Chapter 12 yes

his hands were clenched in fists and he ran at her punching her hard in the gut it made her fall and hit her head on a rock. As she faded into the underworld so did her disguise and soon her tru form was shown a demon! Darryl looked around war was raging around him people fighting it was slowing down everyone's eyes began to return to normal as they dropped their weapons.

"APRIL!!" A shril voice shreaked.i was the queen may some people were stilll fighting on her sid it gave her enough time to pull out a gun and aim it at mega who was only a few meters ahead of bad.


A small fur ball fell to the ground zelk! Mega stared in shock he knelt down besides his one and only true friend clutching him tightly. He watched as zelk faded into a black silhouette and began to grow into the form of a human except he retained his cat ears and tail his pigmentation began to grow back. The figure in his arms was no longer a cat but instead his long lost lover Jacobe.

"Zelk you really are a furry" he joked through tears.

"And your sutch a *cough* Disneyp princess" he struggled to cough out.

"It was nice seeing you agin my un cute mute *cough* can you smile one last time just for me?"

Mega smiled at him holding him close he watched the life fade out of him as his body went cold and his eyes glazed over he hadn't noticed when the fighting stoped nor had he noticed the rumbling on the ground all he knew was for the second time he lost his lover his beat friend the only one who really knew him.

A mob of zombies came rushing out of the woods george built a shell out of wood around the villagers shielding every one the last glimps of the outside world was of the queen as the mob ripped her apart.

Once gorge gave the clear they looked around at the battle feled serchin for the injured that needed treatment bad carried everyone to the nursery half their men were dead and half their living. We're sevirly injured or starved gorge feed them all and dream was good at findin what was wrong with them. They had won but at what cost?
