:Chapter 6:

Vince looked over his shoulder, trees impaired his view...but he could still see the soldiers getting into their cars as they ran towards the outskirts of the woods.

Rosa pointed towards the woods, "there! we can find my old base, we'll be able to hide out there for as long as we need to."

Vince nodded in agreement, following behind her they continued running. It didn't take long for the Kerros to trail behind them, some running, some in cars. Rosa looked at them, seeing a one-eyed English terrier mix. Rosa started running a bit faster, Fermin screamed as the dog grabbed his leg, Vince stopped as the other dogs caught up with them. They jumped onto Fermin, biting at his legs and arms as he screamed in pain. Vince stood in horror as he watched, in horror as the dogs continued to devour his father's body. Rosa ran over to them "we need to leave him, he won't be able to walk and I know this for sure. His wounds will kill him soon enough just let the dog have him."

Vince glared at her in anger and in fear "Why would I leave him alone!? He's my father....I can't just leave him.."

Fermin looked at his son, his eyes fogging over a bit. Vince set his father down on the floor. He looked up, seeing the remaining damaged dogs standing up and trying to fight their way through the others. Vince stood up straight as he grabbed Rose's hand. Turning around and running he looked back at the soldiers that had stopped to examine the body. Adam shooed the dogs away and picked up Ferman's body "Dead" was the last word he heard from the man's mouth, marking the point when his life would change either for the better or for the worst. 
