I guess you can say I made a mistake...I thought I could change him... I thought I could teach him to love, but I knew in the back of my mind there was no hope.

I loved him, I cared for him, I gave him a home, I gave him something he thought he could never have.

I'm sure he did love me, I know he did, even though he was blinded by power and immortality that I wasn't enough.

I don't regret being with him, I like to think that he changed me as well, I felt stronger, more confident, I felt as if he taught me right from wrong in his own twisted way.

Though the acts he did upon others are unspeakable, I still loved him and I still do with all my heart.

I give these memories to you, written in this journal, so hopefully you can understand, and hopefully be able to forgive me and Tom.

This is how I fell in love with a monster, this is how I changed that monster, this is how the monster fell in love with me.


Emma Narcissa Swan Riddle
