"How was school, Love?" Her mom asked as she had gotten in from dropping Justin home. An odd occurrence. Her mom was a nurse practitioner, so her shifts were nothing short of ten hours. Usually Love would be making dinner for her mom and younger sister. Her shifts vary; sometimes she'd be up early, or she'd get in pretty late.

"It was okay." She responded, throwing her bag onto the floor beside the stairs. "Don't you have work?" She questioned. Her mom was hunched over the stove, scrubs on and her buttery, blonde hair tied up. Her younger sister, Margot, was sat at the dining room table with her workbook open and completing her homework.

"Soon," her mom replied. Love tool initiative and took three plates from the cupboard, placing them on the counter beside the oven. "After dinner. I'm on late shifts, remember?" Of course. Her mom's work hours were plastered onto the fridge for 'Margot to know when mommy gets home'. But as much as Love would refuse to admit it, she would forget from time to time.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Her mom repeated. "Still having girlfriend problems?" Love sighed, unable to retain her annoyance any longer, and nodded. They had sat at the dining table together, talking about each other's days. Margot babbled on about playground drama and her homework, Love explained her girlfriend situation to her mom, who listened and gave her best advice.

Her mom was very helpful when it came to relationships. Her parents were high school sweethearts, but after a long battle with cancer, her dad lost his life a few years ago. Creating a large hole in the family. Her mom never really got over it, devoting her life to work and the kids, keeping her life alive for him.

"Love, don't forget to be up early tomorrow." Her mom reminded, writing it onto the whiteboard on the fridge anyway. She knew how forgetful her daughter was. "Your aunt will be here for Margot at half seven." With Love's mom working so long hours, it created an issue with Margot getting to school. And Love's school day starts earlier than Margot's, so she couldn't take her to school. And after the death of her dad, her aunt had become more prominent in their lives. Taking Margot to school some days, picking her up on other days, or even letting her sleep over.

Her mom had left for work, Margot beginning her usual night routine. Love cleaning up the dishes after dinner. She hated her mom's night shifts, it was so lonely. As she had put the last dish away, her phone buzzed on the island.

Rowan: I'm sorry about today.
Rowan: I know I get jealous, I'm just insecure.

But I never give you a reason to be. When have I made you feel less than you should?

Rowan: Never, and I'm sorry for lashing out at you. And Justin, he didn't deserve it.

It's fine. Goodnight.

Rowan: Goodnight, L.

Love had climbed into bed, after brushing her teeth, showering, changing into her pyjamas, and checking on Margot. Every night, after putting Margot to bed, she passed the room beside hers, a small 'K' engraved on the handle, her heart dropped. She missed him more than anything. Nobody dared to go in there, nothing had moved in his room at all.

With the lights off, a small patch of her ceiling would be dimly lit, where her phone would buzz. She couldn't ignore it, but she couldn't sleep either. So she reached for it. Justin had texted her a few times.

Justin: I can't sleep.
Justin: I know I shouldn't bother you, but you're my closest friend, and I didn't know who else to talk to.

I can't leave the house.

Justin: You don't have to. I just needed someone to talk to.

Let's talk :)

Justin: Can I FaceTime you?

A line she'd smiled at. Pressing the green button, his face appeared with a massive grin on his face. "Hey." He croaked.

"Hey, why can't you sleep?" She questioned, reaching to turn on her lamp. Her face was now seen by him, causing him to smile once again. She sat up, placing her phone down to fix her hair, before appearing on his screen once again.

"I'm not sure." He seemed to think about his answer, but really he was staring at her. Her messy, brown hair covering her face, her beautiful green eyes, with brown specs poking through, and her gorgeous smile. She was unlike anyone he'd seen before. But she was more than that. If they hadn't known each other, she'd be nothing more than a pretty face passing him on the street. But she was sweet, polite, the most caring person. He'd forget Liberty, Evergreen, everything and everyone from his past. He felt like a brand new person with her. "Did Rowan text you at all?"

She chuckled, at her predictable her life was. "Yeah, she apologised to us both. She said she was insecure, but I've never treated her like she's another girl." She explained, feeling the heat rising once again. She loved Rowan but she was a piece of work.

"You just have to take each day as they come," he consoled. "And I'm always here for you." Love smiled and got out of bed, leaving her room and jogging merrily down the stairs. "Where are you going?"

"To have a tea." She giggled. "They're supposedly very good for sleep." Justin raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face. He watched as she propped her phone against the wall and made her tea. Even in the harsh, white lighting of her kitchen, she was still effortlessly beautiful. Rowan was one lucky girl.

"I think I'll join you." Justin grumbled, getting to his feet and leaving his bed. "I don't have tea, but I'll have some warm milk." She sat at the island, the steam hitting her face. He opened his fridge, grabbing the carton of milk and pouring some into the mug he'd gotten from his cabinet. They made silly faces at each other, giggling quietly together before he held the warm mug in his hand.

"Cheers." They both raised their mugs to the camera and sipped together. The tea and warm milk definitely helped.
