After school that day, Love arranged to help Justin with his school work. She'd gotten home, telling both her mom and sister that Justin would be staying for a few hours to study. He'd been in her room before, and seen her naked, so she didn't really know why she was sweating and trying to make her room look presentable.

When he finally arrived, she welcomed him in and up to her room. Only a few moments of peace was all they wanted, and needed, but their poorly timed study date was interrupted. The quiet sound of the house was blissful, a great environment for studying, but Margot's soccer friends had arrived after their game. Their mom would occasionally have the soccer team over after the big game, and feed them all before they get picked up that evening.

After five minutes of trying to concentrate, Love deemed it a lost cause. "Can we go to your apartment? I guarantee it's quieter." Justin nodded and chuckled, packing up his textbooks. Love was in her comfortable clothing, which was just jeans and a small shirt. She slid her sneakers on, throwing her backpack onto her shoulder.

"Mom," she called out over the abundant voices surrounding her. "I'm going to Justin's to study. I'll be back soon." Her mom just nodded in confirmation, blowing her a kiss and waving. Luckily, Justin drove home straight from school and walked over. So I could drive him home and get myself home safely.

Justin was overcome with an urge to ask Love what they were. They weren't just friends — as they've kissed multiple times, he'd seen intimate and private parts of her, and they both had a deep love for each other which the other would never find out about. But he kept it quiet, not wanting to make the situation awkward.

When they arrived at his apartment, they made their study place on his lounge room floor. She'd ask him questions, test him with flash cards, and read over his work.

"You're doing so well, J." She spoke, holding her hand out and taking his. She squeezed their hands together and let go, making Justin miss that short moment much more than he should've. Small, innocent touches with Love was what kept him going.

They'd gotten through a few more questions, Love beaming at how well he was doing. She knew he was capable, but wasn't putting effort into school. And she wondered why. Unlike Justin, she wasn't afraid to ask the questions. "J?"

He hummed in response.

"Why did you let your grades slip? You've answered most of these questions right, you clearly know the content, what happened?" She asked. There was no way he could lie to her, not anymore. She didn't deserve it, not even the little, white lies. Instead of talking, he pulled his phone from beside him and showed her the messages from Monty.

"Monty? Who's that?" She asked, crawling closer to him. It was a comfort thing that she did unknowingly, but it was sweet to him.

"One of Bryce's boys, he's been threatening me since the game last year." Justin explained. "It's just made me feel depressed, and then I remembered Rowan's text. I thought of running but I could never leave you." He was so close to admitting that he was falling in love with her; but his mouth stopped moving. He wanted her to know that he was so undeniably in love with her, that he'd go to the ends of the earth for her. She took his phone from him, blocking Monty's contact and deleting the messages. Handing it back to him, he felt stupid for not doing that earlier.

"Justin, you shouldn't let people like Rowan and Monty get to you. They're boring, and feel threatened by you. I promised I wouldn't let Rowan back into my life, and you shouldn't let your past life affect your new one." She advised. It felt like a wave of relief hearing that, he felt brand new. Refreshed. His heart took over, pulling her towards him and locking her lips into a kiss. Love didn't know how badly she wanted this until it happened.

"Love," he whispered against her lips, his hands respectfully on her waist. "What are we doing?" She slumped back and sighed, the moment dissolving as they broke apart.

"I don't know. I'm just taking it one day at a time." She admitted, feeling shy and cowering into her arms. His hands slid over to her face, lifting it to face his own, and smiled.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll only go as fast as you do." He responded. Love stood up, embracing him in a tight hug and sighing. "Drive home safe." She nodded and grabbed her things, taking them to her car.

She felt conflicted. She was so ready for Justin — she wanted him more than she wanted anything in this world. But her relationship with Rowan had put her into such a massive hole, she didn't think she'd ever get out. It scared her, being so committed to someone and not knowing how to get out, no matter how much you knew you had to.

She was parked outside of her home, not ready to go inside yet. She was enjoying the quiet night in her car.

Promise me you will focus on school, and no more dwelling on Monty and Rowan?

Justin: I promise. Goodnight :)

Goodnight, J.

Collapsing into her bed at the end of the night, her eyes burning from exhaustion, she almost fell asleep the second her head hit the pillow. But she thought about Justin, and every time they'd kissed. They weren't just friends. She needed to get her feelings together, and decide once and for all, was she ready for a relationship with Justin? Or was she just enjoying the non-committal relationship with Justin?
