you may not understand it now but you will eventually

The Bèranger Woman for many generations are gifted with seer like abilities and/or healing, for each woman its different. Sometimes it even skips a generation.

It starts as early as the age of ten but in Eleanor case, it started early. No one knew of the Bèranger seer's, it was their most prized secret.

The dark brown wisps of hair flew as the woman turned around.

her face had smudges of dirt and blood.

Her blue/green eyes watery as the streaks of tears came rolling down her face.

Around her was fire, a pure raging fire, behind her was a castle turned into rubble.

Ashes were falling from the sky like snowflakes.

She was scared.

She was angry.

She was guilty.

Her vision changed rapidly,

it was the same person.

She sat cold and fridgid in a cell.

She didn't recognize where she was.

She was in pain as bruises littered her body, she didn't look alive but yet here she was breathing but wishing she was dead instead.

A jet of red sparks heeded her way and her body sprawled as she screamed

Eleanor woke up screaming feeling the pain the woman, she stoop up trying her best to soothe her breathing. She didn't understand any of it, perhaps it was a bad idea to eat those biscuits late at night.

In the quiet room, the creak of her closet opened a bit. Eleanor looked towards the door, she wasn't scared, she was just waiting. A few seconds later the door opened wider, it banged against the wall giving off a loud clink.

Eleanor looked around her she was no longer in her bed, she sat cold on the floor, mold and water was dripping off the cobblestone. Eleanor looked down at herself seeing a pair of longer legs, she felt older. She looked towards the puddle of water near her feet seeing her reflection, she didn't understand what was happening at all

She looked up seeing the ghost of a figure, Eleanor felt like she didn't have control of her own body as she began to move away "I'm not going to tell you anything" she cried

Suddenly the figure stepped closer, and all she could see in the dimly lit cell was the snake like skin, and red eyes.

Eleanor screamed as her closet door swung open revealing her mother and father.

Emma saw the frighten look on her young daughter's face, as she still her eyes closed pleading and repeating the same words over and over "Stay away! I won't tell you anything!"

"Nell" Emma said quietly kneeling towards her daughter on the floor, Tom was just watching closely behind.

Eleanor eyes opened, she looked towards her mother confused as she looked around her closet seeing her clothes hanging above her head. "You had a nightmare" Emma said carefully

Eleanor looked up towards her father but she couldn't help but see the resemblance between him and the "Tall Man". Eleanor stood up walking out of her closet and sitting on her pink covers

Emma and Tom looked at Eleanor concernly "Nellie what's wrong?" Tom asked

"The Tall Man, he's after all of us, he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants" Eleanor said quietly

Emma looked towards Tom wondering who should speak first, Tom stepped towards his daughter kneeling in front of her "Nell there is no Tall Man here"

Eleanor's next words scared Emma who realized she might need to make another step into her plan "Might not be here now, but he will be eventually"

Emma stepped forward "Okay, its time for you to go to sleep, no more biscuits after 7"

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Tom slowly closed Eleanor's door as he watched her soft breathing as she fell back to sleep quite quickly after her nightmare

Tom was thinking to himself as Emma walked in front of him, she stopped when she realized he wasnt following

"What is it?" she asked

"Does she usually have nightmare like that?" Tom asked curiously, Emma shrugged not sure what to tell him "I suppose she sleep walks a bit and says things in her sleep, my father said I was the same way at her age so she'll be fine, she just so happens to have a very vivid imagination"

Tom nodded not thinking anymore of it but he couldn't help but place that information at the back of his mind.
