Part 55

wen xiaohui's weibo post was actually a little popular on the internet, and was accompanied by various words "chinese americans are rich and handsome" and spread to various websites, and even people like li chengxiu, who hardly use the internet, called to ridicule li shuo. even his parents in the united states knew.

li shuo went online and looked at all kinds of interesting messages and passed the day.

after living here for a week, he talked about the object of cooperation to sanya, this person is his father's friend, but also the new york chinese chamber of commerce has a head and a face, surnamed cui, rumors that people are good, is quite lustful.

li shuo thought that after all, he was an elder, and he was idle, so he drove to the airport to pick up people.

but when he received people, li shuo was a bit dumbfounded, cui zong did not come alone, but also brought a man and a woman and two young people, the woman's charm and sexiness, half a head taller than cui zong, the man is a good look at the whole airport is looking at the mixed-race.

the man was about twenty-five or six years old, tall, with deep but not sharp features, light brown pupils, a smile on his face, and sven was extremely charming.

"xiao li." mr. cui shook hands with him warmly, "i saw you as a student before, but now i am much more mature." "

li shuo smiled, "cui zong has not changed much, he is still so spirited." 

mr. cui laughed: come, introduce, this is si si, i my daughter, this is my friend's son, and also one of the heirs of hongyun capital, zhou jinxing. sincerely, this is the general manager li that i mentioned to you. "

zhou jinxing smiled and held out his hand: "mr. li, hello." 

"hello hello, good luck."

hongyun capital is the majority shareholder of this project, cui is always the matchmaker, li shuo will occupy a smallest stake, after all, it is a seven-star hotel with an estimated investment of more than 1 billion, and it is more difficult to eat alone.

li shuo said embarrassedly: "mr. cui, i didn't expect that there were three of you, i rented a sports car, and i couldn't sit down." 

"it's okay, let's take a taxi, you take you to walk, which hotel you stay in, we will stay in which hotel."

"okay." li shuo made a "please" gesture toward zhou jinxing, "general manager zhou, follow me." 

zhou jinxing smiled politely and followed.

"sanya is really hot." zhou jinxing wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled.

"yeah, so i hardly go out during the day." li shuo turned on the air conditioner and said casually, "zhou is always of mixed race?" "

"yes, my mother is swiss."

li shuo smiled and nodded. hongyun capital is one of the most established investment companies in china, the first two years when the family was seriously ill, the children and grandchildren competed for the inheritance of the matter of boiling, this big drama has become a good talk in the business community for a while, li shuo has a little impression of this mixed-race heir, it seems to be an illegitimate son, the eldest son died unexpectedly, he only entered the family door.

"excuse me, i'll make a phone call." zhou jinxing leaned over and said in a low voice, "well, i've arrived, the child hasn't made a fuss, right?" well, it's going to be hard for you these days. the tone had always been gentle and smiling.

after hanging up the phone, li shuo made small talk: "how old are the children?" "

"two years old, boy." zhou jinxing smiled, "a little skin." "

"that's hard work for your wife."

zhou jinxing was stunned, and then smiled: "haha, yes, yes." "

"zhou zong you see." li shuo pointed to the coastline in the distance, "see where there is light?" that's where we look, not too far from the city, i went to see it a few times during the day, the sea view is excellent, and the quality of the sand is also great. "

"oh, great, let's take a look at it tomorrow, our company attaches great importance to this project and wants to make it a burj al arab hotel in china."

"it must be fine."

the two talked about the planning of the hotel, which was very speculative. at first, li shuo also felt that zhou jinxing made him have a sense of distance, after all, the zhou family has long been concerned by the media, and he is a public figure, but after chatting a few words, he found that this is a reliable person, as a partner, easy communication is a very important condition, li shuo feels very pleased.

the two cars arrived at the hotel at the same time, cui zong himself and his "dry daughter" rented the villa next door to li shuo, zhou jinxing lived with him, and the three agreed to go to see the ground early tomorrow morning.

at night, li shuo lay on the sofa in the living room reading a book, looking at it, the words sunk toward the center, he began to be unable to concentrate again, and the next second, just like every day in the past, zhao jinxin's face popped out of his mind.

irritable, he forced himself to stare at the book, but it was tasteless.

suddenly, his mobile phone rang, and it was wen xiaohui who called and wanted to video with him.

li shuo was relieved, feeling that the phone call had rescued him, he shook his head and tried to focus on the phone as much as possible: "what is the video for?" "

"show you my newly dyed colors." wen xiaohui said triumphantly.

li shuo smiled and clicked on the video, only to see two huge nostrils.

li shuo was shocked.

wen xiaohui laughed loudly, which took the phone away from his face, and then stroked his hair: "what, this color." "

wen xiaohui dyed his hair gray blue, and also brought a beautiful pupil of the same color, if paired with pointed ears, it was simply like an elf, beautiful and foreign.

"it's good-looking, it's fashionable." li shuo praised.

"yeah, i think it looks good, i adjusted the color myself, and i adjusted it for an afternoon." wen xiaohui pursed his lips, "but luo yi doesn't like it." "

li shuo smiled: "the more he doesn't like it, the more you have to keep it for a few days, and then change back, let him experience a little ups and downs in his heart, he will be very happy." "

wen xiaohui laughed and said, "i learned another trick, listen to you... no way! wen xiaohui's eyes narrowed.

li shuo was startled and subconsciously sat up from the sofa: "what's wrong?" "

"behind you, behind you!"

li shuo's heart was pounding, and his first reaction was to encounter some supernatural event, and as soon as he turned back, he saw zhou jinxing wearing an i-shaped vest and beach pants, standing awkwardly behind him, as if he was not moving, nor was he moving.

"uh, what's wrong?" i just came to pour water. "

li shuo almost laughed out: "it's okay, i'm talking to my friend on video, i'm sorry to scare you." "

zhou jinxing smiled: "it's okay, good night." "

"good night." li shuo picked up the phone and ran to the balcony, which made him laugh and said, "xiao hui, what are you doing at first?" "

"suddenly a mixed-race male model appeared behind you, blame me." wen xiaohui looked left and right, then approached the screen, squeezed his eyebrows, and lowered his voice, "how do you know?" well? "

"not as you think, a possible business partner." li shuo laughed.

"who are you to lie to, you live in a room?"

"i rented a villa with four bedrooms." li shuo said helplessly, "what i lied to you about, it really wasn't, and he was married." "

wen xiaohui was disappointed: "it's a pity, what a match with you." "

"worth it?" he's not the type i like, i don't like to be taller than me..." li shuo said halfway, paused. what he liked before was really just the weak and unwinding type of han feiye and li chengxiu, and before, he wouldn't have believed that he would lose his soul for zhao jinxin.

how could it be so ironic to say that a man who was not the type he liked, who approached him with a deceptive purpose, or the younger brother of the person he hated the most, should be kicked out by him at any moment, but finally deeply rooted in his heart. it was as if a hand was playing wildly on the chessboard, breaking the chess game, confusing the rules, making him lost in it, and making him confused.

up to now, he didn't know whether it was because zhao jinxin was special that he liked it, or because he liked it, zhao jinxin became that special.

wen xiaohui was also silent, obviously thinking of the same person as li shuo, and he immediately said, "i know, you like this type of people." wen xiaohui said and ripped open his nightgown and threw a wink at li shuo.

li shuo couldn't stop laughing.

suddenly, wen xiaohui heard the sound of the door opening, and the camera suddenly became pitch black, only to hear wen xiaohui shout, "i just like this color!" "

luo yi's spoiled voice sounded: "okay, you can do as you like." "

wen xiaohui lowered his voice: "big brother li bye-bye." "i hung up the phone when i finished.

li shuo smiled and shook his head, just when he wanted to put down his mobile phone, he saw zhao jinxin's name appear on the caller id. he breathed heavily, adjusted his mood, and answered the phone: "hey. "

zhao jinxin's voice was very calm: "you went to sanya?" "

"how do you know?"

"your assistant said that."

"what's the matter?"

"last time i said i would go to sanya together." zhao jinxin paused, "i am also interested in that hotel project." "

"investors are enough." li shuo said, "zhao jinxin, don't call me unless it's business." "

"...... it's business. "


zhao jinxin asked a few financial questions, and li shuo calmly answered them for him.

the tone of the two men was strange like two strangers, li shuo said as he clenched the iron railing of the balcony.

after li shuo finished answering, zhao jinxin did not go along with the right thing, but asked particularly abruptly: "sanya's 'entertainment industry' is particularly developed, have you ever felt it?" "

li shuo narrowed his eyes: "thanks for the reminder, i will go to see it tomorrow." "

zhao jinxin was silent for a few seconds and hung up the phone directly.

li shuo was stunned and threw away his mobile phone irritably.

the next afternoon, the relevant person in charge of the government department took them to see the land, and the colleagues introduced them to the details of the land and the overall planning of the surrounding area.

cui zong usually looks unreliable, as soon as he encounters the right thing, he becomes particularly old and spicy, they communicate while watching, and one morning, they collided with a lot of ideas.

after reading the ground, the sky was almost dark, cui zong invited them to a meal, and drank some wine, and when the meal was over, cui zong said with great interest that he wanted to take them to "play".

li shuo and zhou jinxing glanced at each other, and each saw a hint of concealed embarrassment in each other's eyes.

zhou jinxing quickly and politely responded, "well, listen to cui zong." "


feel it? well, why not feel it.

li shuo smiled and said, "yes, listen to cui zong." "

"hahaha, let's go."

several people went straight to a nightclub, cui zong introduced in the car, saying that this nightclub is particularly secretive, the consumption is very high, safe and thoughtful, when it comes to thoughtfulness, he also squeezed his eyes towards li shuo, li shuo did not understand what it meant.

when he arrived at the place, li shuo understood that this nightclub not only provided services to male customers, but also provided services to male customers with "non-mainstream sexual orientation".

li shuo's sexual orientation is not much of a secret in chinese circles, although it has not been hyped up, but he is slightly familiar with his parents, more or less know, li shuo just did not expect cui to be "thoughtful" to this extent, really called him in a bunch of small ducks.

affiliation looked at the dozen young boys lined up in a row, embarrassed.

cui was always kind, and at this time he still looked at him earnestly with bright eyes, he cried and laughed, and could only order the most pleasing one.

zhou jinxing smiled quietly at the side, did not open his mouth, and asked cui zong to pick a white girl for him.

"brother." it was a long and well-behaved boy, and as soon as he sat down, he hugged li shuo's arm, and there was undisguised joy and admiration in his eyes, "thank you brother." "

li shuo smiled, "you're welcome, what's your name?" he said and took a sip of lemonade.


li shuo almost squirted water out.

"brother, you're all right." the boy patted him earnestly on the back.

"no, it's all right." li shuo poured him a glass of wine, perfunctorily said two sentences, and then turned to the past and chatted about the project with zhou jinxing next to him, zhou jinxing was obviously interested in the beautiful women next to him, and the two insisted on chatting with noisy music.

after a few glasses of wine, li shuo got up and went to the bathroom.

The "Leon" stood up at once, "Brother, I'll accompany you." "

"thanks, i'll go myself." li shuo knew what he wanted to do and refused without hesitation.

"brother, i'll accompany you."

li shuo patted his arm and said patiently, "i'll go to the bathroom myself, and then you will accompany me out to breathe, is this okay?" "

the boy nodded with some disappointment.

li shuo went into the bathroom and smiled bitterly at himself in the mirror.


it was a very common english name, but it became a sign of shame that he could never forget in his life. he still remembered sticking the petals to the wall one by one, the perfume lily was particularly weak, the hand would be torn off if it was slightly larger, the glue was all over his hands, and he rubbed the skin before washing it off. when he arranged the suite, he always had the illusion that he wanted to propose like zhao jinxin, after all, such a non-pragmatic behavior was not in line with his age, nor was it too ostentatious, and it was more suitable for a once-in-a-lifetime ceremony, not just a birthday hurriedly prepared in a few days in the temporary suite.

he poured out 100% enthusiasm and love, in exchange for zhao jinxin's sentence knife, poking him bloodied and losing face.

In his whole life, he never wanted to see Leon's four letters again, it was like slapping him.

he adjusted his mood and walked out of the box, cui was always smoking, it was too smoky, he had to go out and catch his breath.

sure enough, the boy followed suit, and he had to take his arm.

li shuo never swept people's faces, although he did not like it in his heart, nor did he refuse, he still gently chatted with him.

the two of them walked all the way through the corridor and the lobby, and when they passed the sofa in the lobby, li shuo suddenly froze, and he glanced at a familiar figure, he slowly and slowly turned sideways and saw zhao jinxin sitting on the sofa...

next to zhao jinxin, there was also a handsome man sitting, and the two of them talked and laughed.

zhao jinxin also slightly tilted his head, looked at li shuo, and smiled: "what a coincidence." 
