It was Love's first day back at school, Kenny's anniversary passed and now she was feeling more hopeful; thanks to Justin. He'd driven her to school, stayed with her through break and well away from the football team. He knew how bombarding they'd be with sympathy for Love. She didn't need sympathy, she needed support. And the only person she would get that from was him. Luckily, Rowan still avoided Love and was no longer a threat to them both.

Love and Justin were still just friends, despite the hefty amount they'd kissed each other. Of course, Justin wanted more. He was falling in love with Love. But she'd been through Hell and back with Rowan, who's to say she even wants a relationship right now? All Justin knew was that he'd wait; he'd wait his whole life for her until she was ready.

Now that she was back at school, he felt like her protector. He turned them both away from wherever the football team was, and he distracted them whilst she was in class. He'd do this every day if he had to, but the team had gotten the point by now.

When the school day finally finished, Justin waited for Love by his car. She was in a meeting with a few sophomores, and said she'd be a while. So Justin waited. He had a new found confidence — he kept Love out of harm's way. He felt his phone buzz, assuming it was a text from Love, but then his heart stopped.

The feeling of confidence leaving him quicker than you could say the word. He held onto his car, biting his lip and hoping that surrounding students didn't see him almost faint.

Monty: I know you robbed Bryce's shit. His money, his car, you're a piece of shit.

Monty: I'm gonna get you. We know where you go to school.

Monty: You should start running again.

This wouldn't have affected him, but what Rowan texted him had been brought to the surface again. That he should've never come to this town. Should he leave... again? Had he ruined Love's relationship? Was everything smooth sailing until he joined?

Everything was telling him to run, but one thing was telling him to stay. Love. Her sweet, innocent smile. Her not-too-long, not-too-short hair and how it always curls whenever she washes it. Her small hands and how she always fiddles with her rings whenever she's nervous. How absolutely, wholeheartedly, stunning she is. How altruistic she is; even with people who don't deserve it. He was head over heels in love with her, but couldn't say anything.

He caught her leaving the double doors and walking through the parking lot. Her hair in a tight ponytail, showing off her model-like cheekbones. And they disappeared when she smiled, being replaced with her rosy cheeks and a bright smile. He opened the car door for her, all the negative feelings dissolving as soon as she smiled at him.

"Can we get some milkshakes? I don't want to go home just yet. My mom will baby me because of how I've been the past week." Love explained. Justin just nodded, knowing he'd never decline time spent with her.

He'd driven to the nearest fast food restaurant, ordering them both a milkshake and sitting in the parking lot. He shoved his phone away, hoping that when he later looks, the messages were never there and that his mind had just created them to tease him. But it bothered him all night, that he couldn't sleep. For the rest of the week, so much so he couldn't focus in class. Love never suspected a thing, but his teachers did. His coach did. The team did.
