π‘ͺ𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 10: π‘»π’“π’‚π’Šπ’π’Šπ’π’ˆ

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Tuesday afternoon, Arthur called the attention and presence of each leader outside. Including Y/N and other private leaders. Their teams were all communicating happily whilst being in a harsh environment while their captains were occupied with the responsibility that Arthur has given.

"For a month, I want every leader to train the soldiers for the upcoming worldwide evacuation. I want you, your group and my men to be prepared and save the lives that have been hiding for over 3 weeks." Arthur declared as the captains listened carefully, understanding every word he said. "In 4 weeks, I want everyone to learn how to use the 3dmg that has been given thoughtfully from the Scouts. I must see progress and correct ways of using the machinery for military purposes and not for entertainment. I will assign 100 soldiers for each captain since we are in short of leaders." Arthur added, they nodded in return. "In under one week I will let you train yourselves with the help and guidance of the Scout Regiment. Understood?" Arthur explained as they all replied with a "Sir, yes sir."

"Very well, I must take my leave now." he finished and left the area. Y/N then walked towards her team and saw they were laughing together. Just the sight of them having fun with smiles plastered on their faces gave Y/N the comfort she needed. "Hey Y/N!" Valentina called as Y/N started to walk faster towards them, hands in her pockets. "Let's start the training shall we?" Y/N said, visible smirks started to form on their faces.

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Crowds that covered the huge training area of the base were all watching in amazement. The squad Venom were all training hand-to-hand combat and all of them preferred to watch them rather trying to land a hit on them. For half an hour, no one landed a hit on Y/N. Valentina, Audrey, Connor and Alexander all failed in giving her a punch, even if they all teamed up against her. "Connor, come on." Y/N called the muscle pig for a match. "Fine. I'm so tired." Connor whined, knowing that he won't be able to win.

Y/N let him start. Connor ran to her and gave her a right hook directly to her face but Y/N ducked and punched him in the gut. Connor then put himself in a blocking position as Y/N relentlessly gave him punches and kicks. The crowd were focusing on the lady, her direct strikes, her poise, and her techniques. Connor saw an opening and sent a direct strike to Y/N's head but she blocked and quickly gave Connor a front kick then swept his feet. Connor fell down on his butt while touching his chin in pain. Y/N led out a hand which he used to get himself up.

"All of you can rest now. Drink some water or you'll be dehydrated." Y/N said as her members nodded and didn't waste any time to drink some refreshing water after hours of combat training. "Hey, girl. You want to spend some time with me?" a man catcalled her. Y/N directed her eyes to him, she looked up and down and chuckled. "I'll give you five seconds to run and think about your mistake if not, this knife will be your answer." Y/N responded as she played with her hidden knife. The silver weapon was pointed at him and he gulped. He put his hands in defense and said, "It's just a joke jeez." Y/N looked at him with dissatisfied eyes, filled with nothing but the intention of bringing him pain. She walked up to him and stepped on his foot hardly, the man shouted in pain as Y/N continued to injure his left foot. "Never say those kinds of things at me or at any other women that you'll meet or I will be the last you will see before you will get eaten by a titan. Got that?" Y/N said as he nodded. Y/N walked away from the man in agony.

Meters away, Levi watched in satisfaction. "That's what you get b****." he muttered as he continued to give instructions to the training soldiers. 'That's my girl,' he thought but he immediately realized it. 'What did I just think!?' he mentally screamed. As he continued to think about his mistake, a certain scientist kept trying to get his attention.

"Earth to Levi. Are you there?" Hange called him multiple times, she then gave him a light punch and brought him back to reality. "What do you want four-eyes?" he asked in his monotonous voice. "Why were you staring at Y/N?" she asked as a visible smirk was plastered on her face. "Tch, I wasn't staring at her." he replied back, trying to lie. "Yeah, yeah, so you were staring at the man? Are you gay?!" Hange asked in a shocked voice. She looked at him with surprised eyes. "No I'm not! And I wasn't staring at that aβ€”hole either." Levi retorted back. "So you mean you were staring at fields of grass?" Hange questioned him even though she already know the answer. "Yes." the midget responded, arms crossed. "Whatever you say Levi, but you'll need to act now. You have a lot of competition," Hange advised as she skipped away from the annoyed captain.

Levi rolled his eyes and muttered, "It will be exhausting and hard. I know Hange."

An hour later, Squad Venom stood outside while the privates were all eating in the cafeteria. "So what are we going to do?" Audrey asked as she took out a lollipop and began to savor it. "We are going to train using the ODM gear." Y/N said, they all looked at her. "You mean the machinery on the Scouts waists?" Connor questioned, eyebrows up. "Yes." Y/N shortly answered as the people from another world walked to them.

"So we will be teaching you on how to use the gear carefully!" Hange happily said, excited with the outcome of training. "To give you a brief explanation, the ODM gear which you are wearing, is the key component in killing titans. The blades are used in slicing their napes off. Using gas will allow you to bring yourself in the air, the hooks are used to attach yourselves onto concrete walls, trees and infrastructures." Hange explained. "Try to attach yourself with the use of the ODM gear onto that high concrete wall." Erwin ordered as the soldiers shot out their hooks and let wires pull them to attach themselves onto the concrete.

"Wow! This is fun!" Valentina exclaimed as clapped in amazement. "This looks dangerous to be honest," Alexander said as Y/N look at him with an expression that says 'Are you serious?' Y/N then tried some tricks and successfully landed next to Levi with the use of gas. The Scouts looked at her as Y/N widened her eyes and processed what happened. "Honestly, I don't know what happened." she admitted.

"We will continue to the basics." Erwin said as they all began to teach the deadliest squad the most basic things about the gear.

4 hours later and they all witnessed the fast improvement of the squad. "To be honest if they joined the military at home, they would be part of the squad." Petra said as she watched them slice the napes of the dummy robotic titans. "I know," Levi replied, observing every little action of the soldiers.

Audrey shot her hooks in direct locations and sliced the napes with precise movements and angles. Alexander was calculating every detail that will help him, he eventually was observed to be very specific with his slicing. Connor on the other hand was reckless in the air, he would cut the napes with insults to the titans which bothered the Scouts and his teammates but he was clever in using tricks. Valentina moved like Mikasa a lot, from her speed and precise cutting, she surprised the Scouts especially Mikasa. From their perspective, Y/N was like the female version of Levi, from her movements and her techniques they thought if this was really the first time she used the gear. Y/N was very specific in cutting and would use difficult movements in the air, her way of cutting was silent and she would ultimately make the Scouts lose sight of her.

"Five...four...three...two...one..." Zia counted down as a loud timer caught the attention of the flying soldiers. "Guys come back down!" Zia shouted with a microphone. One by one, squad Venom returned as the sound of zipping bombarded their hearing. "Let me check your gas tanks." Ethan said, walking towards them. "Gallahad: 90% used." he said as Connor let out a nervous laugh. "Pierce: 86% used." Ethan added, Alexander scratched his nape. "Adler: 79% used." Ethan said as he punched Audrey lightly. "Sandlers used 63% of her gas." Zia reported while taking notes. "And Valor used 50% of her gas..." Zia stated as they looked at Y/N with wide eyes.

"What are you all looking at me like I'm a ghost or something?" Y/N asked, still not getting any answer. "You just used 50% of your gas and sliced over 53 rubber napes. Just half of it." Ethan said. "There's something called maintaining, try it." Y/N sarcastically said as she patted Ethan's back. "Can we take a break now?" Connor asked, his growling stomach followed. "The training is finished." Erwin answered.

β–£ EΚ€α΄‘ΙͺΙ΄'s ᴘᴏᴠ β–£

"They were incredible, General." I said, sitting on one of the comfy chairs in Arthur's office. "Can you elaborate your answer Commander?" Arthur asked as I cleared my throat. "Let's say, they were able to learn the basics and know how to use the gear correctly. In 4 hours, they were all exceptional in using the ODM gear. " I explained, Arthur chuckled lightly. "Of course they are, Squad Venom is the most efficient in taking on missions and saving lives. But, I have a bad feeling about the upcoming mission." Arthur admitted as I rose an eyebrow. "Why so?" I asked, he drank his glass of whiskey. "I know that they are talented, they have everything. From intelligence to combat skills, I know they will complete every task I give them but deep inside me, I feel that Squad Venom will encounter a rocky road on this mission." he added. I just nodded as a reply, not sure of how I should reply to his statement.

"It's normal to feel tense about it, titans are hard to deal with. Considering their size and speed, I know that it will be very hard for new soldiers to exterminate them." I said. "Tell me, Erwin. Do you think that even the most efficient soldiers fighting on the battlefield will win against these creatures?" Arthur asked as he poured the alcoholic drink into his glass. "That is a question that I cannot answer. The outcome will be based by how skilled the soldiers are, how they deal with these beasts and how they will be able to handle the pressure and fear. I have seen the looks on the faces of my men, the faces that have seen the horrors, blood, and their comrades dying. I know that even the most skilled soldiers would be facing a lot of hardships when fighting these creatures." I replied, he nodded.

"You're correct, titans and humans are different from one another. It really depends by how they can handle these. Let's just hope that this uneasy feeling in me will vanish." Arthur said as the rays from the setting sun hit his face.

ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕖𝕣 10

A little chat between Erwin and Arthur! The next chapter will probably take a long time for me to make but I'll make it! Byeeeeee see you in the next chapter!


Happy 300 reads!!! I won't get tired of saying my gratitude to you and I appreciate that you're reading my book! Thank you again and Byeeeeeeee!
