π‘ͺ𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 13: π‘ͺπ’π’Žπ’‡π’π’“π’• π’˜π’Šπ’•π’‰π’Šπ’ 𝒉𝒆𝒓 π’˜π’π’“π’…π’”

βš€3Κ€α΄… Pα΄α΄ βš€

After the heated discussion between the mourning members, Audrey left the dorm and searched for Connor. From every open room of the underground base to every corner she could turn to, she found nothing. It was already 11:59 pm when she started to walk back to the dorm in failure but suddenly remembered where Connor might be.

β™‘Aα΄œα΄…Κ€α΄‡Κ's Pᴏᴠ♑

I walked out of the restricted base and into the cold and starry night. "Connor!" I yelled, looking at the dark surroundings before spotting a dark figure up in the trees. I smiled a bit before jogging into the trees. I looked at the top before stepping on a root, jumping high, and grabbing onto a sturdy branch. I helped myself up on it and climbed up some more. After a while, I was just a few branches away from him, I looked at my hands and saw how dirty it was. I didn't mind about it and continued my journey toward him. After a couple of minutes, I landed on his branch after jumping on the previous one to his.

I saw how cast down he was, chugging down a beer bottle one after another. I put myself into a sitting position and placed my head on his left shoulder. The moon was glistening with its moonlight, the stars twinkled in the night making it a mesmerizing starry one.

"It wasn't your fault." I started as he chuckled lightly. "And how is that? I let her sacrifice herself and now I fought Valentina verbally too." Connor answered, I gulped. I sighed heavily before grabbing one beer bottle, opening it, and drinking it down. "We are all affected by it. You were experiencing the stages of grief, that's why you suddenly hated Valentina. Don't blame yourself just because of what happened, it's normal." I added.

"I know that Y/N's death made you like this since you saw her as your own little sister but you need to consider that Valentina, I, and the others are mourning too," I explained as he stopped drinking but wasn't replying, he was just listening. "We all have our own ways of handling pain and sadness, Valentina is doing her best not to break down in front of us, she's strong physically and mentally. That's why Y/N chose her as the second-in-command." I said as he started to finally let out the tears he has been stopping since 3 days ago.

"I want to apologize to her so bad," he said, I smiled a bit. "You can but give her some time and space first. She's been handling too many problems at once and the least we could do is give her some rest for herself." I stated as I patted him on the back. "I'll cook her favorite foods too." Connor said, I giggled lightly as he looked at me with confusion.

"Why are you giggling?" he asked. "Food is really your love language," I responded. "Of course, I learned to cook and bake for us." Connor replied as looked at him in the eyes in admiration. He too stared at mine, we both sat in silence while observing each other's eyes. The glistening starry night became our background as the hoots of the owls became our music.

"Eyes blue like the Atlantic and I'm going down like the Titanic," he suddenly sang softly as he was looking straight at my eyes. "Eyes amber, warm, and dramatic and I'm going down like the Titanic..." I sang too, loving the way we just sat in silence while staring at each other's eyes. Connor leaned in and was about to kiss me when my phone started to ring.

I took my phone and saw the contact number, Alexander was calling under the name, 'Albino Genius.'

"Hello?" I answered. "Hey, where are you?" Alexander asked. "Umm, we're I mean I'm outside." I said. "What are you doing outside in the middle of the night?" he asked. "I was just finding Connor," I said as he hummed. "Did I interrupt something?" he asked as I hurriedly said, "No you didn't interrupt anything!" He chuckled.

"Are you sure? Because looking at each others eyes for 3 minutes then was about to kiss wasn't nothing," Alexander commented making me widen my eyes. I looked everywhere and saw a small white drone flying in its place. "Its the first time you've ever failed to notice something in your surroundings, Audrey." he added before chuckling. "Oh shut up!" I replied, my cheeks began to turn red. "Oh you should have taken a look on your faces!" Alex teased. "By the way say hello to Hedwig!" Alexander said as the drone went up and down before flying to us.

"Hi Hedwig," Connor and I muttered while waving as we both turned and looked away from each other. "You two come down and get back. It's literally 12:38 in the morning." he remarked as we said good bye. We sat there in silence again, a silence mixed of embarrassment, awkwardness, and comfort. "We should probably get going now, it's getting cold." I said as Connor agreed and stood up. I was about to climb down but Connor stopped me when he placed his coat over me. "You said you were cold, you can use mine for the meantime." he stated. "But you'll be cold too." I replied. "Don't worry, I'm already immune with this temperature." he responded.

"Thank you..."

βš€3Κ€α΄… Pα΄α΄ βš€

Warning!!: Mention of Cutting

The next day...

Squad Venom, General Arthur, and the Scouts were sitting in the living room. Talking little by little, trying to save their relationship without the help of Y/N. The Scouts were sent into another dorm for the meantime since the Venoms were still recovering emotionally and physically.

"So, are you doing fine these days?" Hange asked. "Still trying to accept it. I don't want to mention her name and that word." Connor answered. "It's hard for us to recover, she's been a big part of our lives. Even if I only knew her for a month and a few weeks." Petra said as the members smiled lightly in sadness. "Captain Y/N accepted me as a person rather as a being from another world. I-i will really kill all the titans." Eren voiced out, Mikasa hold his hand and squished it a bit for reassurance. "Who would wonder that one of the most skilled person in this world that I know, would die that early?" Jean said. "Titans are unpredictable, that's what we learned. They're not scary in terms of appearance, what terrified us when we faced them the first time was the amount of blood that was shed. I mean we've seen blood and dead bodies but I didn't imagine how gore it was." Audrey said.

"You're correct, titans are unpredictable. It makes it harder for us because we didn't have much information about them in home." Erwin replied. "But, with our technology nowadays, we were able to know more complex things about them." Alexander answered as they nodded in agreement.

Valentina walked out with a hard drive in her hands, "Are you guys ready?" she asked them, hearing low yesses, she connected it to their tv and played the video. The Scouts waited and watched, not knowing what it was while Arthur and the others knew what they were about to watch.

The video started with a black screen before it showed a chair in a room which was painted in white. A person then sat on the chair, the Venoms smiled sadly at the sight of the person as the others widened their eyes. Y/N sat on the chair, with short hair and was a bit younger. Y/N wasn't wearing her signature lipstick and her hair wasn't tied up. Y/N sighed before starting, "Hey guys."

"I hope no one sees or watches this. But, if it happened and you're watching right now, I'm sorry." Tv Y/N looked down before facing the camera again. "I hope you forgive me..." she added. "We should be the one to tell you that," Connor mumbled. "I may not be the perfect leader you hoped to guide you to success but I hope I did my job acceptably." Y/N said before leaning to her right and took a can of beer. She opened it and said, "Cheers." The others did the same thing with little amount of energy.

"Valentina," Y/N called her as the new appointed leader of the squad, faced the recorded version of her best friend. "Please don't blame yourself, I don't want to see you suffering just because of me. I don't want to see you starving, cutting yourself, or not taking care of yourself," Y/N pleaded as Valentina looked down in sorrow, disappointed in herself that even her dead best friend was still taking care of them. "Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone, thank you because you were there for me most of my life, supporting me and taking care of me. Thank you for being the best friend of this world. I know that I am sounding a bit cheesy but I'm only stating facts." Y/N remarked, making Valentina flush out tears silently. "If you won't take care of yourself, I'll haunt you. I'll even rise from the deepest part of hell just to haunt you because you're aren't taking good care of your health," Y/N said, they chuckled a bit from her joke. "I know how you deal with sadness. I know every habit of yours." their former captain added. "Take care of yourself for me okay?" Valor pleased her as Valentina slowly nodded without uttering a word.

"Drei," Y/N now was calling Audrey, the female sniper listened. "Thank you...Thank you because you were there to make me laugh everyday even if I was in a bad mood. I enjoyed every game that we played, even if it angered the sh** out of me," Audrey only lowered her head, her blue-dyed hair was covering her face. "I think you would need a new partner to play games with. I'm sorry because I won't be there to play games with you anymore." Y/N added as Audrey bit her lip, causing it to bleed. The Scouts could only listen to what Y/N had or will said.

"Alex, thank you for being my partner-in-war. Thank you for giving me advice while I create rash decisions for us. Thank you for restricting me when I'm the one who's not collected and quite destructive, anddddd loud," Alexander chuckled lightly from her words. But it was true, without Alexander's advice and guidance, Y/N wouldn't be able to make decisions in the last minute. "So, now that Tina's the one who'll lead you, please guide and support her like how you did to me," Y/N requested as Alex nodded.

"Connor?" Y/N called him instead of stating his name. "I appreciate that you see me as your little sister, thank you because you saw me as someone who's like your family." Y/N said. "You're welcome, 'sis'." Connor replied with a sorrowful smile. "Thank you for saving us when we're in a troubled situation. Thank you for eating and cooking with me at 3 am for no literal reason. And I'm sorry because I never got to treat you as my older brother while you keep us comfortable with your cooking," Connor watched and listened to her, keeping every word personal.

"Dad..." Y/N was now calling the attention of her father, who was only listening silently along with the Scouts since the video started. "Look at me." Y/N said, Arthur didn't. "Look at me dad." she repeated as they all looked at the screen with interest and saw something they never expected to see. Y/N was letting out her tears but she was just silent, not making any painful noise but was just looking right at them. "Thank you for everything dad. Thank you because you didn't abandon me after what happened to mom and Damon." Y/N added. Hearing her wife and son's name, Arthur remembered the tragedy that changed their lives.

"Damon?" Sasha asked in a low voice. "Captain Valor had a brother?" Armin asked too instead of answering. Levi was listening, listening more about her life without asking someone or reading about it. "What do you think happened?" Eren queried the question that has been lingering in their minds. Only Squad Venom and Arthur knows what happened and they want to ask about it but kept their mouths shut. "I'm getting more curious, half of me wants to know but the other half wants me to just shut up." Jean said as they nodded in agreement.

"Everything that happened and will happen isn't your fault dad so don't blame yourself. If I died while in war, it means that I was ready to put my life on the line. It was my choice and not yours so don't give me excuses and reasons why you're the one who's responsible for my death. Thank you because even if you were busy with work to provide our basic necessities, you always ask about my condition and my day. Even if I spout out nonsense, you were always patient and understanding. Thank you for being my dad." Y/N explained making Arthur clench his fist, he wanted to cry his heart out now but restrained himself and maintained his composure. "I'm sorry." Y/N said, Arthur looked at her pitiful eyes. "I'm very sorry. I won't be able to be there for you if you needed me. I won't be able to take care of you if you're sick." her daughter said, Arthur understood. "I'm sorry because I'm going to leave you too." Y/N remarked. "But don't worry, I'm going to meet mom and Damon but I'll be down there." she added as Connor and Audrey chuckled lightly from her humor.

"Thank you guys for trusting me, for accepting me as your captain and comrade. I'm sorry for leaving you too soon. I love you all, so take care of yourselves." Y/N added as the video ended, leaving them in a crying mess and a suffocating silence.

Meanwhile, in the empty communication department...

A static sound started to bust out a speaker.

"H-hello? Anyone? Bring help. Please..."

ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕖𝕣 13

Hellooooo another chapter published! I know it's a bit slow but I don't want to rush the story too fast. The lyrics that Audrey and Connor sang was by

Mariana Guerra

Sista Prod.

Byeeeeeeeeee : >>>>
