π‘ͺ𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 18: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 π‘­π’Šπ’ˆπ’‰π’•

βš€ 3Κ€α΄… Pᴏᴠ βš€

Droplets of sweat went down their chins.




Their arms were on the brink of giving up, and their legs were tired from running too much. They were both physically and mentally exhausted from all of her orders. From daybreak to dusk, they were all ordered to train and follow the orders of Valor. It was obvious that they chose a bad decision; to abuse their kindness.

Only one week has passed but all of the traitors were about to let themselves get eaten by titans. Some even tried to escape the second wall but ultimately lost to the soldiers. Her training was that brutal. Many were caught who were about to commit suicide due to it. Numerous begged to her with salty tears but failed and had no choice but to train under her.

Seeing those kind of situations, news scattered to the soldiers and to the international ones too. People who wished to be trained by her changed their perception about it. If their training was already hard for them then surviving a day under her would be impossible, it was a miracle that they were still standing. Only because Valor was going easy on them.Β 

"Lower." They forced themselves to go lower. "90." she said as she put her boot on someone's back then pushed it downwards. They were doing pushups for 100 times, many already gave up because the pressure of dying. And because of exhaustion from the earlier training, it was slowly driving them to the edge.

The Scouts watched the training while guiding others too.

"Stand up. 3 minute plank. Start." They started to position themselves, arms and legs supporting the body. Arm strength was the thing one must have during this session. Not even 30 seconds passed, half of the surviving individuals gave up. 5 already passed out, and only the second hour of the day was done, they still have a long way to go.

"Did I say you can rest?" Y/N asked a man whose face was kissing the dirt. Y/N grabbed hold of the man's hair, lifted his dirty head, and looked at him with monotonous eyes. "Answer me." He shook his head no in quick manner. "Then stand up. I will not give you any special treatment even if you're the president's son. So stand the fu** up and continue." Y/N sternly commanded. "Yes maam!"

Hange watched and chuckled. "Hey Valor!" the scientist called. The said woman walked towards her, her footsteps were quiet, and barely made a sound even though she was walking fast with all of her weight.

"Don't you think you're a bit too tough on them?" Hange asked, hands on her hips. "I'm not. I'm just preparing them for the titans. If they can't handle me then they already have two options, and that is to die during training or die in my hands." Valor answered with her arms crossed.

"Captain Y/N," Mikasa called beside her. Y/N only continued to look at the soldiers but responded, "What?" Mikasa was double-thinking whether she would continue. 10 seconds of silence passed.

"Mikasa? What is it?" Valor repeated, now looking at the teen. "Can you also train me? I believe that with your skills I will learn new ways and gain new benefits to able to bring out the best of my abilities." Ackerman confidently stated. Y/N looked at her confusingly, why would anyone want to be brutally trained willingly? Hange looked at Mikasa if she was serious. Desire and obligingness were all written over her face, confidence seeped out of every pore.

"Are you dead serious right now?" Hange muttered, eyes still focused at her with her jaw dropped. Y/N elbowed the scientist on the stomach, a low 'ouch' was heard. "Do you have what it takes?" Y/N asked a different question. The simple 'Are you really serious' was too clichΓ© for her. "Yes I do, Captain Y/N." While hearing the screams and cries of the rest on the background, Mikasa was still eager.

"Very well then, training starts at 10. Don't be late." With that, Y/N left the two Scouts to continue prepare the others for the worse.

♀ ʏ/Ι΄'s ᴘᴏᴠ ♀

Mikasa sent me a punch towards my left cheek but I quickly dropped and tried to sweep her feet. Unfortunately, Mikasa avoided and moved back two times. Before her last step ended, I quickly sprinted at her and tried to give a strike at her right cheek but she caught my hand, the same thing happened when I tried it too on her left cheek.

Unfortunately for Mikasa, it was the wrong decision for her to hold my arms tightly. I took the chance to strongly pull her then strike her chin upwards which made her let me go. The strike made Mikasa sit on the floor while touching her chin. I reluctantly offered my hand which she took not until she pulled me. Due to experience, I tightly held her arm before rolling and made her back meet the floor.

"That was a sneaky move you did there." I said while cleaning myself up. The teen got up and replied, "But it ended with a twist." I nodded in satisfactory. "Experience is what makes a person, Mikasa. Remember that, for now, training is finished since I have other things to attend to, you can now go to meet your friends."

"Thank you Captain Valor, for giving me this chance." "No problem."

After having a spar with Mikasa, I would say she really has what it takes. Her discipline, eagerness, and skills made me change my way of thinking towards her. I saw and heard her numerous times about Eren, all I witnessed was about Eren from her, however, with the training, she might just be one of the best of the best.

She's strong both mentally and physically. If I had the chance to put her in my team, I already did but knowing that she's still a teen, I changed my thinking too. I was confused at why they would join the military as they had the choice not too. It was a question that I couldn't answer without knowing their situation.

"Can you pass me a beer Audrey?" I asked, arms crossed while watching Mikasa interact with Armin and Eren. Their trio is the ideal type of team most leaders want to hone. Armin has the brains that could help them strategize efficiently, Eren has the guts and bravery one must posses, and Mikasa has the skills most want to have.

Audrey passed me a cold beer and opened it for me. "Rough day?" she asked before taking a sip of her own beer. "Just a regular one that's all." I answered as I heard her hum as a reply. "You look pale, do you miss Ethan?" she asked as I almost spit out my beer. I cough and coughed, a rough feeling went down from nasal cavity to my throat.

"What do you mean by that?" She chuckled at my question. "What I meant is that, do you miss my brother as a special someone?" I continued to cough multiple times. "No, but I kinda miss him."

Unbeknownst to me, Ethan in his lab sneezed loudly. He stopped typing on his keyboard and focused to control his sneezes. "Who's talking about me?" he muttered to himself before going back to work.

"I kinda ship you with him to be honest." Audrey added, unwrapping a lollipop. And before I could even answer, Tina interrupted, "I ship Y/N with Levi, just sharing." With that, I did spit out my drink. The beer sprinkled down the white-tiled floor. "What the heck? Why?!" I reacted both with my voice and face.

"I honestly don't know, but there's something about Levi that makes him attractive you know." Valentina answered. "Like what?" They both looked at me with a stare that said 'Are you dead serious right now?'

Valentina cleared her throat before stating, "He's a leader with looks and brains. He has impressive skills, in short he's just like you but a male version." "A shorter version too," Audrey snickered as I kicked her foot. "What!? I'm just being honest." my blueberry friend added with a smile.

"Wait Y/N why did you react to Audrey's statement? You like him don't you?!" Valentina sounded like she was being tickled. "Okay, operation 'Make captains with a habit to be frightening just with their presence fall inlove' is on the go!" Audrey remarked as she cheered with Valentina.

The two of them looked like two teenagers who passed a hard exam. I smacked both of their heads, "Will the both of you stop with your scheming? We are both captains with responsibilities to complete and love is not part of any of my agenda right now."

"We didn't say you two fall inlove right now, you two could fall for each other later you know?" Valentina kept teasing me. "Do you want Alexander to like someone else? I know someone who met with his ridiculous high standards." My best friend looked at me different eyes, like she just took out her previous ones and changed into something else. "Don't you dare." "Then don't even think about your operation or I'll give Alex her number."

After my statement, I left the both of them with a daring smirk painted on my face.

In a dark corridor close to the place we talked, Levi heard our entire conversation without anyone knowing.

βš€ 3Κ€α΄… Pᴏᴠ βš€

As the teens of the Scouts ate their lunch, Mikasa came and sat down beside Eren, exhausted.

"You look so tired Mikasa, what did you do?" Eren asked. "I just trained with Captain Y/N and I would say her training is really hard." Mikasa answered before drinking a cup full of cold water. "What trainings did you do?" Jean asked, lifting his spoon full of meat and vegetables. "Mostly upper-body exercises but we also focused at lower-body training."

"We? Captain Y/N trained with you?" Eren asked with shocked eyes. "Yeah, she's a good mentor. Not only she joined me training but she also gave me advices and tips because she said that being great is not all tested physically, it can be tested emotionally, and mentally."

"Wow, she really does focus on the bigger picture."

"I heard that she's quite intelligent too, she graduated college as a magna cum laude? Did I pronounce that right?" Armin questioned himself. "What does it mean?" Connie asked, face stuffed with food because he was in the middle of having an eating contest with Sasha. "More eating and less talking baldy!"

"I think it means 'with high honors', so its like graduating in the top 10 in the training corps." their blond friend answered. "So Captain Y/N is beauty and brains." Jean stated.
"You just realized that?" Sasha said as she won the contest. "Hah! In your face baldy now hand me your mashed potatoes!"

"I should've known I'd lose to you in an eating contest."

"Eating well?" The teens stopped and looked at the person who interrupted them. It was the person they've been talking about for the past 5 minutes. In front of them was Y/N, Levi, Erwin, and Hange standing at the edge of the table. The teens all stood up and saluted, right fist placed in front of their hearts.

"Sit down, don't worry we aren't here to interrupt you, so continue eating." Y/N ordered before walking away to the captains table. Before Y/N could even lift her spoon to start eating, a loud and attention-catching siren echoed around the area.

"Attention all soldiers! Titans have broken through the most outer wall and are continuing to flood in! All units are expected to dispatch in under 15 minutes to guard the gates of the middle and inner wall!"

'I was just about to eat, what a shi**y day.' Y/N thought.

As panic rose in every corner of the building, the Scouts and the Venoms sighed heavily, knowing that most of the job will be given to them.

"Come on man, I didn't even have a chance to take a bite." Connor said, standing up with an empty and sad stomach. "Drey, can you give me one of your granola bars?" Valentina asked, shoulders slumped. "Which flavor?" "The peanut butter dark chocolate one."

Everyone knew where they would go. The soldiers ran fast to the bases while the Erwin, Hange, and Levi and the Venoms went to a building where every leader were expected to go.

Every individual in the building were busy, running to multiple places. Murmurs and saying scattered all around.

"Captain Y/N, Commander Erwin." Sergeant Adamson called them with a salute. Y/N returned the salute. "Stats?" the Venom's captain asked. "Currently, 125 individuals already died in the first 5 minutes. 5 companies have been dispatched 120 soldiers in each one, 3 battalions are fighting right now. 5000 privates and two captains are currently in the inner wall and are preparing themselves for the worst. They will continue with Captain Millers formation. 200 soldiers are being dispatched there." Adamson explained.

"Why didn't anyone reported about the titans sooner? It isn't impossible for us to know because we have radars and technology to know the titans location." First Lieutenant Gonzales stated, eyebrows furrowed. She was stating the obvious, why didn't the communications team reported?

"I'll be the one to explain their si-." Adamson interrupted and pointed at the 20 privates standing in the back with their heads low. Levi, Erwin, and Hange weren't surprised, they kept seeing so many people doing unnecessary things at times they should've been doing their jobs.

"You will not be the one to explain Adamson. I want them to explain what they had done." Valor ordered with her eyes glaring at the misbehaved. "Now, tell me and explain everything." No one answered her, no one was brave enough to state their reasons, they didn't have the guts to tell her. Silence took over for 5 seconds.

"I am private Hughes, John. We partied instead of checking the radars, Captain. We thought today will just be a normal day just like the earlier ones and so we decided to drink and forget our jobs without knowing that this will happen. We are sorry." John explained, head low. He was too ashamed to even lift his head.

"Do you think your sorries will revive any life that has been claimed by the titans? Do you think by saying sorry will be enough to say to the families who lost their loved ones? Because instead of doing your jobs and monitoring the statistics you a**holes drank and partied. You had one fu**ing job!" Y/N angrily retorted.

Anger was seeping through every pore of her body. She wanted to murder them but she couldn't and she musnt't. Levi was also about to retort them but was stopping every muscle in his body.

"Because of your sh*t 120 soldiers and more died. I want every single one of you to go and fight the titans, I don't care if every single one of you died. I will give you 5 seconds to run away." The 20 soldiers didn't even wait for a second to pass and ran away.

10 minutes passed

"You are all dismissed and are ordered to dispatch now."

The Scouts and the Venoms immediately went out and sprinted with their ODM gears and guns to the transport vehicles. As they were boarding, Valentina said to Y/N, "I'll bring wine later," Y/N chuckled. "and I'll bring the chips." Valentina smiled before the two hugged each other tight. "Don't die again okay?" "I won't die, and make sure you survive."

The two let go and went to their assigned vehicle.

Squad Venom and the Scouts were divided to different squads which means Eren would be away from the others which was a bad decision. The others were alarmed for him because of his ability to transform into the monster that humanity were fighting will be the reason he will die. To make sure, Mikasa was ordered to stay with Eren at all times to ensure his safety.

"Drey, be careful okay?" Connor calmly said to Audrey who was sitting beside him with a lollipop in her mouth. "I will don't worry about me, be careful too okay? I don't want to see and hear your name in the deceased list." Audrey replied as she intertwined her hand into his. "I will." Connor responded before he pecked her forehead.

They arrived at the bloody battlefield where multiple fighter helicopters kept shooting at the titans in the air, thousands of soldiers were trying to survive them while trying to kill them but because of lack of experience many already died.

"How the f**k did the plan executed? It's a river of blood here." Valor stated. "You can ask about that later, for now tell your squad to act immediately because I heard there are citizens who are locked in a small building. Children are included. No one prioritized them." Levi responded with a dark scowl on his face.

That expression made Y/N feel like a subordinate despite her being higher rank. Something bloomed inside of her, it was something that she couldn't comprehend. "Y-yeah, I'll tell them. Continue with the plan we agreed on, show us what your squad is made of." They started to zip away but before they were apart, Levi said, "I'll only say this once, be careful."

"You too captain."

\\πš‚πš–πšŠπš•πš• πšπš’πš–πšŽπšœπš”πš’πš™//

Valor came back to replenish her gas, though the gear was already enhanced for their betterment, it depended on the numbers of the titans and how the user will execute it, in Valor's case, being someone who needed to deal with multiple titans in a row with lacking infrastructures to grapple onto, it made a toll on her gear.

Valor already killed 15 titans, 5 of them were abnormals. It was harder for her to kill them as they moved unexpectedly.

"Sh** You f***ing bastard!" She heard from her earphone. "Language, Audrey. There are children using the device." Multiple chuckles were heard. "We aren't that young Captain Y/N." Jean said as she heard shooting in the background. "You are 15 year olds, all of you should be studying in a classroom for your future in a life without titans, and also without drinking alcohol, you think I didn't know about you drank beer?" The motherly side of Y/N began to show.

"Butβ€”" the peach-haired teen tried to respond. "You are all living under my roof, I am also the one in charge of you, therefore if I say you are too young, then you are too young. No buts. Understood?" The others chuckled at their 'mother-son' like conversation. "Y/N, your motherly side is showing," Alexander stated before chuckling.

"Mommy? Mommy? Where are you?" Y/N heard in a distance. She quickly put on her gear while running towards the call of a young boy. "Mommy? Someone help me please!" She heard once again. Y/N ran faster while wondering why a child is doing in a battlefield.

"Why the fu** is a child here? Did the soldiers not see him?" she angrily remarked. Y/N finally saw the boy and sprinted to him, she slid down a roof in order to be faster and get closer to the boy. While sliding down, Y/N saw an abnormal that locked its way towards the boy.

"Sh**!" Y/N shouted and finally stepped on the soil and carried the boy tight. As they were about to descend from the land, Y/N's gear malfunctioned, which means she couldn't use the gear to zip away, heck she couldn't even control the buttons.

"Do you know where my mommy is?" the boy asked while crying. "We'll find them later okay?" Y/N calmly replied while she ran faster and faster as an abnormal chased them. The abnormal was running on its feet and hands, it had no eyes and blood was flowing out of its sockets. "Love can you do a favor for me and not look behind us? Only look at me okay?" Y/N said and repeat to not make his trauma worse.

Sand flew after every step she took, her feet were slowly starting to give up, and drops of sweat went down from her forehead to her chin.

"Guys I need backup, my gear malfunctioned and I have a child with me right now. An abnormal is chasing us." Y/N said through her earphone which caused commotion. "Where are you right now?!" Valentina shouted, it was obvious that she was panicking. "She's too far away from any of us right now!" Alex shouted in return. "Sh**!" Connor remarked.

Y/N had no other choice but to run, she looked behind them and saw the abnormal still chasing them but now it was much closer. She was running in a stable but firm manner, not untilβ€”


An ammo from a fighter helicopter landed near them and made Y/N fall to the ground. She prioritized the boy and hugged him tight as they rolled. To make matters worse, Y/N was hit on the back by a large rough rock, she was fighting to stay conscious for the boy.

"Lady please get up!" the boy kept repeating while shaking her body. Y/N slowly got up despite the pain that has been inflicted on her. However, the abnormal was getting too close and her running ability was hindered. She caressed the boy and pecked him on the head and closed her eyes.

She was ready to greet death and say hi to them once again but now it she was coming with them.


Suddenly, Y/N heard so many slices and opened her eyes. Someone so fast and so experienced chopped the titan's body to pieces. The gory yet fascinating scene in front of her was the reason she was still alive. The abnormal's abdomen was cut into four parts by someone who quickly sliced it in a circular motion, the person then targeted the arms and eventually the head. The nape was accurately sliced and the titan was decapitated.

The head stopped right in front of her as its tongue slid down from its mouth. Its saliva covered her boots.

The person finally came down and ran to them. "What part of 'be careful' did you not understand?" Levi, the stoic captain, the person who is dubbed as Humanity's strongest soldier was angry at the Y/N Valor, the person who is the Captain of the most fearsome squad, the person who killed people without mercy, and the person who is the superior unexpectedly kneeled in exhaustion while still hugging the boy in her hands.

"You almost died." Levi added, looking down on them. "But you came to save us, thank you captain." Y/N answered looking at him with hopeful and doe eyes, it was different from the eyes he knew. It was the eyes that were showing the other side of Y/N, the other her who is more vulnerable, sensitive, and emotional.

Levi helped her get up.

"Let's get back and away from these disgusting things, and wipe your cheek, there's dirt." The stoic captain took out a navy blue handkerchief and wiped her cheek. His touch made Y/N feel butterflies in her stomach, his touch was gentle and caring at the same time. She could feel the burning sensation on her cheeks.

She was focusing at his eyes, his deep gray eyes. It held deep secrets, covered pain, and veiled emotions. Something about them made her feel comfort. Levi finished wiping her cheek, she craved for his touch once more. She was disappointed.

"Here, wash it first before giving it back to me," the gray-eyed captain said as he handed her the handkerchief.

So many questions were running in Y/N's mind. Was she truly going insane? Is Valentina's right about them? Or is Levi just this caring towards his comrades? Y/N is trying to end the feelings right here, she knew the consequences of loving someone. She already experienced pain, she doesn't want to go through it again. Especially when her shoulders always carry big responsibilities.

She's the fearsome leader that everyone is scared of and she's having difficulty in comprehending her feelings and emotions. Heck she's been able to ruthlessly kill and now she's scared of loving once again.

A jeepney made its way to them, Alexander and Audrey were in it.

"We thought you almost died!" "Thank God!"

Y/N placed the boy on the backseat and caressed him. "Guys bring him back to a safe place, he lost his parent. Make sure he gets medical attention and give him some food to eat." Their captain ordered and while changing her gear. "Yes captain!"

The three drove off and left the two captains.

"You can back out if you can't handle it." Levi stated which made Y/N glare at him. Even if he saved her, Y/N wouldn't let that accident be the reason for her to back out like that. "Backing out is not a thing in my vocabulary, Levi. And it wouldn't be necessary."

They saw a fast figure slicing a titan. They sliced its eyes before maneuvering to slice the nape. As the creature fell, the person grappled on its decaying head.

"You two lovebirds can continue that later in a room, for now, focus at the battle you are in right now!" Valentina came in. "Lovebirds really?" Y/N repeated. "Yes, l-o-v-e-b-i-r-d-s, lovebirds."

Levi tched but deep inside he was feeling different. "Whatever Tins, be careful." "I should be the one to say that. You almost died again!" With that, her best friend zipped away.

"See you again, captain." Y/N said her bye before flying in the sky like a soaring eagle.

♀ ʏ/Ι΄'s ᴘᴏᴠ ♀

The number of titans were gradually getting lower. It was a good sign as I was already killing them for two straight hours now. Citizens have been evacuated to the most inner wall to ensure their safety if we are unable to kill all the titans. I saw the skills of Levi's squad and it was now obvious to me why they were the most skilled squad.

They have the cooperation and trust that most groups were lacking. I sliced another nape and landed on a roof to catch my breathe.

"Captain? Captain?" I heard a call. "What is it Alexander?" I responded. I could hear him thinking whether he would say the information. "Alex?" I repeated. "Uh, an armored titan and female titan are here." he said that made me freeze. "I'm sorry did I hear that right? The armored and female titan are here?" Mikasa asked.

"Yes my squad have encountered both of them, guys we've been massacred. They brought a whole new army and they are going towards the center." My face expressed a very frustrated emotion. I massaged my temple.

"Guys a bit of warning, the armored titan has really thick armor, our blades had a hard time piercing to it, we don't have much information of the female." Hange explained. "Be really careful, these titans are intelligent." Armin added,

"It's not like I didn't know beforehand." I murmured.

'So my theory of there being titan shifters aren't true, there are different classifications after all.'

\\πš‚πš–πšŠπš•πš• πšπš’πš–πšŽπšœπš”πš’πš™//

After half an hour of fighting, we finally controlled the flow of the fight. I will finally get my revenge on them for murdering thousands of soldiers. My Squad, Levi's, and us captains did most of the jobs, the teens helped out on us too. They supported us by killing the titans who were close.

"Levi one more time! Let's kill them!" I shouted before zipping towards the female, I grappled onto her shoulder. The titan was about to take the line but I ungrappled on time. I then grappled onto her cheek and quickly spun fast to cut the right side of her face. After making a huge cut, I jumped down away from her and then grappled onto her thigh.

I carved my way upwards and finally the nape. I changed my blades and tried to slice through, unexpectedly, her nape hardened with a crystal-like material and shattered my blades. "Sh**" I said before being caught. She caught me inside of her hand. Light was shining through the spaces but it wasn't big enough for me to get out.

I changed the way I was holding my blades, it was more like Levi's technique. I then sliced her hand around in a fast manner, I continued until I was free like a bird. I flew in the air but a large explosion made me lose control in the air. The heat of the explosion was intense, it was like being cooked alive.

The intensity of the wind was too much for me to handle, I reluctantly landed on a roof.

"What the fu** is that Levi?" I asked him as we watched the gigantic titan in front of us. "I never fuc**** knew that this a**ho** would be here too." he answered. "What is that!?" "The colossal titan."

Another explosion boomed with a loud roar was heard near, now it revealed a titan that had good proportions with green eyes, brown hair, and was standing in an estimation of 15 meters.

"Sh**!" I heard Levi yell before rushing towards Erwin.

"Why did you let him transform?!" Hange shouted in panic. "He insisted and we were too late to stop him!" Petra yelled in return. "Its too dangerous for him to transform, he'll fight the female and armored. He'll lose." Erwin stated. "That suicidal maniac is at it again!" Jean remarked angrily. "What the fu** are you all saying?" I asked.

"Valentina come with me and let's handle this green-eyed titan." I called her and heard an 'okay.' Someone was speaking but the audio was too full of noise.

I zipped towards the titan and met with Valentina, we both nodded before unsheathing our blades and aimed at it. I handled the arms while she handled the legs. I carved him in a spiral way. But I observed that the titan wasn't attacking nor trying to kill us.

As I was about to slice its nape, I sensed something different and looked up, there I saw a blade spinning towards me. Luckily, I strike it with my own in time, the accuracy was aimed at my neck. "Don't touch him!" Mikasa entered in the picture.

"Are you mad?! This is a titan! Ackerman leave before something bad happens!" I ordered but she seemed to take her stance firmly. "Ackerman I will give you 5 seconds to get off or I'll report you for insubordination." Mikasa glared at me. "Before you can kill this titan, you'll have to walk over my dead body."

I watched as she unsheathed her blades.

'What is wrong with her?'

I ducked as I sensed a large hand was trying to catch me. I grappled onto the green-eyed titan's back and let the wires support me. I ran towards Mikasa with no blades and kicked her head to the side. I jumped because she tried to slice my abdomen. I sprinted towards her once again and punched her in the stomach, I avoided once again but I was cut and received a long slice on my arm.

"Captain, let me handle this one." she said. "And why would I? You are my priority so get back." I retorted. Armin, Jean, Connie, and Sasha landed too. "Captain, listen to us, this may be the most unrealistic thing you will ever hear but this titan is Eren!" Armin shouted.

"What kind of nonsense are you spouting Arlert? Have you hit your head?!" I replied. "Captain, we are willing to explain later, but please let Eren fight them, without Eren transforming, surviving will be impossible!" Armin explained once again. The jets and helicopters went down because of the colossal titan, including the one where Audrey was in.

I looked at them and seriousness were written all over their face. "Fine. You take care of 'Eren'. Be careful." I said before zipping away. The colossal titan seemed to just stay, we would need to kill the armored as 'Eren' will handle the female.

"Erwin, Levi, Hange, you three have a long explanation to tell me later. We will handle the armored because they say Eren will kill the female. The colossal seems to just stay because I think its weight is too much for itself to handle."

"Eld, Gunther, Oluo, Petra, assist Y/N." Levi commanded. "Venom. You guys handle the colossal." I added.

The Levi Squad quickly arrived and we nodded before attacking the armored. The boys handled the lower part while Petra distracted it and I took out my belt of bombs to attach on the titan. Petra then made an incision in the armored's eyes. "Slice the back of its knees! There's no armor there!" I shouted.

I pulled every pin of the bomb belt and forced it in its revealed skin using the spikes on the belt. In 5 seconds, the bombs exploded, smoke scattered but did nothing on the titan. Unexpectedly, every single one of us were grabbed by the wires by the female titan. My eyes widened and looked at the teens. The green-eyed titan and the teens were all on the ground, not moving.

The female titan started to spin us like a toy, she spun us faster and faster. Luckily for me, I cut one of my wire and fell in a building through a glass window. I hit furnitures with my body powerfully. Until a wall stopped me, I coughed and coughed.

I was gasping for air.

"The kids. The kids need me." I muttered and started to crawl. I jumped out of the window in hope that the kids were alive without even looking after my injuries. I left the place with a trail of blood following me. I ran towards them and checked their vitals, they're all alive, just unconscious, except for Mikasa who just recently woke up.

"Eren!" she yelled and sprinted towards the disintegrating titan. She cut the nape not too shallow nor too deep. In two seconds, she pulled out Eren. It was true. Eren can truly transform into one.

"Y/N! Are you all alright?!" Valentina came. "I'm fine just a bit of scars but I'm fine the kids are alive as well." I replied. "Stay here, I'll handle them!" she said before running off. "No! Valentina come back!"

I witnessed how she flew towards the female titan. She went for her arms then sliced, down to its achilles and sliced again, then finally to its nape. Its nape. Oh no. Its nape!

"Valentina! Its nape! She can crystallize it!" I yelled with all of my heart, the burning feeling stayed in my throat. But it was too late, the titan looked at Valentina and grabbed her quick. Valentina had no more blades as I saw the her box was empty.

"No no no! Not Valentina! You a**holes! You fu***** let her go!" I screamed as the colossal disintegrated too. The armored and female ran away from us, in victory of massacring thousands, killing the remaining hope.

I ran and ran while shouting for her name. I couldn't just let her go and die. She's my fuc**** best friend! She was the only true one I had! She was the only one who stayed! And despite all of my disappointments, she always cared for me.

Valentina knew me, she was always there! She experienced pain just to stay with me in the military even though she completely despised it but stayed because of me! No! I can't lose her! I won't be able to find another her! Valentina always saved me but why couldn't I save her when its her time to ask for help?!

I'm such a fu***** useless friend!

"Valentina! You a**holes let her go!" I begged before succumbing to darkness due to loss of blood and extreme exhaustion.

ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕖𝕣 18
