.

"Breakfast?" I ask watching my wife walk towards the doorway to leave the kitchen.

She turns back to look at me.

"Eggs done, pans on the stove bacons in the fridge." Flashes me a bratty smile that my daughter copies.

Told you these two are a bloody handful. Thought I was in the clear once I was able to deal with Harmony. Clearly not.

Some time passes and I venture into the living room to see my wife and daughter cuddled up together on the couch watching a Barbie movie.

Such a cute sight, seeing our little one laying on Harmony. Head on her chest as she watches the movie, Harms with her arms wrapped around her, chin on top of her head.

I walk over silently, bend down next to them.

"Thanks for breakfast." Grin at the love of my life. She puts up a good little bratty persona, but I've turned her into a softy lately. She struggles these days to keep up her resolve.

She rolls her eyes, shifting a little so she's sat up but our daughter is still comfortably laying down.

"Had me fooled there thinking you were really going to make me cook the rest. It was very cute of you to act like that and then leave my plate in the microwave. You never not cook breakfast on my big game days." Pinch her cheek because even after a year of marriage and a child, I still live to annoy her.

She swats my hand away, moving away from me on the couch to the other end. I plonk down beside her, moving my daughter's legs so they're resting on mine.

"You've gone soft." I tease leaning in so my face is close to hers.

She scrunches her face up

"I have not."

"Have. You'd have made me make breakfast myself if this was like two years ago." I laugh.

"I'm making sure you're fed so you play well so you keep getting paid all of that money so that I can spend it all." She sasses.

"Mhm. Sure harms." Grin at her

"Listen hereβ€”" crosses her arms. Argument face switched on.

"What's our daughter's name?"

"Magnolia." I answer

"And who picked that?"

"You." I answer again.

"And who chose this house?" She questions again.

"You?" Confused as to where this is going. With Harmony, it could go anywhere.

"Right. And whom was it that made you change all of the windows in the house so the plants get proper light?"

"You?" Completely confused.

"In conclusion, I run things here. So I have very much not gone soft. In factβ€”" She pauses to hit me around the back of my head. To further prove her point I guess?

"β€”You're the one that's completely caved and gone soft." Shit eating grin on those perfect lips that are on that perfect face of hers.

"Well when I have harmony and her little mini me death glaring me everytime I say no to foods at ridiculous times of the day it's a bit hard! I'm getting tag teamed here!" I defend.

"Aw, little Jude Bellinghams sad because he has to give us what we want." She mocks.

"You joke, but wait until my son comes along." Point a playful warning finger at her.

In true Harmony fashion she bites it. Laughing as I withhold my scream so I don't interrupt magnolia while she's watching the movie.

"Abuse I'm suffering here. Abuse and manipulation." I sigh.

"Dramatic." Harms playfully pushes me.

I catch her hand and kiss it and then pull her towards me and kiss her. Favourite girl in the world. Will never get over how she's here sat with me on our couch in our house with our daughter. It's all so perfect.

The doorbell rings and Harmony's face tenses.

"You good?" I ask my wife

"Yep." Tight lipped smile on her face.

"I'll get it." Pat her knee as I push off the couch and stand to my feet.

"No! I will!" She shoots up, jogging after me.

"No babe it's fine sit down." I urge exiting the living room. Thought she took my adviceβ€”which may I say was dumb of me because it's Harmony of course she didn't.

When I feel a heavy weight on my back I don't even turn to see who it is. It's her. Obviously. Wonder what age magnolia's going to start doing the same.

"Harmony you have to stop doing this now!" I shout

"Shut up!" She shouts back trying to pull me down.

"Why can't I get the door?"

"Because I said so! Go sit back down!" She responds.

"You go sit back down you monkey!"

"Racist!" She yells loudly as if there's an audience for her to announce this to.

"Magnolia's going to grow up thinking her mum was clinically insaneβ€”oh wait, she is!"

"You married me you twat!" She says still trying to drag me back. I have to grab onto the stairs railing and yell out a one minute to the poor person waiting on the other end.

"Yes and while I'll never regret it I will question why I never checked you into a mental institute for a month so you could be fixed!"

"Fixed! I'm perfect you idiot!" Grabs my ear and pinches it hard.

"Oh sorry did I say mental institute? I meant a lobotomy. Yes that would have mellowed you right out!" Manage to shove her off my back so she's forced to let go and focus on not hitting the ground.

"RUDE!" She tells glaring at me now not on my back.

"TRUE!" I announce. Turn away and walk to the door, pulling it open.

Poor man on the other side must of had a fright opening the door to my wife and I. Our chests heaving up and down, my hair messy. T-shirt basically off my shoulder. Wonder what he was thinking.

"Hi." Force a smile. Harms does the same, coming to stand next to me.

"Hello, delivery for Harmony Bellingham?" He looks between the two of us as if it could be me with that name.

"Yes, right here." I watch as my wife raises a tentative hand in the air.

Then I watch the man walk down our driveway to the van parked outside. He opens the door and I spot a multitude of plants he begins to bring out.

I turn my head to a sheepish looking Harmony.

"It's to make the house look prettier!" She states before I even say anything.

"What are we? Tarzan and Jane? This house is already looking like a jungle Harmony!
We don't need anymore." I sigh

"You don't. But Magnolia and I do. You know I read that plants release good natural chemicals that help babies brains develop." Her arms are crossed. She means business.

"Right just how a change of environment made Aussie scared?" Tilt my head at the woman I love. This mad, crazy woman.

She rolls her eyes. "I don't like to be mocked."

"I don't like to be climbed on like a tree."

" weren't complaining last night." She grins.

Fuck. This woman. Keeper of my heart and all.

I sigh the way I do whenever she manages to win me around and get her own way, which is basically every other day.

"No more now though." As if she'll listen to me.

"Promise!" She beams moving into my arms as the man brings in all six plants she bought. A lie from her, there will be more plants and flowers and we'll have this conversation all over again and she'll definitely jump on my back again. I don't care though. I love it and I'm excited for the next time we "argue" about her plant intake.

She knows I'm wrapped around those pretty fingers of hers. She says jump and I'll say how high.

Roll my eyes as I fight back a smile, look down at the woman I've created a beautiful life with.

"What?" She looks up at me confused.

"Nothing. Just love you."

Her eyes soften how they've done for four years now around me.

"I love you more." She leans up planting a gentle kiss on my lips and then goes back to watching the man bring in the last two plants.

Once he's finished he leaves and Harmony smiles at her new acquired items. Already starts brainstorming names.

"How on earth are we going to get these to fit in the house?" I question looking at the six tall and wide plants before me.

"Don't you worry about that. You go get ready for your game, I'll brainstorm and then call you when I need your strong arms." She blows me a patronising kiss as she ushers me up the stairs.

Mad she is.

She did indeed make all of the plants fit and to be fair she's made our mansion look a lot more homely. Will never tell her that though because that will spark the impulsiveness in her and she'll run to buy more.

I drive us all to the game, much to Harmony's disappointment because she wanted to drive me and have me relax but I told her I hated how she drives because she drives like a mad woman.

We get to the stadium the time I'm meant to be there. Give my girls a kiss goodbye and then head off to start training with the boys.

Time goes quick and before I know it I'm out on the pitch looking for my favourite people in all of existence.

I spot them, harms holding up Magnolia in her hands, the camera on them projecting them onto the big screen makes it easier for me to see them.

I wave at my girls, blow them both kisses and then I turn away to get my head in the game.

Always played better with Harmony in the stands or even having her to mind before we start. But now I have her and my little girl, it's the best motivation I could ever have.

I play to make them proud. Always. As long as they're cheering me on, I'm able to block out everything else.

That's what I do with this game and we end up winning 2-1. One goal scored by me which I did my celebration for and sent out a heart gesture for my two girls.

My smile instantly appears as they make their way to me after the game. Magnolia comes running up to me first and I lift her high in the air.

She giggles as I spin her around in the air for a few seconds. Bring her back down and hold her whilst my eyes lock onto my wives. My beautiful wife who looks unfairly good at every given time, even now where she looks exceptionally gorgeous.

"Nice goal." She stares up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Nice face." I retort.

She laughs, shaking her head before she cups my face in her hands, kisses me softly and then pulls away so her lips are close to my ear.

"I'll give you my congrats on the plane tonight." She whispers, pulls away and smirks at me.

The woman she is needs to be studied.

I look her up and down, wanting to be on the plane right now.

I'm about to respond when we get interrupted by Vini. He comes over smiling. Goes to Magnolia first to say hi. She adores him.

He holds her, the pair having their own little conversation and then his attention turns to us as he still holds her. He hugs Harms and then me.

We talk a bit before he hands Magnolia back to Harms and leaves. Patting me on the back before he does.

"Go get dressed I'll meet you out here in a bit." Harms says.

I nod, kiss her forehead. "My turn to celebrate you."

She smiles her beautiful smile and then ushers me off.


"Nervous?" I ask my wife whose leg's bouncing up and down as we sit in our private jet.

"A bit." She looks at me with a worried smile on her lips.

We're flying over to Milan for Harmony's first ever runway show. Debuting her clothing line with Burberry. Big things.

"You've worked so hard on this, everything is as perfect as you are. It'll be fine." Take her hand in mine. The hand that was made to hold mine.

"Are you sure?" She asks, eyes all round.

"Is the sky blue?" I throw back at her. Something she's used on me before.

"Yes." She mashes down a smile.

"Then there we go." Lean forward and kiss her forehead, and then peer over at our gorgeous daughter sleeping on the chair opposite.

The flight attendant brings out our food for us, placing the two plates down on the tables in front.

"Thought you said you wasn't that hungry?" Harms nods towards the fries next to my pizza.

"Don't tell me after four years you still don't know the drill?" I question with a raised eyebrow, pushing the fries towards her.

"I doβ€”" she takes a fry.

"β€”I just love to be reminded." She beams. Resting her head on my shoulder.

The flight lands after two hours, harms holding a sleeping magnolia as we transfer to the car awaiting us and then from there go to our hotel.

We're staying at the four seasons. Booked the best room there is, en suite. Only the best for my girls.

"Thank you." Harmony tips the porter who's just finished carrying all of our bags upstairs.

She yawns as she turns to our one year old sleeping on the bed. I stand next to her also peering down at her.

"If I'm honest I can't be asked to change her into pjs, I'm so tired." Harmony rubs her eyes.

"Yeah she's good like that, we'll just check her nappy."

"We? You mean you." Harms steps back.

"Nah come on don't make me do it alone." I sigh.

"You've done it many times, you've got this." She encourages, waving a semi-enthusiastic fist in the air before walking to the bathroom.

It's a little bit of a struggle because I don't want to wake magnolia up. For many reasons but the main one is she's exactly like her mum when she gets woken up. Moody, grumpy and all round dangerous.

Either way I manage to check her nappy that's dirty, change her, take her coat and shoes off and then wrap her up in the bedsheet, making sure there's pillows either side so she doesn't roll and fall out.

My wife walks out of the bathroom once I'm done, looks at Magnolia and then smiles at me.

"Good job."

"Thanks." I smile back at her proudly.

We both get ready for bed and then slip in beside our daughter. Her in the middle.

I stare at the both of them. Magnolia with her eyes closed and Harms with hers open, peering right back at me.

I've won the lottery with these two. This is all I need and all I'll ever need. My favourite girls.

"I love you so much, Harmony." I whisper quietly. Reach out and touch her face gently.

"I love you even more." She replies. Closes her eyes and leans into my hold.

We fall asleep like that. Peaceful.

That is until Harmony's up at six in the morning running around like a mad woman. The same way she was during all of the wedding planning.

Of course she has a clipboard. It would be strange if she didn't.

Instead of combating her madness I embrace it. Decide to help her out by getting magnolia ready even though she's already left out the outfit she wants her to wear because she's organised like that. And she'd probably have a go at me if I dressed her myself.

Once magnolias ready I let the front desk know we're ready for our breakfast that I pre-ordered last night so everything would run smoothly.

Pancakes for both my girls. And then hot chocolate for my wife of course. Ordered a range of things because I know Harms likes a little of everything.

The rest of the day speeds by and before I know it I'm in the crowd along with all of Harms and I's family and friends, awaiting the runway show to start.

"I'm so excited!" Aaliyah smiles.

"Me too!" Chloe agrees.

We all are. So proud of our Harms.

"Think I'm going to start crying already." Rose sighs. Iris laughs passing her mum a tissue.

"Me too actually!" Mum sniffles. Biggest fan of her daughter in law.

"Mum the show ain't started yet." Jobe laughs and my dad tries to mash down a smile as he throws an arm around her.

"No I'm with Denise. I feel like a proud dad." Mike states.

"You practically are a proud dad." I tell him and rose nods along with Gio, Toby and everyone else.

"And we're proud besties!" I hear. Turn to my left to see none other than Giana and Matt. Of course they've spawned. They have their three year old daughter in their hands.

"How did youβ€”you know what I won't even ask anymore. Nice to see you guys." Never thought I'd be embracing Matt and Giana into a willing hug but here we are.

"Can't wait for our kids play dates! We're moving to Madrid so there will be so much time to spend together!" Giana beams.

"Can't break the bro's up!" Matt tries to fist bump me and I'm about to reluctantly do the same when the lights go off and one spotlight shines and music starts playing.

"Ooh it's time!" Chloe says excitedly.

We all take our seats, magnolia firmly in my hands.

I then hear my forever girls name announced and see her walking down the long runway, waving at the audience that are so excited to see her. They're cheering her name so loudly and I couldn't be prouder.

"Look there's mummy!" I hold magnolia up as I quickly stand with the rest of the crowd. She giggles and shouts out mummy as harms walks down the runway.

She gets to us in the front row. Kisses Magnolia, kisses me and then waves at all of our family and friends before walking down the rest of the runway.

The show is absolutely brilliant. Wouldn't ever expect less from her. Someone as talented as she is.

Everyone's ranting and raving about how gorgeous the collection is and she's taken social media by storm because it's gone viral.

She runs over to us when it's done and I hand her the massive bouquet of flowers I bought to congratulate her. Tulips of course.

"Damn, Magnolia has some really fucking successful parents." Aaliyah laughs.

"That she does." Kiss my wife on the cheek as I pull her into me.

"Okay! Let's go get drunk!" Harmony beams.

Mum, dad and Rose being the saints they are, are taking magnolia for us so we can go have fun.

Our small little group head out to the bar to get drinks, and Harms and I are the last ones standing surprisingly even though we're the parents of the group.

Both Aaliyah and Toby and Chloe and Gio retire early with Iris not even making it to the second bar we went to before going to sleep.

"Wanna do something sort of crazy?" Harms asks

"Harms, everything I do where you're involved is crazy."

She glares at me.

"Answer is yes." I poke her playfully.

She doesn't tell me where we're going but we get out the Uber and I see we're in front of a tattoo shop.

"Matching tatts!" She chants pulling me into the shop.

The tattoo artist is very happy to see us. A big fan of mine apparently. He's very nice, offers us drinks and food. Of course my wife says yes. And then he asks what we want and harms looks to me.

"I was thinking, forever yours?"

Don't even need another conversation about it. It's perfect. It's us.

"Let's do it." I beam.

She gets it on the front of her arm and I get mine on the inside part of my arm.

We put our matching tattoos next to each other and get our lovely tattoo artist to take a picture.

"Forever yours." She grins wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Forever yours." I repeat, softly kissing her.

We're on cloud nine once we leave the tattoo shop. Decide to walk back to the hotel which is like a ten minute walk.

We're holding hands, all high off of the love we have for each other, feels like our wedding day all over again. Actually feels like every single day I spend with her because loving her is the easiest most funnest thing I get to do.

As we're walking we're looking up at the sky. Very starry night tonight.

"Oh my god Jude look!" Harmony points up at the sky. At one particular star.


I told her two years ago. Sirius only comes out when we're together. Never not believed that a day in my life. He's the anchor that pulls us together.

Look down at the only girl my heart will ever answer to. Feel so lucky every single day I get to spend with her.

Reach out and push her hair behind her ear. Cup her face.

"I'm madly in love with you Harmony Bellingham."

"Funny, I'm madly in love with you too, Jude Bellingham." She grins up at me. Eyes big and beautiful.

"Forever mine?" I ask her. Even though I know the answer.

"Forever yours." She replies, closing the gap between us and kissing me.




Judebellingham favourite girls + best support ❀️

View comments

username can't believe we're here πŸ₯Ή

username my fave family!!

username best love story to exist I think


username MY parents

username magnolia babe before you were born Harms and Jude use to raise ALL OF US!!

username guys I love them real bad 😩


username Jude's a fathaaaaa

username love how Harmony's always been the first picture in any photo dump he's ever done

username fave family ❀️❀️❀️❀️

Harmony.b 🀍🀍🀍🀍



Harmony.b best night of my life with my loves 🩷

View comments

username IM CRYING

username so proud of you Harms πŸ₯Ή

username you've been through so much and worked so hard for this. So so so proud of you babe ❀️

username our favourite girl always <3

username it girl!

username damn magnolia got some hot ass parents

username sorry you and Jude are the hottest married couple I've ever seen. Magnolias so lucky

username yeah magnolias face card is going to go crazyyyyyy


username gonna go lay on the road

username have to pinch myself every time I see you and Jude bc I can't believe we made it here

username real ones remember Dortmund days!!

Judebellingham forever mine???
↳ Harmony.b forever yours. Always ❀️❀️

β€” Love you all so much so I had to give you a little bonus chapter and I missed them! Jarmony I can never let you gooooo. Anyways I hope you all loved this and this chapter wrapped everything up for you properly! I have other books for you all to read if you're interested including my own original book I'm writing a sequel for right now.

β€” Love you guys as always!! And I may write another bonus chapter once I get back home to England. We'll see how I feel after my 9 hour flight today lol. But if not, thank you guys again for all of the support and love. LOVE YOU ALL AND SEE YOU IN THE NEXT BOOK ❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️
