-Chapter 6-

-Listen to Is You Down By Dpr live while reading-Β 

-Rape warning ⚠️-

-8 months later-

You sat on the couch laying on Wonjae as he rubbed your enormous belly.Β 

You were watching movies together.Β 

But you weren't watching the movie.Β 

You both arguing over a name for your unborn son.Β 

It was because your due date was soon.Β 

All of the sudden the door bell rang.Β 

Your whole body shook.Β 

You didn't think anyone was supposed to be coming this late at night.

Β Wonjae let go of you and went to the door.Β 

Your nerves rose inside of you.

Β You heard the door click open, and a stab was heard.Β 

Your body went silent.Β 

You could hear muffled moans, you knew something happened.

Β You need to save Wonjae even if it meant getting hurt.Β 

You carefully walked to the front door and you saw someone standing there.

Β You didn't think it was real for a moment but your eyes never lie.Β 

Minsik was standing there.Β 

Wonjae was laying on the floor with a knife through his side.Β 

You couldn't panic.

Β "How did you get here? I thought you were dead?!" You said shaking.Β 

"I was knocked out for quite some time but I woke up to see you and Wonjae making love right next to me. I watched the whole time taking in every detail. I knew that If I waited till you dropped me off somewhere I could still find you one day. And I found you, pregnant." Minsik said smiling.

Β "At first I wanted to kill the baby, but I think raping you will be better." Minsik said.

Β Your whole body shacked.

Β But you couldn't move.Β 

You were traumatized.

Β "If you fight back I will hurt you and your baby so stay still." Minsik spoke.Β 

You silently stood their as he did whatever he wanted to you.Β 

You couldn't let Your's and Wonjae's child get hurt.

You made love in pain.Β 

You cried the whole time.Β 

After he was done Minsik kissed you and said "Goodbye forever now...". He walked out the door leaving you with a bloody Wonjae.Β 

You were about to call the ambulance but you felt pain in your stomach arise.Β 

You were in labor. Β 

{Thanks for reading the next chapter will be the last one :(}
