Part 80

li shuo cleaned up the wine bottle, wiped the floor, and went to take a shower.

after coming out of the shower, i found zhao jinxin lying on the ground...

li shuo walked over, looked helplessly at the unconscious zhao jinxin, hesitated, picked up the person, and walked toward the guest room.

zhao jinxin was really not light, especially completely unconscious, putting people on the bed, li shuo was sweating. he covered zhao jinxin with a quilt, originally wanted to close the door, but the strong smell of wine was simply integrated with zhao jinxin, he did not want his room to be full of this smell, so he opened the window slightly, the door was also open, the room was very heated, and the quilt should not be cold.

li shuo went to sleep.

he tossed and turned in bed, his mind full of all kinds of things that had happened recently, none of which could clear his mind, none of which did not upset him.

i don't know how long later, he finally couldn't stop the tiredness from falling into a half-dream and half-awake, when suddenly, a short roar penetrated his eardrum, and the cry of the quiet night made his entire cerebral cortex explode, and he suddenly woke up.

he gasped for breath and his heart pounded wildly, thinking he had had a nightmare, but soon, there was an even more terrified cry, and in...

li shuo lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed, unable to even wear his shoes, and ran barefoot to the guest room.

in the guest room, zhao jinxin was holding his head and rolling over the bed, not making a hoarse roar, the head of the bed slammed against the wall, and it was really scary to see this scene in the middle of the night.

"jinxin!" li shuo rushed over, trying to suppress him, "what's wrong with you?!!" zhao jinxin, what's wrong with you! "

zhao jinxin's appearance was too abnormal, as if he was afraid of what, watching him curl up into a ball, li shuo couldn't help but feel pain.

as if grasping the life-saving straw, zhao jinxin suddenly rolled over and hugged li shuo with such force that it seemed as if he wanted to break people's ribs, and at the same time, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"you..." li shuo was strangled by him and almost out of breath.

zhao jinxin shouted roughly, "it's so dark, what about the lights?" lamp...... so black... so black..."

li shuo shook his head and stroked his back hard: "there will be right away, i will go and turn on the light." he tried to pull away zhao jinxin's hand, but zhao jinxin was tightly wrapped around and did not let go at all. he couldn't help it, so he used his foot to hook the nightstand, which had emergency lights.

li shuo wanted to lean over and get it, but zhao jinxin held him still and said in his ear, "don't go, don't go." "

"okay, i'm not leaving, i'm just taking the lamp." li shuo moved to the bedside table little by little, when there was a person who was bigger than himself, this action was difficult and funny, he moved for half a day, his arm was enough to get the emergency light, he turned on the emergency light and put it on the bed: "well, you see, there is a lamp, it's all right." 

zhao jinxin's rapid breathing gradually began to slow down.

li shuo stroked his back and softened his voice: "it's all right, there is light, it is not dark, it is not afraid." "

zhao jinxin was silent for a full minute before he whispered, "... uncle lai. "

"i am." li shuo's tone was particularly light, only to intimidate him.

"uncle lai, it's so dark."

"it's not dark anymore, can i turn on the headlights?"

"no, don't go." zhao jinxin buried his face between his necks and rubbed it hard, "don't go, don't go." "

li shuo sighed, "well, i don't..." he suddenly realized that something was wrong... zhao jinxin is so hot!

li shuo reached out and touched zhao jinxin's neck, really feverish!

could it be because he opened the window?

li shuo felt a pang of remorse in his heart, and he rubbed zhao jinxin's hair: "jinxin, you seem to have a fever, can i take your temperature?" "

"no." zhao jinxin pressed a mosquito-like voice to li shuo's ear and said, "uncle li, i am afraid. "

"don't be afraid, don't be afraid, be good, don't be afraid." li shuo said softly, "if i don't leave, i'll go get a thermometer, okay?" "

"no." zhao jinxin hugged li shuo hard, without the slightest intention of letting go.

li shuo obviously felt that zhao jinxin was not very sober, he had never seen such a zhao jinxin, for a moment he was too frightened to make a claim, he could only let the other party hold it, he touched zhao jinxin's back over and over again, gently comforting.

within a few minutes, zhao jinxin did not move or make a sound, and a uniform snort came from li shuo's ear.

li shuo breathed a sigh of relief, gently pulled away zhao jinxin's hand, and then gently laid the person flat on the bed.

through the light of the emergency lamp, he saw zhao jinxin's face was sweaty and his lips were white, obviously really frightened. he did not expect that zhao jinxin would be so afraid of the dark, zhao jinxin said that after growing up, it has gotten a lot better, when he entered the house, zhao jinxin was also a person who did not turn on the lights and was drinking, how suddenly... could it be the relationship between fever and fever?

li shuo was even more remorseful that he had opened the window, and although the heating in the house was sufficient, there was indeed a gust of cold wind blowing in, after all, it was the cold wind of the first month.

he crept out and took the thermometer back.

zhao jinxin burned to nearly 39 degrees, no wonder it was so hot.

he got a wet towel to cover zhao jinxin's forehead, and then called a doctor who came out at night.

after the doctor came, he gave zhao jinxin an injection, prescribed some medicine, and then left.

li shuo was afraid that zhao jinxin would be afraid again, and he was afraid that turning on the lights would wake him up, so he took three emergency lights from home and placed them in the room, so that although the room was dark, it was still visible.

even so, he did not dare to go to sleep, he hesitated, or lay down next to zhao jinxin.

looking at zhao jinxin's frown that was also frowning in his sleep, li shuo couldn't help but gently smooth it out with his fingers, and he murmured, "little pity...".

in the middle of the night, li shuo got up every few moments to change a cold towel for zhao jinxin, until finally he couldn't stop sleepy and fell asleep.

the next morning, li shuo woke up first, zhao jinxin was still asleep, he probed zhao jinxin's forehead, it seemed to be quite hot. he took another dose and dropped to 38°.

he got up, changed a towel again, and went to the kitchen to cook, while cooking, he called xiao chen and asked xiao chen to come to his house immediately.

after making breakfast, xiao chen also arrived.

li shuo pointed to the guest room: "i'm going out now, and when the person inside wakes up in a while, you say you're taking care of him, and you say i left early." "

"huh?" xiao chen's face was sluggish.

li shuo patted xiao chen's shoulder: "just do it, wait for him to wake up, let him eat, and then take medicine, medicine on the coffee table." "

"...... good. "

"you'll stay here today and take care of him, and when he's better, send him home, and when he's gone, you'll call me again."

"no, mr. li, who's inside?"

li shuo glanced at the bedroom and said lightly, "zhao jinxin." "

xiao chen made a clear expression.

li shuo took a few changes of clothes and went to the hotel. he also felt quite ashamed of this kind of evasive behavior, but he really didn't want to and didn't know how to face zhao jinxin now. moreover, he was not in the mood to deal with it at present, and xu darui's matter made him anxious.

when he arrived at the hotel, he called xiang ning and asked about the progress, and xiang ning asked him not to be in a hurry and was dealing with it.

hanging up the phone, he collapsed on the hotel bed and looked at the ceiling in a daze. obviously, i was tired from not sleeping all night, but i didn't feel sleepy at all. for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

but in just one year, he seems to have lost a lot of things. feelings, careers, reputations, one by one collapsed in front of him, and now not only has the career not landed, the feelings are a mess, but also entangled in usury, as if the past thirty years have not experienced bad luck, at this time suddenly let him experience over and over again.

li shuo really didn't know whether to blame shao qun or complain about his bad years.

he's too lazy to blame anyone, he just wants to solve the problem and then... then it was probably about leaving here, going home, back to his home, far from strife and with only warmth and love.

it's just that he never felt that the time was so long, he couldn't sleep, he didn't have anything to do, his mind was full of all kinds of information, he didn't even know, he wanted to use usury, and zhao jinxin's thing, which made him more uncomfortable, but he couldn't get rid of it.

he lifted his watch and looked at the time.

it's already afternoon. zhao jinxin woke up, are you still afraid? have you eaten, taken medicine, and have you had a fever? it should not have gone home yet, xiao chen had not yet called him.

so what are you doing now...

li shuo closed his eyes and punched his head, he wanted to dig everything out of his mind that made him uncomfortable, but unfortunately he couldn't do it.

suddenly, the mobile phone rang, and li shuo quickly took the mobile phone, but the name of the caller id was chang wenyou.

li shuo sighed and answered the phone: "hey, xiao chang." "

"mr. li, are you busy?" the voice on the phone was clear and nice.

"oh, no."

"so, come out and play?" chang wenyou smiled, "the weather is good today. "

"i..." li shuo looked at the ceiling in a daze, he wanted to refuse, and he felt that he was very suitable for sports at this time, and exercise could vent a lot of unnecessary emotions, so he changed his mouth, "okay, where?" "

chang wenyou's voice sounded very happy: "i sent you the address, mr. li, waiting for your advice." "

li shuo smiled lightly: "don't dare to be." "

li shuo got up from the bed, shook his head, and went out the door.

when he got to the tennis court, he temporarily bought sports equipment to change into.

the two met in the lounge, and when they met, they found that they were wearing the same clothes, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"i bought it here too." chang wenyou pointed to the store and smiled a little shyly: "what a coincidence." "

"it seems that we all have a good eye." li shuo stretched out his arm, "i haven't fought yet, i hope i won't make jokes." "

"how could it be, you played so well."

"at that time, it was twelve years ago." li shuo sighed, "time flies so fast, you were still a child at that time." "

"yes, and you were my idol when i was a kid." chang wenyou gently patted li shuo's tennis racket with a tennis racket, his eyes bright and clear, "come on, my wish was to play a game with you, and now it can finally be realized." "

li shuo raised some spirits: "come." "

the two men walked toward the court.
