Chapter six

"So how are we going to save Zak?" Bad asked.

" well there is a nearby kingdom where everyone is treated as equals we could go there for supplies" suggested george.

" that's a good idea but how far away is it?" Asked nick

" it's across the forest so about a days walk from here" Dream said.

" how will we know if were going the right way" mega croaked

" well i can see for miles and miles the castle is that way" he pointed in the direction right behind him and they set off on their adventure.

It was early morning during the fall so it was quite cold. The Floridians weren't used to this temperature and dream had begun to huddle closer to gorge. Bad had simply asked mega for a hug. It didn't go in noticed as dream began to walk closer and closer to george in search of warmth. But it was brushed off because george didn't care. Soon. Dream had george in a hug holding the smaller closer so he could steal his warmth and leaning on to him.

" get off your so heavyyy" george said.

"No i dont think i will" he said as he leaned on him more.

"Dreamm!" The smaller protested.

" but your so warm!"

"*sigh* why are you like this?" Goerge sounded defeated as he gave in to dream's shinanagins. Instead of receiving an answer dream simply giggled as he pulled george closer.

In the back of the goorp:

"So mega what's your power?"

"Come here" he seid in a strange language. A fox came running over and sat down in front of mega.

" you can control anime's! That's so cool!" Bad chirped.

"You think that is cool watch this!" Snap seid.

"Bad give me your hoodie."

'No way i-" befor he could finish he pull his hood over his head and handed it to snap.

" what give that back!" Darryl demanded.

"So your power is mind control?" Mega mumbled.

"Yep! Cool right?" Snap asked.

" do you want to see mine?" Bad said.

"Yes please" mega chirped.

Bad waved his hand and zelk began to hover he swiveled it and zelk did a backflip.

"Woah you can control things with your mind!" Mega's eyes lit up. He reached up and pulled zelk back into his arms and scratched his chin zelk began to purr.

" well zelk here says gorge can control plants and dream's senses are high tend more than your regular human"

"Wait wait you named your cat zelk?" Bad

"Well no it told me that was his name." Mega

" do you think that could be the real zelk?"bad

" i never thought about that..." mega

" well its the same cat as his Minecraft skin and well strange things happend to us all and maby he was turned into a cat." Snap seid.

They walked in silence for a bit pondering the fate of zelk the human.


" do you think that could be the real zelk?" I stop purring intrigued by what bad said have they finally figured it out am i doomed to loose my chin scratches because bad couldn't keep that piece of information to himself?

" i never thought about that" i can feel mega tens up as his hold on me beckons tighter we have been together for almost a year almost two years since the explosion that's crazy... i wonder if he misses me. He beaver mentions me to anyone did he really mean it when he said he hated me? At that point zelk faded it of the conversation instead enjoying the comfort of being in mega's arms. He only faded back into reality as everyone froze.

"What's going on?" Zelk asked.

In reasons all he got was mega tilting his head to gestur in front of them. He slowly turned his head to look their was a masive groop of zombies straight a head they hadn't noticed them yet and zelk was going to make sure they wouldn't get to his friends. He lept down onto the floor and before anyone had the chance to grab him he ran straight into the crowd.

As soon as s he was right in the middle out of view from the others he transformed back to his human form. The way his transformation works is that when he gose back to being human he will be wearing whatever beats suits the situation. So in this case it was a black hooded cloak and pants. The zombies began to swarm him there was almost no chance of escape but he somehow managed to get through the crowd unsaved. He bolted in the opposite direction of his friends leading them farther and farther away from where he transformed. Eventually he managed to climb up a tree to escape the hundreds of walking corpses. He transformed back to his smaller feline self and jumped from tree to tree leaving the undead far behind him.

As the groop of former youtubers came into view he noted the smallest seamed to be crying as he looked up to the sky he was shocked to see it was well into the night wasn't it the middle of the day when he ran off? He created over to his "owner" and lept into his Lapp ready to comfort him as much as he could.

" where were you?!" He asked as he pulled the cat into a hug.

" I lead the crowd as far away as i could.."

" why? You should have stayed with me i could have lost you"

"But i had to protect you"

"But i don't want to lose you"

Zelk began to purr softly as he was scooped up in warm arms.

"We should go look for food its late and we haven't eaten yet"

"Oh that's no problem" george retorted as a nearby bush erupted into bright colors and illuminated the night in a cacophony of different colors glowing brightly. when the lights died down it showed a bush full of blubberies.

"That is way better than what me and bad have been eating!" They sat down in a circle enjoying the fruit salad george had prepared when an ide came to snapnap.

" what if you grow your plants into a carriage and we can keep making ground at night!"

"That isn't a bad idea" george waved his hands as a tree began to glow in a warm brown one of it's branches shifted and slowly morphed into a wagon.

"Ok so who is going to pull it?"

" wolfes ad auxilium nostrum et nostrae plaustra trahendum" a pack of wolves ran up to the wagon and sat in front of it like good boys. Mega jumped in the wagon and settled in to a corner. Followed by snapnap george and bad.

"Ill walk along side it to make sure we stay on track and out of trouble." Every one els was exhausted from the day's walk and drifted off to sleep. However mega prefers to stay up. As a watch gaurd petting zelk on his soft fluffy head to make him more comfortable.
