1.Emma was originally written to be a muggleborn witch

2. She was originally written to be a Gryffindor

3.In the second drafts Emma was going to be Abraxas twin sister

4. Emma's first name was going to be Aurora and she would have been related to the Black Family. (Which I now think would have been super interesting)

5. The Weasley Twins, Cheryl and Aaron weren't originally written in the story

6. The last chapter was the first chapter I had ever written, meaning I had planned for Emma to die since the very beginning. If you guys caught the warning chapter in the beginning you would have known that a main character was going to die.

7. Carlisle Swan was a character I developed halfway through the story

8. Abraxas was never supposed to marry Sophia

9. Originally, Emma's mother, Emilia was supposed to live

10. Emma in the second drafts was going to agree to Tom's views and Horcruxes

11. Eleanor wasn't originally going to be sent forward in time by a time turner, Carlisle was going to make a potion to slow down her age and she will have to go into hiding but I felt like that was too problematic

12. After Tom left, Emma was supposed to get back with Aaron but I thought they shouldn't.

13. This is the first time I have ever written a story and writing a dark character like Tom was extremely hard. You guys have no idea how many chapters I had to rewrite cause I kept writing Tom to be a sappy character when in reality he's like SUPER FAKE!!!!!

14. Emma was supposed to have a boy instead of a girl but I changed it cause I felt like it didn't sound as interesting.

15. The little blurbs in the beginning of each chapter is Emma journal entries that she wrote for Eleanor to read when she got older and you see her writing in chapter 33

16. I had originally written the prophecy to start with the first wizarding war during the marauders era that way Eleanor would've gone to school with the Marauders using the Time Turner and really prevent Voldemort from murdering James and Lily and trying to kill Harry, which I now regret cause I would've loved for Eleanor and Remus to be together cause they would have been perfect. OMG HOW I WISH I COULD GO BACK AND REWRITE THAT UGHHHHHH YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW ANGRY I AM AT MYSELF FOR IT, don't worry I'll make it up to you guys *wink wink*

17. Also there is a reason Emma had to die which will be revealed but not for a very long ass time so that means that there will be a sequel about Eleanor life when she goes forward in time.

18. The sequel will take place during the golden trio era meaning Eleanor will go to school with Harry and rest of them.

19. Ya not ready for the tea that is gonna be spilled in this sequel I'm over here laughing my head off like Bellatrix. This sequel is gonna be better than this, no question. (P.s. I wrote and read this part in DJ Khaled voice). WE THE BEST WRITER. FATHER AND MOTHER OF GAME OF RIDDLE. Ya ready for ANOTHER ONE. BLESS UP.
