π‘ͺ𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 19: 𝑨 π’˜π’‚π’“(π’π’Šπ’π’ˆ)

♀ ʏ/Ι΄'s ᴘᴏᴠ ♀

Gray clouds travelled slowly in a colorless sky.

Dead titans laid down in a bloody battlefield.

A flag was being swayed by the wind with blood splatters sipped into every thread.

A crying child.

Screams of horrors and agony.

A lady being caught by a titan.

"Valentina! No!"

"Valentina!" I woke up in a white room and dressed in the clothes I feared to be in. The clothing I never wanted to wear. I caressed my face and didn't feel the eyepatch, revealing the long scar inflicted on my right eye.

A large two-way mirror was bolted on a wall facing me; only my bed was present in the room. A bulletproof door was the only way I can escape.

"So you're finally awake." Someone from the speakers said. "Where am I?" I asked, sitting up and realizing that an ankle monitor was locked. "Don't you remember everything?"

"I said where am I." I sternly repeated.

"In a very secured and monitored cell."


"Why am I in here? Answer me right now." The person only chuckled. "Valor, you're suspended once again. Your leaderly tone and speeches won't be allowed for now."

"Why am I suspended again? What did I do?"

"Stop with your acting, I know you did it on purpose." "If I know, would I be asking you right now?"

They tsked. "You know, that mouth of yours would be the end of you someday." I cracked a small smile in annoyance. "Really? Well, I'm looking forward to it."

"Why you littleβ€”" Numerous thuds and crashes was suddenly heard from the speakers. "Let go!" another said as I heard a loud thump. "Y/N! You're awake!"

'Yeah, no sh*t.'

"Are you doing fine? Is something hurting you? What did you remember?" Hange's voice was now the one I was hearing. "I'm fine. No, nothing's hurting me. I passed out right after Valentina was caught."

"Alexander, did you find Valentina's location?" I asked. I'm begging to know, horrified to lose. Silence was dead present. No one answered.

"Alexander. Did you find her location?" I was staring right at the mirror with a very grave expression. Nothing was more important than knowing if Valentina's still breathing. No one still answered but I remained with a straight face.

"Captain, I'm sorry but I wasn't able to track her location. We lost signal of her device."Β  I listened to every aching word he said. "What do you mean you lost track?" Seriousness flowed out of every word.

"I tried everything but it seemed like it was taken off or destroyed." "There's still a chance. Did you already do an aerial search?"

"They can't. They aren't in your hands now." "What are you saying?"

"When will I get out of this isolation room?" I asked, ready to calculate the time. "After the OCA takes care of you." My eyes widened in shock.

I can't let them take control. Chaos and madness would ensue.

"You won't be able to get out of here, Captain Valor. Not until you've been reset back." Breathing was beginning to get hard for me as my heart rate became tense. "No." I muttered but luckily they didn't heard.

"What is the reason why I am isolated here?" "You really don't remember?" Hange questioned. I shook my head no, lips shut close.

"You lost control of yourself, Y/N."

βš€ 3Κ€α΄… Pᴏᴠ βš€






















Audrey arrived as she saw Y/N standing with blades in hand. Just blades, without its hand grips. Audrey sensed something wrong and took multiple of steps back in assurance.

Y/N was standing awfully quiet, too quiet to be even sensed.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" she said as her captain turned around and began to slice her scar once again. Blood trinkled down from her eye down to her throat. Before Audrey could even take a step forward, a soldier shouted, "She's not in the right mind! Run away you don't have anyβ€”" The soldier was suddenly thrown with a blade in the stomach, belonged to no other than Y/N Valor.

"Y/N! Don't!" Audrey ran to Y/N and tried to take her revealed gun while dodging the blade. "Y/N wake up!" She was then shot on the arm. Luckily, Audrey was able to kick the gun high in the air. But, Valor tried to behead her abruptly, leading to Audrey on the ground. Y/N took a step as Audrey pushed herself back using her feet. A shadow covered the sun.

She was about to kill her, not until an arm forced her to stop.

"Connor!" Audrey shouted in panic. Connor was struggling to keep his stance as Y/N's strength was much more powerful. "Audrey run to Alexander! Find something to make Y/N immobile!"

As Connor's lover stood up, Y/N swept Connor's feet and proceeded to attempt to slice him. Audrey watched as she ran in panic, afraid that Connor may die and Y/N may kill. She didn't know what was happening to Y/N. But there was something she was sure.

That was not the captain they knew.

"Alexander! Do you have something to make Y/N unconscious?!" Audrey ran to her jeep while calling to the albino. "I have one substance to make someone asleep. Why? What's happening?" Alexander answered in confusion. "Run to our location now and bring that! Y/N's out of control!"

Connor was quickly battered by her. His high percentage of combat wasn't very advantageous to him now. He blocked Y/N's strong axe kick and then her hook kick. Y/N quickly switched to giving him a direct jab on the face but Connor ducked. She then gave him a swift uppercut with her other hand as he ducked from the earlier jab.

As Connor was recovering from the uppercut, Y/N moved into a roundhouse kick then another front kick, making him lose a couple of steps. Y/N then ran up to him and gave him a front kick and continued to jab him multiple times in the stomach. Valor immediately leg-locked around Connor's neck and continuously hit Connor with her elbow at his head. Not long after, Y/N was able to take down Connor.

As he reluctantly laid on the ground, Y/N was the last thing he saw before being unconscious.



"Audrey!" Alexander shouted as he ran towards her. "Can you explain what is happening?" Audrey was breathing deeply, she had to run back and forth without getting rest from the earlier battle. "I don't know what's happening to Y/N butβ€”" She had to pause for a second to sip water. "Levi is fighting her and trying to stop her."

As Audrey said, Y/N was fearlessly and mindlessly attacking Levi. The Scouts' captain on the other hand was analyzing every move that Y/N took but still trying to comprehend her fighting style. Levi blocked Y/N's continuous strikes and was glad that she wasn't using any guns.

With one swift and accurate sever, Y/N successfully slit Levi's chin. Blood dripped down his chin, it was releasing a metallic smell that wasn't surprising to anyone anymore. He wiped the slit with his thumb as it wasn't stopping flowing blood.

"Tch." he lowly let out.

"Killing people would not solve your problem, Y/N." he sternly said, strengthening his stand. "Who the hell is Y/N?" she replied, playing with the knife.

Levi's eyes glared at her lightless ones as they continued to fight once again.

"What about everyone else? What are they standing for?!" Alexander exclaimed. "They can't do anything. You see those bodies littered around the two fighting captains?" The genius only nodded. "That will happen to them. Y/N did that to them. They can't just shoot her too just like that, it's too risky."

"But can you?" "Me? You know I never miss, Pierce." Alexander hurriedly scavenged through his bag to find the pouch. "Is two minutes enough time?" Audrey looked at him, "That's more than enough."

Audrey quickly got her sniper rifle as Alexander helped with filling a bullet with the liquid.

They only had one chance.

Several other soldiers tried to attack Y/N but ended with loose teeth, bruises, black eyes, and sprained bones, all while fighting Levi. Ackerman saw an opening and kicked Y/N forcefully to the ground, he then held her hands tight at her back, and pushed her to the ground using his foot. Unfortunately, Y/N did a special momentum and used her legs to escape free.

30 seconds passed and Audrey was focusing at Y/N's lively and speedily figure, a bit far away from the scene. The sniper was having a hard time focusing at her, she was going in different directions.

"Focus Audrey, you can do it." "Shut the f*** up Alexander. I'm trying to concentrate."

"Levi? Levi? Can you put Y/N in a controlled position? We're trying to shoot her." Alex said but Levi's ear device fell off of his ear hours ago.

'Sh**. Everything is out of order. I can't reach out to Levi. Everyone is too tired to help us. Audrey please make it successful.'

5 synchronized soldiers ran up to Y/N who was now struggling to attack them. In every direction, the female captain could only see the strikes they were giving her.

They thought they had her. They thought they had her in the palm of their hands.

Suddenly, Y/N opened up a smoke bomb. The space was now covered by dark green smoke. Levi was coughing heavily while trying to locate her and Audrey lost focus. He heard bones being cracked at his left in the first time, a low slice by his right, and multiple shouts.

As the smoke cleared, all they could see was bloodied up bodies surrounding Valor. Her hand soaked in it.


Valor's menacing statement didn't cause Levi to even stumble nor walk away. Instead, he pointed at his neck, signaling that something was shot at her. She grope her neck only to pluck out a small bullet.

"Bullseye." Audrey smirked at the success of her shooting. Alexander patted Adler on the back two times.

"So what now?" The sniper asked, unwrapping a blueberry lollipop. "We wait."

Y/N threw the bullet and attempted to take a single step but failed to do so. She was using all of her might to take one single step but remained still. Levi observed her cautiously and confusingly.

"Can you tell me what did that vial do?" "First, you may not notice but Y/N cannot and would not be able to move, even if she uses all of her energy to do so. Secondly, she would get a very severe headache and after that she will collapse. Meaning that her knees will suddenly drop and her arms would not be able move. Thirdly, after the collapse, she will be unconscious in a matter of minutes."

"You made a very lethal substance, Alexander." "It's my responsibility after all."

In Levi's perspective, soldiers hastily took Y/N who couldn't move even a bit. They injected more immobilizing fluids in her veins to ensure she would not wake up to commit manslaughter once again. Her bloody hands were tightly cuffed as her eyes were covered with a dark cloth.

Ackerman felt quite guilty for what is happening to her. He wanted to help her after everything she had done to them. She gave them food, a place to stay, comfort, and a home. But instead, he fought her and gave her in the arms of others to be isolated and locked away.

But, he also knew that what he has done was right too. If he didn't fought Y/N, more names were going to be written in the deceased lists and more records would be taken care of.Β  He had a choice to make, and he did what his mind told him to do. He ignored the low whisper of his heart as he prioritized his duty as a captain.

But he knew his conscience would say otherwise.



"So that's what happened." Hange finished explaining the incident two days ago. "I killed." Y/N muttered, looking at her hands as guilt and desolation filled her. She promised Valentina that she wouldn't lose control of herself for the sake of her and others life. She made a vow that it wouldn't happen again. But her actions acted differently and opposed her decision.

"I killed people without a valid reason." Her breathing stitched. She wanted to cry and leave this cruel world forever, but would it really solve her remained problems?

'Even if I die, problems would still constantly follow me to my grave. Is this my punishment? Having no escape from my committed sins?'

"What happened to Eren? Where is he?" She remembered the unexplainable ability the boy held. It amazed, shocked, and terrified her, knowing that one of the greatest and most incomprehensible ability that one could possess was right under her nose.

"Eren is now isolated for tests too. But don't worry, Ethan took responsibility for handling Eren." Valor released a deep exhale, a bit relieved that someone she can trust was taking care of her subordinate.

"What about Levi? Is Levi okay? Where is he? Is he recovering well?" Y/N asked, troubled about his condition. Even if Levi's skilled and can match her abilities, she was still worried about him. She knew that she had hidden weapons all around her and the possibility of using them on him was high.

"Levi is fine. He is only healing a slit on his chin." "Who's taking care of him?"

Y/N rose an eyebrow.

"Himself. He didn't want anyone to help him. He's currently resting in his room." Hange answered. "And what about the other scouts? You?"

"We are currently under very high suspicion, we are being observed and surveyed every hour."

"Are they doing anything harmful to you?" she asked the scientist once again. "No, thankfully. We have protection under your name, General Arthur's, and several others." Y/N nodded.

"That's good, they still know who's handling the Scouts. But I know a lot of people have their eyes focused hot on you. Be careful of your words and actions. For now, stay low, it's better to live another day."

Hange fixed her glasses as she nodded in agreement.

"I'll take care of every shit I did. Just try to stay on the sidelines so I won't hurt you. I'll give you a very strict warning that you should take. I'll say this myself, don't go near me, don't talk to me, don't visit me, and most importantly..."

Valor's piercing eyes made them still.

"Do not get in my way."

In Arthur's office, two men with undeniably high power sat on their chairs. One was drinking whiskey while one was smoking.

"I am not liking what is happening." Brown started. "Squad Venom is slowly deteriorating and falling into ashes."

"And Y/N went on a killing streak." he continued, pouring the whiskey into his glass.

"I don't want her inside of that filthy cell." Arthur stated. "Why not?"

"Because you're giving her time to think on how to escape."

Arthur knew that Y/N wasn't just going to surrender like that. It was not like her at all.

"What will happen to your daughter now, Arthur?" Brown asked as he took another shot of whiskey. "I do not know, it's out of my power and control. The OCA will handle her and I cannot interfere."

"But she's your daughter. Are you really just going to let them reset her back?" "As I said, I cannot do anything to stop their decision."

"You would rather change your daughter than change the system? Hah, you're the one who has changed Arthur. I never thought that you would decide like that on matters that involves your family."

"I am completely against everything, I don't want her to feel pain once again. She's my daughter for god's sake. But even sacrificing my life would still not be enough to save her. She said to trust her, and I am."

"And what will happen if the situation changed and went to the path you did not want it to be?" "You're talking about my daughter, Brownβ€”"

Arthur lighted another cigarette.

"She never fails."
