-Chapter 2-

-Listen to Gottasadae By Bewhy while reading this-

The next morning you woke up with a terrible headache, you weren't really sure why.

Β You then started getting ready to meet Minsik sense it was already 1pm.Β 

You finished getting ready and then ate a snack sense it was now around 7pm.Β 

You wondered if Minsik was going to show up soon.Β 

Just then you got a text on your phone from Wonjae.Β 

You blushed, reading it again and again.

Β Wonjae said he was going to come to your house around 8:30pm so you both could drink together.Β 

You smiled knowing you would see him soon.Β 

But first you had to reject Minsik.Β 

You frowned thinking about how much it might hurt him.

Β Just then you heard a knock at your door.

Β You opened the door letting Minsik walk in.Β 

As soon as he walked in he grasped you in a hug and gave you a bouquet of roses.

Β You grabbed the roses and carefully laid them down on the kitchen table of your apartment.Β 

Β You then looked over at Minsik staring into your eyes.Β 

He coughed a bit then said "Y/n, I have something to tell you..".Β 

Your heart sank as you looked over at the time, it was 8:02.Β 

You then took a deep breath for what was about to come.Β 

"I think I'm in love with you Y/n... I want to know how you feel about me..." Minsik spoke forcefully.

Β You started shaking as Minsik got closer and closer to you.

Β He pinned you onto the wall as you whispered "I don't love you... I think we should just be friends..."Β 

{The next chapter will be a little intense}

{I will try to update the next chapter tomorrow :) }
