

"JUDE!" I hear loudly. My peaceful sleep interrupted.

My eyes snap open looking over to my left to see Harmony laid next to me. Somehow we've both ended up in the middle of the bed, my arm around her.

I sniff a laugh, smirking down at her.

"Someone didn't stick to their side." I tease

"My side? You're the one with your arm around me!" She pushes it away, moving back in the bed so she's on her own side again.

"You probably moved first." I tease.

"Yeah you wish." She grumbles sitting up in bed and pulling the covers so they're over her.

I turn on my side so I'm facing her. Head resting on my palm.

"How about you try to keep to your own side tonight?" I grin.

She turns her head in my direction, glaring at me.

"How about I break your neck?" She retorts.

"You're so kind to me." I say sarcastically.

She doesn't respond, just rolls her eyes reaching over to the bed side table to grab her phone.

I smile as I pull the covers back, getting out of bed. I stretch for a second and then I slip on my sliders, walking around the bed towards the bathroom. I make sure to grab my clothes on the way.

I can hear Harmony laughing at Tik Tok videos from the bathroom. Having her own little commentary to herself as she watches them.

She has such an infectious laugh. Lights up and entire room.

I spent a year missing that laugh of hers. Begging to hear it. The laugh that immediately brightened up any dark day I was having. The laugh that I adored.

It was strange not having her near. We had spent so long building what we had. Going from people who hated each other to people that would do anything for one another. I would of burned the entire world down just so she could smile or laugh.

The minute we admitted our feelings we fell even deeper. There was no stopping us. We had waited so long to be together, once we were finally able to, that was it. We went off into our own little world.

We both tried our best to hold onto that world of ours. But it was difficult. And although we struggled, I never thought we would actually lose it. I never thought I'd ever lose her. I was counting on us. She was my one sure thing in life. More than football, more than money and happiness. She was it.

The year apart from her was the hardest moment of my life. I wasn't happy. I didn't feel joy, I didn't smile. All I could think about was her. Because she was my everything. My security, my safe place. Nothing worried me about life and what it could bring as long as I had her.

It's hard to just let that go. To be okay with the only girl that has ever shown you what love is and the only girl you've ever loved, not being apart of your life anymore. All of that safety, security and happiness just ripped away from you.

I finish up in the bathroom and then walk out. Harmony stands from the bed, grabbing her things from the wardrobe. She walks over to me who's traded places with her, now sat on the bed and stares at me.

"Go on."


"You know the drill." She smiles nodding at the door to the balcony.

"Harmony come on. You can't be serious."

"I am."

"You were just cuddling me in your sleep and now you want me to leave the room?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I was not cuddling you. You had your arm around me!" She points at me.

"Could have moved away." With a shrug and a taunting smile.

"Just get out!" She demands.

"No. Just change in the bathroom like I did."

"Jude Bellinghamβ€”" She stalks towards me slowly.

"If you don't get out of this room and sit out on the balcony right now, I will strangle you!" She threatens with her hand up in the air as she comes to stand in front of me.

I grab her wrist, waving her hand side to side. "With these little things? I really don't think so Simmons."

She clenches her jaw before she launches her hand out and grabs me by the ear.

"Ow! Harmony!"

"You don't want to walk outside yourself? That's fine. I'll take you out myself!"

"Stand up!" She orders

"No!" I dismiss trying to remove her hand but she's got a good grip.

She pinches my ear harder. "Up!"

"Fine!" I stand just so she stops hurting my ear. But she doesn't. She continues to pinch it, grabbing my arm and twisting it behind my back as she drags me by my earlobe away from the bed, walking me to the door.

"Let go of me! Please!" I plead.

She ignores me. Opens the door with the hand that had mine twisted behind my back. Once the doors open she reassumes her position, pushing me out of the door.

"How the fuck are you so strong?" I blink at her as I hold my ear that is throbbing.

"I just channel my hatred for you into strength." She smiles sweetly before slamming the door in my face.

I end up on the balcony for forty five minutes before the door swings open and she ushers me to come in.

"Catch a tan?" She mocks

"Shut up." I roll my eyes going to sit on the couch.

She laughs as she walks to the mirror near the door.

"Are you not ready yet?" I watch as she grabs her hair brush.


"It's been forty five minutes Harmomy."

"Do I need to grab your ear again?" She points a warning finger.

"No! No you don't!" I quickly answer.

"Good." She turns back to look in the mirror.

"You can leave without me. We don't need to go down to breakfast together. We're not a couple." Hate that she has to remind me of the fact that we're no longer together. Even though I should have that instilled into my mind seeing as I'm in a relationship.

"I'll wait." I huff. Don't really wanna just leave her up here.

She finishes up ten minutes later, finally being ready to leave. She grabs her purse and phone, I grab our key card and the pair of us leave the room.

"One sec." Harmony says as we get to the lobby. She walks up to the front desk. I follow behind.

"Hi, me again." She smiles at the same lady.

"Is there any rooms available yet?" She asks hopefully.

The woman looks at her sympathetically. "I'm afraid not miss. I promise, you are our top priority for a room."

"Okay that's fine. Thank you very much." Harmony flashes her a polite smile and then walks away.

"That's karma for grabbing my ear." I tease as I walk next to her towards the restaurant for breakfast.

"I have no shame doing it again in front of all these people. They'd take pictures and videos and before you know it, you'd be the star of the Daily mails front cover." She smirks, looking ahead.

"You guys are late." Aaliyah highlights as we get to the table.

"Blame this one." I nod at Harmony who's next to me.

She cuts me a dirty look before looking at Aaliyah.

"It was a stressful morning can we not. I just need food." She sighs, picking up the menu.

"Did you manage to get a room yet?" Gio asks stupidly. I swear I see Harmony's eye twitch. I wouldn't be surprised if she launched across the table and grabbed his ear.

"No Gio. No I didn't. I have to continue sharing with....this." She gestures to me.

"How lovely." I smile sarcastically

"Aaliyah you still sick?" Chloe asks doing an awful job at acting as if she actually believes Aaliyah's lie.

Aaliyah fake coughs. "Very."

Harmony rolls her eyes, pouting a little. It's cute.

"So what should we do today?" Chloe asks the table as the waiter grabs the last of our menus and walks away to place our orders.

"Beach maybe?" Aaliyah suggests

"Ooh how about we go on a boat or something?" Gio puts forward.

"There's this tour I saw happening today. They take you around the town. Show you the pretty sights of Padura." Harmony informs

"That sounds fun!" Chloe beams looking around at all of us for our opinions.

"Perfect for my photo dumps let's do it." Aaliyah says making all of us laugh.


"So pretty!" Harmony gasps as she looks the building filled with tons of flowers and plants.

"If anyone would like to stop off in any of the stores feel free we can all meet back at the bus in an hour." Our tour guide encourages. I watch as the others on the tour disperse into the different stores either side of us.

A wide smile spreads across Harmony's face. She looks at all of us.

"No!" I huff

"Funny how I wasn't asking you." She sasses looking at the other three.

"Do what you want, I'm tryna go to that shoe store there! It says tourists get money off." Aaliyah grins

"I'll come I saw some cute heels!" Chloe beams

"I saw a pair of trainers." Gio comments.

The three of them walk off towards the store, leaving just Harmony and I.

"You've got to be kidding me." She mutters under her breath as she looks over at me. Clearly unhappy life has thrown us together yet again. She's not the only unhappy one. I hate going to any plant or flower place with her. She ends up being there for hours.

She walks in and I follow. The place is filled with plants and flowers and Harmony's ran to them without second thought, talking to herself about how pretty they all are.

"I'm so getting this one!" She points to a pretty big plant.

"And how are you going to carry that back?" I ask

"None of your business. But it will be done." She side eyes me before looking at some more plants.

After what I think is half an hour she circles back to the original plant she likes.

She goes to lift it but I stop her and lift it instead. I may think she's crazy getting this big plant with no plans on how she'll take it back, but I'll still help her lift it.

I follow her to checkout so she can pay.

The lady who's elderly smiles at the pair of us and we smile back politely.

"How beautiful you two are." The Italian woman admires.

"Aw thank you." Harmony smiles

"This is my favourite." She looks at the plant on the counter.

"Mine too! It's so gorgeous." Harmony responds.

"You know what I'm going to do?" The lady starts as she scans the plant.

"Since you two seem like such a lovely couple, I'm going to give you guys a discount."

"I mean..assuming you are a couple?"

"Yes! Yes we are." Harmony answers suddenly

"Thank you so much!" She thanksΒ 

"This plant can be the first addition to our new home babe." Harmony smiles over at me.

I'm confused for a second before I understand what she's doing.

"It really will be." I smile placing a hand on her shoulder.

She removes it, moving my arm so it's around her waist. Her hand on top of mine that's on her hip.

She smiles fakely at me and then at the lady who is loving this.

Harmony pays and then I pick up the plant, one hand holding it whilst the other is still around her waist to keep up the act.

We say goodbye and thank you to the lady, walking out.

"Don't touch my waist." She removes my hand from her moving away.

"You literally put my hand there."

"Yes inside the shop. Just until I paid. Why it was still on there as we walked out. I'll never know." She glares at me.

I roll my eyes.

We happen to catch the others at the same time as they exit the store they were in.

"No fucking way you bought a plant." Aaliyah huffs

"I did." Harmony grins

"You couldn't have stopped her Judeth?" Aaliyah questions me.

"What was I meant to do? Jump on her so she couldn't buy it?"

"Which he'd never be able to do by the way. I'm too strong." She smirks.

"Where to next then?" Gio asks.

"Oh I saw an ice cream place up there!" Harmony points

"Let's go!" Chloe says eagerly

"No! I don't wanna carry this heavy ass plant around in the heat." I argue

"Then you sit on the bus and we'll get ice cream." Harmony shrugs ready to skip off.

"But I want ice cream."

"Then come with us you idiot." She huffs annoyed with me. She starts walking away with the girls.

Gio laughs at me as he follows. I begrudgingly trudge after them.

We spent an hour walking. After ice cream the girls wanted to go to a jewellery store. Then they wanted to shop for clothes.

By the time we get back to the bus I'm tired and annoyed as I've carried Harmony's heavy plant around all day.

The bus drives as all back in thirty minutes. Harmony and the girls get out whilst Gio and I follow them like idiots with their bags and plant.

"See you at dinner." Chloe says to us as we get to the lobby, skipping away with Aaliyah to their rooms.

"Help me." Gio pleads, six bags in this hands.

"Hang in there." I toss him a sympathetic look. I feel for him. At least Harmomy's carrying her own bags.

Gio leaves to follow after the girls and I follow Harmomy up to our room.

"Okay where do you want this?" I ask as I step into our room with her plant still in my hands. They're going to be numb after, that's for sure.

"In the corner over there." She points to where the couch is there's a small corner next to it where the lamp resides.

"We can't put it there. It's too big."

"Like me for the couch seemingly." She rolls her eyes.

"Let's put it outside on the balcony."

"No! That's cruel. It'll be all sad alone." She frowns

"Oh but it's fine for me to be out there?" I quizz

"Yep. I don't see why not." She shrugs nonchalantly.

I shake my head ignoring what shes said as I go to walk to the balcony door. I'm just about to grab the handle when Hamrony being the crazy girl she is jumps on my back, attempting to pull me down to stop me opening the door.

"Harmony what the fuck!" I yell trying to keep my balance. This isn't the first time she's jumped on me.

"It's not going outside!" She shouts her arms around my throat as she tries to strangle me.

"Get off me! I'm trying to throw her off whilst keeping her plant in my hands because I feel like she'll kill me if I drop this.

"No!" She holds on tighter. I almost trip back as she tries to yank my neck backwards so I fall.



"Harmony GET OFF!"


"I won't put it outside for god sake!" I snap

"Step away from the door then!" She demands

As best I can I take a step back. The Rottweiler that is Harmomy Simmons then finally stops trying to pull me down.

I lean to the side a little so she get off my back.

"You are so fucking insane, I worry about you." I look at her with wide eyes. Breathing heavy due to her nearly killing me.

"Plant stays inside." She replies.

"Fine! For fuck sake!" I sigh exasperated. I'll do whatever she wants just so that never happens again.

I place it where she wanted originally and then step back so I'm near the couch.

"You need therapy." I tell her.

"And you need to hit the gym." She smiles, walking over and patting my shoulder.

"Thanks." She calls out before going into the bathroom and shutting the door.

"Mental patient zero." I mutter shaking my head as I plonk down on the couch.

β€” I work in film and tv production besties
I'm a busy girly so I can't always update everyday 😩.  Anyways Jude and harmony are so funny
