Chapter 12 no

"Why did you make me do this?!" He demanded.

"didnt make you do anything!!" Darryl picked zak up in his arms he couldn't help but notice how perfectly he fit in his arms he ran over to a Medic.

"Doctor! I found him on the feild can you save him?"

"I'll see what i can do save as many as you can!"

Bad was hesitant to run off he didnt want to leave his side not again..

But in the end he ran off he was running toward dream who was now fighting April.

"Don't worry dream i got your back!" He ran up behind him and back to back they fought side by side eventually the whole game was together back to back fighting off gaurd after gaurd carful not to harm them to much.

"Snap pleas do your thing!" Gorge pleaded.

"Everyone stop!" And they did snap was struggling to stay strong against the angel in front of him they. Were winning soon April lost control over the guards.

"Yes!" They cried out.

"No! I worked to hard for this to be the end!" April cried out. Then she got an idea.

"May! Do it now!" The queen ran out gun in hand but then a small house cat jumped out and clawed her eyes. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

"Good boy zelk" mega called out.

April was running out of energy and accidently let her disguise fall.

"I knew you were a demon all along!" Snapnap laughed.

"I hate you all! Your sutch a fool bad you could have been a king praised and you chose that idiot that fool he is disgusting your sining by choosing him!"

"I'd rather be with him than with you! Your a deamon figureitavly and literally! You enslaved so manny people and i will never love you!"

His speech was enough of a distraction that she didnt notice the dom being built. And she also didn't notice the huge mob of zombies running straight at her once the rubbleing stoped they were left to treat the injured and feed the starved and so they did they handed out plenty of berries and bred to the poor starved they manedged to save almost everyone.
