The happiest memory in my life was the first time I entered Hogwarts, that memory changed when I had you.

Waking up to extreme back pain was not the kind of thing that made Emma happy in the morning.

She groaned in annoyance as she stood up from her bed pushing the covers aside, she placed her hand on her fully developed nine month pregnancy belly.

"Your lucky your a boy Moon" she said to him in envy as she made her way down the stairs to her kitchen, the baby kicked and Emma groaned once more "Seriously, don't do this to me right now" Emma said to her belly as she prepared herself a cup of tea.

Emma was on maternity leave and Doctor Nova had advised her to keep off her feet at all times but knowing Emma she was stubborn and was always on the move.

But that all stopped when whoever decided to show up in her fireplace, they will scold her for not listening and make her stay on the couch. While they did her bidding such as cleaning and getting groceries.

Everyday for the past four months, one or two or more would come through her fireplace to see how she was doing and all that other stuff.

Her father had visited yesterday with Nancy, today she wasn't sure who was coming it was different everyday, but they all kept their promises as they were going to help her and Emma was grateful.

As Emma poured her tea from the kettle she felt pain,"Woah" she said aloud and she held onto her stomach

Within a few seconds it was gone like nothing ever happened, Emma furrowed her eyebrows "Did I just feel my first contraction?" Emma asked no one.

Speaking to herself was one of the things Emma did a lot during her pregnancy, her family would always look at her oddly when they noticed this, Emma passed it on saying she was "talking to the baby", they didn't question her further, they had theory that she was only doing this thinking Tom was around as he was always near her and would listen to her but that wasn't the case anymore

She wobbled over to the small calendar and looked at the date, she was two weeks early.

Emma breathed out calmly "Okay I'm not going to do anything until the contractions are more consistent" she said to herself

She made her way upstairs to her bedroom, and sat as she tried to regain her breathing from walking up all those stairs.

She placed her back against her pillow sitting up straight, a few minutes later another contraction.

Her face scrunched in pain, she breathed through it remembering Doctor Nova words in her ears.

She grabbed her wand from her bedside table "Expecto Patronum" Emma said aloud letting her happiest memory enter her mind.

A hare came bouncing out of her wand, "I'm having contractions and I believe I'm going into labour, so please hurry" she said to the hare, it nodded towards her

"Go to Carlisle Swan, The Malfoys, The Weasleys, Ares Lovegood, Nancy Bellows and Doctor Nova" she said, the hare then quickly bounced out of the room and disappeared outside of room.

"Now all I have to do is wait" she said aloud to no one once again trying to calm herself, she was nervous out of her mind, she wasn't sure if she could do this at all.

Within a few moments her father and her friends came barreling into her bedroom.

They all came to her side, the boys staying aside letting the women do what they needed to do

"How are you feeling so far?" Cheryl asked reaching her bedside

"I'm okay, but that changes every 20 mins, its so hot in here can we get a window open" Emma said.

Abraxas quickly went to the other side of the room letting the November breeze enter the room swishing her curtains to the side.

"Nancy why don't you get a basin and a cloth, she's burning up a bit" Imelda Malfoy said as Nancy quickly let the room to get what she needed.

Her floo rang and Doctor Nova entered with happy smiles "Hello Emma, I'm here to check on you, how long are your contractions so far?"

"So far right now, probably 15 minutes now" Emma said and Nancy came back drenching a cloth in water and passed it to Imelda how placed it on her forehead, Emma relaxed slightly as she instantly felt cooler.

"So your not too far along, we won't worry too much until you are 5 minutes apart, I'm going to have to ask the men in the room to leave for a moment" Doctor Nova said, they all nodded and made their way out most likely to her living room

"Now lets check how many centimeters dilated you are"

"So right now your about 4cm, so you still have a long way to go, did your water break?"

Emma took a moment to answer as she felt a trickle down her legs, she furrowed her brows and looked down at herself "I think it just did"

Everyone in the room laughed "That's normal, usually it breaks during labour, now I will be in and out of this room as I also have patients in St. Mungo's but if anything, send a patronus right away"

Everyone nodded as Doctor Nova headed out, as soon after she left Emma fell into slumber.

| |

Emma had woken up from her nap around late noon, the sun in the distance forming a sunset, everyone still stood in the room as they waited some talking and reading or in her father's case, knitting

"You knit?" Emma asked groggily as she looked towards him

"Oh your awake, and yes I do, I find relaxation through it, I made some socks for the baby" Her father said holding a tiny sized pair of yellow socks.

Emma smiled and slightly laughed, but seconds later her contractions came again

"Should we alert Doctor Nova?" Aaron asked with his wand ready to perform a patronus

"Sure I guess, I mean has she been back since?" Emma asked as she felt another contraction come through, she grabbed onto Ares hand tightly, he yelped not expecting her to hold it so tightly "Sorry"

Ares inspected his hand seeing the broken finger on his left hand, "Episkey" he said and it instantly snapped back into place.

"She said came back twice, the last thing she said you were 7cm dilated" Sophia answered

"So not that far along" she muttered, and the contractions ceased. Within a few moments Aaron's dog patronus came and went.

Doctor Nova entered her bedroom along with a 2 Mediwitches and 1 Mediwizard,

"Okay Miss. Swan I think your ready" Doctor Nova said as she took a quick peek seeing she was 10 cm and her contractions were almost 2 minutes apart

Emma panicked automatically "I can't do this, I don't think I could do this"

Doctor Nova gave her a small smile and whispered something towards her father, she left the room giving her space with all her family.

"I can't do this, I can't have a baby, I can't do this, I can't do this" Emma repeated over and over again as she started to cry scared out of her mind, this was one of those moments that she wished she never figured out what Tom was doing and that she still believed she loved him and he will be standing right next to her holding her hand, but he wasn't.

"Hey of course you can Emmy, if anyone could do this-you can, I'll be right outside that door if you need anything" Her father said to her grabbing her hand comfortingly

"I'll be right here holding your hand through it, even if you may break it" Cheryl told her

"You can do this Em" they all said in union

"Now lets get ready for this birth I want to see my Godchild" Abraxas said making everyone in the room laugh, they all whispered good lucks and kissed Emma's sweaty forehead as they exited the room and the women stayed.

Doctor Nova entered with her helpers and clapped her hands together. Their wands waved as all the supplies and everything they need came out of their trunks and were placed around the room.

Imelda and Sophia stood on her left while Nancy and Cheryl were on her right, they held onto Emma's hand and went through the pain with her as it became unbearable.

"Okay Emma, its time to push, remember those breathing exercises, ladies if you would help me please"

Emma sat up a bit straighter, her legs spread as Doctor Nova counted down from 3 to 1

Emma gave her first push, and paused and breathed in and out slowly

She grasped onto Imelda and Cheryl's hands tightly most likely broken, she gave another push and breathed in and out.

It was 30 minutes into delivery and Emma just wanted to give up "oh come on Emma you can do this, you got three more pushes" Doctor Nova encouraged

Emma nodded frantically Doctor Nova counted down and she pushed once

She pushed a second.

"And one more time Emma"

She pushed a third.

The cries of a newborn baby wailed loudly, one of the Mediwitches came over with towels as one of them cut the umbilical cord.

"Congratulations Emma a very healthy beautiful baby girl" Doctor Nova annoyed handing the baby to Emma for a few.

Emma cried at the sight of her baby, she had brown fluff on the top of her head, a button nose, she had very few freckles on her cheeks, she was the spitting image of Emma Swan.

"Oh Em she's beautiful" her friends commented in awe

Emma placed a soft kiss on the top of her baby's head, in a few minutes they took the baby away and clean her up and did a few tests to make sure she was perfect.

Within the next few minutes the men in her family came through the doors and gave Emma kisses on how good she did.

Doctor Nova appeared with the light pink blankets that they wrapped her baby in, she passed the baby to her grandfather.

Carlisle instantly started tearing, Emma smiled at the sight. Within the hour the baby was passed around to everyone all congratulating Emma and vividly expressing how much the child look just like Emma.

"Have you decided on a name?" Ares asked as he now held the bundle in his arms

"I actually didn't think of any names, and thought I would decided when I first saw her, and I think Eleanor after my grandmother and Emilia after my mother"

"Eleanor Emilia Swan" Carlisle said aloud, everyone nodded liking the way it sounded

It was coming to midnight, when everyone had left leaving Emma alone with her baby. They will all be back tomorrow to help out.

Emma was simply admiring Eleanor in her arms, she squirmed slowly opening her eyes.

Emma gasped in surprised, she had saw the midnight blue eyes of Tom Riddle.

She had forgotten all about Tom for a moment, Emma picked up her wand "Expecto Patronum"

The light blue hare escaped her wand and awaited orders "Hi Tom, its me Emma, I gave birth today. She's beautiful, she looks like me, but she has your eyes. Her name is Eleanor after my grandmother, anyways I thought you should know" she paused "I miss you, and I love you"

The message ended "Bring this to Tom Riddle"

| |

Tom was currently somewhere in England still searching for the real Slytherin Locket, he stood in his small flat in a quiet area of London.

Tom didn't want to leave Emma and his baby behind but he had to in order for them to have a future, he was running out of time, he couldn't get involve and start a family without completing his first task.

Tom had barely eaten, hadn't slept, he couldn't think knowing that one of these days his child will be born, he had no idea whether it was a boy or girl. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know, it will probably scare him and run faster in the opposite direction.

He was curious as to what Emma was doing, she had somewhat saw him in Diagon Alley and followed him, he managed to get away but at the glimpse of the tiny belly she was hiding, he felt the hole in his heart sew itself back together but he needed to make sure the future he wanted of getting rid of muggles and muggleborns along with gaining his immortality with Emma and the baby was definite.

It was the beginning of November and it was starting to get colder out, Tom sat in the dark as usual, the only light coming in was from the street lamps outside the muggle apartment building.

His midnight blue eyes were darker than usual almost like the color of ink and every so often will turn a crimson red, his face was sunken and looked very ill.

Tom was looking over his book of the Hogwarts House founders, he had already found Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem and killed a Albanian peasant, he had found it in Hogwarts during his last year and after his meeting in Hogwarts with Dippet for the teaching position he had hid it in Room of Requirement, he had been currently looking for Helga Hufflepuff cup and the real Slytherin Locket when a patronus of a hare came through the brick walls.

Tom bared his wand at it threateningly, he waited staring. He almost dropped his wand at hearing the familiar voice speak out

"Hi Tom, its me Emma, I gave birth today, and she's beautiful, she looks like me. But she has your eyes. Her name is Eleanor after my grandmother, anyways I thought you should know" "I miss you, and I love you"

The hare disappeared into the wooden floor boards, "A girl" he muttered to himself he didn't even feel the silver tear fall down his stubbled face.

So Emma had a girl and her name is Eleanor Emilia Swan, I chose Eleanor cause I liked it, it means bright, shining one and thought it went perfect because she is the light within all the darkness in both Emma's and Tom's life. I was originally going to name her Jane but I thought it was sort of common, Penelope and Emily were both options as well but I liked how Eleanor sounded. Anyways next chapter is a major time jump going eight years into the future so that means Eleanor would be eight and the year would be 1954 and maybe we get to see Tom come back (hehehhehe im so evil).
