"I'm not ready for school — this is going to ruin my life all over again." Rowan groaned, pulling the keys from the ignition and opening her car door. It was the first day back at Willow Creek High after winter break, students dragging themselves out of bed after an amazing break to catch up on sleep and spend time with their families. "My home room feels like a prison cell."

Rowan was definitely not ready to go back, after her amazing few weeks with her family and her girlfriend, Love, school was the last on her list. Love met Rowan after a year of attending the school together unknowingly, hitting it off at a sophomore party. Rowan mistook Love for a freshman, but they quickly figured out they'd shared the sophomore year without even seeing each other. Before they met, Love hadn't figured herself out. She had always felt different to her friends, but couldn't find the reason why. Rowan was a proud and confident lesbian, who had attracted Love with her attitude and brightness. Love finally realised her feelings for Rowan, and they'd been dating ever since. Of course, it was hard for the couple to survive the usual high school experience without obnoxious jocks fetishising their sexualities. But whilst Love hid away from them, Rowan stood proudly and ignored them, teaching her girlfriend to do the same.

"I have my meeting with the counsellor, I'll see you soon." Love called out, pressing a sweet kiss to Rowan's cheek as she jogged quickly down the hall. She had followed the usual route to the counsellors office, sitting in the matte black seats opposite the desk. The office was the least comforting place for troubled students. It was Victorian and quiet, you could only hear the creaking of the floor and the furniture as it moved.

"Miss Weston, how was your winter break?" The counsellor questioned, a pen at the ready. Mrs King was a lovely lady; small, a youthful delight, with very comforting eyes. She made the office bearable. Love visited her a few times a week since midway through sophomore year. After a tragedy hit, her mom had taken it upon herself to converse with the school to arrange therapy. And they tried their best.

"It was nice, I spent time with my girlfriend and my family." Love smiled at the woman opposite her. Love was polite, well articulated, and respectful, until provoked. She could go the complete opposite if a person or situation took control. "I got a car."

Mrs King scribbled notes into Love's folder, the steel scraping against the paper was the only sound to be heard in the office. That, and the faint tap of Love's sneaker against the floor. Sneakers were a part of the uniform, luckily. It was the only part of expression students were aloud. Other than that, it was bland uniform for them all. They could make the decision between a khaki skirt, khaki shorts or khaki trousers. But everyone MUST wear a white polo shirt with the school logo embroidered in a deep green. Blazers and sweaters were an option in the winter months, being the same shade of deep green. And for their sports team, the Willow Creek Wolves, their letterman's were, you guessed it, that deep green.

"Lucky you." Mrs King commented, placing her pen onto the desk. After a few more pressing questions, the evaluation was over. "You seem to be doing great, which means you're still our student's Mental Health Leader. Your room will be open for use whenever, your key is at the front desk, and they'll also be giving you a task this morning," she explained.

At least Love had the room. After the tragedy she faced during sophomore year, and the hours of therapy she endured, her progress was outstanding. They'd enrolled her to become the school's student mental health leader, as the counsellor thought she would be helpful due to her relatability and age. She was granted access to a room, where students can go for support from a non-staff member of school. She'd attracted more people than the counsellor, as the students felt more comfortable talking to another student. This opportunity gave Love a whole new purpose, and felt she had a job to do. It wasn't any more demanding than school usually is. She had free periods, of which she spends in her room and with other students.

Love had gotten up from her seat, bowing her head at the counsellor before leaving. Usually, when the school says 'task', they either mean; new students or an event that needs some sort of assistance from the mental health leader. She approached the front desk, earning her keys back and sliding them onto her own set of keys.

"Miss Weston, we have a new student that needs a tour," the receptionist beamed, tapping away at the keys on her computer. Another one of the schools loveliest faculty members. "Don't forget your include your room and services." The lady gestured to a boy sitting in the seats opposite the desk. His uniform fitting his tall and slender body perfectly, his hair brushed into a messy yet presentable look. His leg was bouncing and his eyes darted round the room quickly. Taking in her audience, she approached him with a smile and a hand out.

"Hey, I'm Love." She chirped. "I'll be giving you your tour of Willow Creek." He stuck his hand out and formed a nervous smile.

"I'm Justin." He mentioned. She led him past the front desk and began her tour.
