Chapter two

 "We have to go!" George whispered

"Why.." just then he saw it a huge bear it was rotting scratches all over its body some old some new so new they were still bleeding staining its black furr. half it's face was torn off and it's bone was jotting out at unnatural angles.

" george we should run" they rushed to their feet running off into the denser part of the forest. They ran and ran until their lungs began to scream for air until their limbs could take them no farther. They were to loud too slow and it didn't take long for the ferocious bear to catch up to them.

"Dream stay behind me"

"No I'm going to protect you"

"Just trust me please"

The bear was running at them in speeds no living animal could replicate limping with each step. Just then the sorounding grass began to glow in a vibrant green as they became bigger and bigger green sparks began to fly everywhere as the grass weaved into a wall dream watched as george moved his hands in unison with the grass swirling In the air to control the direction of the movement soon enough there was a grass wall mixed with twigs and roots tall enough to not be climbable and wide enough so that they would have enough time to escape the bear.

" come on let's go" george held onto dream's hand and ushered him away.

"What was THAT?"

"Um that was the effect of the nuclear explosion it um gave me the power to control plants I think"

" well we should probably start hunting unless we want to starve"

" um I can help you find a chicken or a bunny" george concentrated on the vibrations in the ground he felt a soft thumping not too far off it felt like a bunny. He also felt a soft rumbling that indicated there was a river in the same direction.

"I think there's a bunny that way" george pointed toward where he felt the bunny last.

dream slowly crept over to it a sharp rock in hand he caut it and started a fier so he could cook it. meanwhile george was out collecting water and growing fruits explosions of colors erupted as berry after berry sprouted from a nearby bush.

Some where not to Farr away

Dam hunters after all this time they still think we're monsters. We haven't done anything to them there, the ones who hunt us without mercy. Ever since that bomb went off It has been nothing but chaos. Luckily I found a companion, a small tabby cat it's nestled in my bag at the moment. Man they're slow it's so easy to get away from them. When the explosion happened I passed out and when I awoke I could hear constant chatting when I looked around to find the source I noticed it wasn't human it was animals. And I can talk to them and make them do things for me but just not verbally. I've always had problems talking whenever I try it comes out raspy and quiet. I actually didn't find this cat. It always followed me until one day i just accepted it as my own. It was very chatty and it had so many adventures sadly it's never had a mate.

I wonder where all my friends are. Are they even still alive or.... are they like me? Do they have these "powers"? Would they hunt me down if they found out i am different would they turn me in? I don't know but for now i have to find some food.

Zelk's pov

I hate what happend to me everyone els gets powers like levitation and supper speed but i get stuck with this dumb animal form thing basically i can turn into a cat but when i swap back to human the stupid tail and ears are still there i know people used to call me a furry but this is ridiculous. The other day I spotted a kid with patches of darker skin on his face. He was gorgeous to say the least, his eyes looked like hunny and they shine like diamonds every time he smiles the world would light up. I was entranced and i had to know more about him we're friends now and he is so familiar but i can't quite put my finger on it.

Any way I've been protecting him as much as I can I fend off stray zombies, I bring him food whenever I can and I try to warn him of danger. Apparently he is 17 and used to be friends with quite a few youtubers his name is Mega I told him to call me Zelk he giggled at the name defore almost breaking down into a pile of tears i wonder why... one day ill show him my true form hopefully he won't throw me out.

I'm pulled out of my daydream by bright and colorful sparks; they almost look like fireworks. I jump out of the bag and cautiously walk toward them whatever is causing them knows I'm here. It gets up and starts running away. If its a human it's probably going to bring back its pals to kill us i can't let it escape. I'm chasing after it. I'm so close I leap up into their face. What's this? Flowers! No way I've seen this one before!

You may be wondering how a small cat like me was able to tackle this human well... I'm using my other form to drag the body back to where i last saw Mega so now we can have another companion safety in numbers after all. I return to my cat form just befor he sees me i dragg the limp boy a bit closer.

"Oh who's this?"

" his name is george he is like you and last time i saw him he was lonely we should. Keep him safe"

"Oh good idea Zelk!" There was rustling in the bushes followed by a quiet "no not again i can't lose him again!" I was on edge it was probably a hunter out to catch more of us but with this extra weight we won't be able to get away our bet chance is to stay hidden. I crept out from under a bush to get a better look bad idea it spotted me! It came closer "hisssssss" I tried to keep him from coming any closer. "Hey have you seen a guy brown hair, short, flowers on his eyes?" He asked

"Zelk get back here" Mega whispered a bit to loud the man herd he rushed over to our hiding spot.

"Give me back george!"

"No way!"

"If you don't give him back I swear-"

"Your a hunter there's no way I'm handing him over to you!"

How can he hear him its barely even a whisper.

"I'm not the hunter you are!"

