-Chapter 5-

-Listen to Wanderlust By Crush while reading this-

-1 month later-

It had been a month sense you and Wonjae started living together.

Β Wonjae had already went to work that morning as you sleep in.Β 

Right as you woke up you felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom.Β 

You puked into the white shiny toilet.

Β After you were done you cleaned yourself up and decided you should probably go to the hospital.

Β You waited at the hospital for what seemed like forever until your name was called.

Β You followed the nurse to the back and told her your symptoms.Β 

The nurse nodded and looked at you.Β 

"I would like you to take this pregnancy test ok." The nurse said.

Β You were surprised, it wasn't impossible.Β 

You hoped the test would be positive because you wanted to have a family with Wonjae.

Β You waited to see the results.Β 

The doctor then came in a said "Congratulations! Your pregnant!". You went home extremely happy.

Β You have your first ultrasound next week and your couldn't wait.

Β You also couldn't wait to tell Wonjae.Β 

That afternoon you heard the door open and Wonjae come in.

Β You ran to him and jumped in his arms.Β 

"Well look who's happy today!" Wonjae said as you both hugged each other tightly.

Β "Wonjae I need to tell you something.." Y/n said.

Β "What is it?" Wonjae replied.Β 

"I'm pregnant!" Y/n said excitedly.Β 

"What! I'm going to be a dad!" Wonjae said as he kissed you deeply.Β 

You were excited for your baby to come into the world.Β 

You just hoped nothing would happen to ruin that.

{Thanks for reading}
